"Ahem! Deep

Blue coughed after getting up, and was hammered by Luo Li before, resulting in wounds all over his body and eating a mouthful of sand.

"Are you all right?"

Concern came from the side, but Deep Blue gave the silver-haired man a blank look.

Do I look like I'm okay?

The sound of bone correction followed, and Doom painfully helped Deep Blue correct the bones that had just been broken by Luo Li, and the corrected bones were then repaired by Deep Blue's own heart skills.

"Strong... It's too strong, and once the opportunity is seized, there is no way to fight back at all.

Decisive, precise, all the action connections are fluid, all the countermeasures are just right, this is just... It's almost like a humanoid script.

But fortunately, her realm is not high, and she can't break through her ice crystals at will, otherwise she would have burped long ago. Deep

Blue was secretly frightened, this is Luo Chen's real strength at this time? How is this done?

Ten years of hard work is not comparable to Luo Chen's five years? Is this the gold content of the first place in the White House Killing List...

The battle instinct caused Deep Blue to jump to the right, and a rock followed, smashing to the ground, burying the original humanoid crater.

Looking at the rocks that kept falling around, Deep Blue began to complain in his heart about how the collapse of this building was not over.

"Wait! Collapse! Deep

Blue suddenly raised his head, and this sudden movement made Doom and the silver-haired man look at Deep Blue at the same time.

The lines on the faces of the two have not disappeared, and this is not the pattern of the first blood sacrifice before.

In order to prevent the period of weakness after falling into the Blood Sacrifice during the battle phase, they had to open the Blood Sacrifice again to extend the duration near the end of the first Blood Sacrifice.

"What about the rest?! Won't they come over too?! On the way now? The

deep blue headset had been deliberately destroyed by Luo Li in the fight just now, and now she had no way to communicate with other people.

"They also came together to support ah, rest assured, basically still there, and I just mastered the skill of the heart, and my strength has risen to a level again."

Are we all worried that we can't beat Luo Chen? Although that guy is indeed quite perverted. Although

the silver-haired man called Luo Li's shocking behavior just now non-human, he still trusted his teammates very much.

As long as he has his teammates, he always feels that there is no problem that cannot be solved.

"It's over! Which direction? Go pick them up! "

What's wrong?"

The silver-haired man was puzzled, but at this time, Doom suddenly understood something.

"Quick! This way! Follow me! Saying

that, he immediately started to sprint quickly, Deep Blue followed closely behind, and the silver-haired man still followed Deep Blue and Doom despite his doubts.

Ten seconds! Just ten seconds!

The collapse of this building will be completely over, but in the meantime, this place will become an absolutely perfect assassination field for Luo Li.

Thinking of Luo Li's extremely terrifying melee ability just now, Deep Blue couldn't help but feel a little afraid in his heart.

Yes, fear, this is an emotion she has almost not experienced since entering the White House.

At this moment, the glasses man, the 102 female tuner, the doctor, and the black-robed man stepped into this collapsed area almost at the same time.

The four of them also performed a second blood sacrifice to extend the blood sacrifice, but for the silver-haired man and Doom, it was still a beat slower in terms of speed.

The silver-haired man mastered the skill of the heart by chance in the previous battle, and his strength broke through a level, and Doom always parted ways with them.

Worried about Deep Blue, bad luck, and confidence in a sudden surge in strength, the silver-haired man chose to briefly disconnect from the four tuners and enter early.

In other words, these four tuners are the lambs to be slaughtered for Luo Li at this moment, which is why Deep Blue suddenly said something like that.

Ten seconds, just hold on for ten seconds ... Deep Blue kept praying in her heart.


"Knock knock!"

The surrounding rocks are still falling, but for these four tuners, it is still a simple thing to do without being hit by the rocks.

But the surrounding environment is not just as simple as falling rocks, the main thing is the dust raised after falling rocks fall on the ground.

This will not only interfere with their vision, but also their communication, after all, who wants to eat a mouthful of sand?

The four sprint forward in a triangular formation, with the Physician as the only assistant to the team in the center of the triangle.

The four looked nervous, after all, with Deep Blue's personality, this kind of thing could not happen here, unless there were other people.

And all the personnel on the side of the law enforcement bureau are sure, there is no reason that there are still people who can stop Deep Blue.

Then the only possibility is the person that Deep Blue assumed before-Luo Chen.

"Keep up."

The black-robed man instinctively turned his head to the right and looked back at the doctor, but at the moment when the black-robed man turned back, Luo Li seemed to have predicted in advance and put the black dagger on his neck.

This is a psychological hint in "absolute control", Luo Li has never used it once against the tuner before, and usually the success rate of the first use will be surprisingly high.

Even though Deep Blue had analyzed that Luo Chen might have similar mental skills that affect human psychology, this thing really didn't mean that it could be prevented if you wanted to.

Can you guarantee that your mind remains absolutely self-centered at all times? How can you be sure that what is in your mind is really what you think and not what others think after intervention?

The physician is the only assistant in this team, so I am worried that looking back to confirm that the doctor's vital signs are normal.

And this created the black-robed man's seemingly instinctive "instinctive reaction" at this time.

A gust of wind blew through, and the black-robed man's head rose up to the wind, and the blood leaking from the bottom of the skull cut an elegant string moon blood stain in the air.

One second.

The black-robed man's body at this time was even maintaining the previous sprint action, not realizing that he had separated his head.

However, the doctor who was sprinting forward directly behind the black-robed man felt a sound of breaking air passing by his ears.

This sound was all too familiar to him, and it was exactly the friction caused by the cold weapon slicing through the air at great speed.

The physician squatted out of instinct, and at the moment when the physician squatted, it meant that the entire team had lost the most important central vision at this moment.

Two seconds.

Absolute control, circumcision, broken glasses, a stain of blood soared into the air.

Four seconds.

The rock shattered, the sound of fractures sounded, the dagger went into the chest, cross-cut, cross-disemboweled, circumscribed, and another trace of blood streaked through.

Seven seconds.

It wasn't until the doctor sensed that there seemed to be some moist liquid sticking to the top of his cheeks that he realized that the shape of the black-robed man in front of him seemed a little wrong...

Get up and stare.

What about the head... Groove! What about the head?

Hurriedly looked around....

However, everywhere the eye goes....... Not a single person... No way......?

Trembling and looking down, the white house uniform he wore on his body, which should have been holy and white, was now filled with a dirty and scarlet viscous liquid.

What's the situation...? Wasn't you still talking... What about people? What about my teammates?

Looking up, my vision suddenly went into a trance, followed by a whirlwind.

When the field of vision gradually stabilized, four familiar corpses with lost heads were in front of the eyes.

Ten seconds.

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