
Deep Blue was not comfortable at this time, and the Ice Spirit Bow switched back to two ice blue short knives after shooting the first arrow.

The center of gravity of the body is constantly changed in flashes, small rocks are cut, and large rocks are avoided as much as possible.

Although it seems to be handled perfectly, this prerequisite must be true for the ground.

The deep blue is still in mid-air, still bound by Newton.

She simply did not have time to slow down the speed, continued to drag, and could only maintain a state of extreme descent to touch the ground, and the impact was not small.

But Deep Blue was not so stupid that he even forgot this kind of thing, and when the relative height dropped to a certain extent, Deep Blue decisively used the Heart Trick Technique to cover the ice crystal all over his body.

Since effective countermeasures cannot be obtained, it is necessary to try to avoid greater damage.

However, her opponent is Luo Li, knowing that the other party has only one solution and there is no high probability of countering Luo Li, Luo Li will definitely make a near-perfect blockade for this only plan.

Give a chance? Dream!

Due to Luo Li's previous speed reduction behavior, the relative height of Luo Li was obviously much higher than that of Deep Blue.

The azure blue pupils narrowed slightly, found the right route, stepped on the rock, and the figure turned into a straight white line in the air.

Recoil plus gravity, Luo Li applied all the conditions to acceleration.

Due to the concealment of the breath, Deep Blue did not even feel the slightest killing intent, and at the same time that the ice crystal was about to climb on his cheek, Luo Li's figure fell from the sky just right.

The white and small palm carried a fierce force to ruthlessly press the back of the dark blue head, the left foot straddled the shoulder, and the right foot bent the strong lock neck.

Deep Blue didn't even have time to react at all, and his body descended extremely quickly under Luo Li's strong pressure, turning into a small meteor and crashing into the ground, bombarding the already devastated ground into a human-shaped crater again.

Smoke and dust exploded, filling the sight of both sides, but it did not have any effect on Luo Li.

With an expressionless face, the five white fingers continued to contract, and the cracking of the dark blue parietal bone could be faintly heard.

Lift, down, lift again, smash again, repeat indefinitely.

Even though the blood from the bridge of the nose spread out on the ground, Navy Blue did not utter a single scream except for a muffled snort.

The dexterous hands flicked the short knife back, and the flexible arms spread out sharply, and the ice blue knife tip full of sharp aura pointed straight at Luo Li's temple.

Contrary to the common sense of fighting, Luo Li did not choose to lean back to dodge, but instead lowered his upper body, doubling the strength of the leg blockade again.

At the same time, strategically abandon the right hand that locks the dark blue parietal bone, and immediately hugs back after spreading both arms forward, completely blocking the possibility of the dark blue arm bending.

The brilliance of the azure pupils flashed, and the arm muscles suddenly bulged, pressing left and folding right, accompanied by two clicks, and the dark blue arms broke in response.

The dark blue head rises, and the upper body stands up slightly, taking the opportunity to leave a triangle space.

Luo Li's joint bent, and the left elbow hit the delicate cheek on the left side of the dark blue without mercy.

Before the shattered ice crystal fully recovered, the right joint bent and the same elbow strike hit from the right side.

A large piece of brilliant ice crystals bloomed, and then immediately a newly generated ice crystal took over.

Temporal , occipital , hind head, temples, and occasionally daggers attack areas covered by other ice crystals in the future.

Luo Li's expression remained unchanged, and there was still no emotion on his face.

The magnificent ice crystals covering the deep blue cheeks continued to bloom outward with Luo Li's attack, and the deep blue had no chance to fight back at all, and the neck joints were also stuck by Luo Li's legs, and the blood sacrifice could not be opened.

She can't help, losing the battle head is so miserable, if she didn't have teammates to rely on, she would already be a corpse now, and it was most appropriate to describe Deep Blue's state at this time with slow death.

The only thing she can do now is make sure she doesn't die until her teammates come.

Each of Luo Li's attacks uses the inertia of the body to make the next attack faster! More force!

However, just as Luo Li was fighting, as if he had a premonition, he leaned back slightly, and a bullet grazed Luo Li's cheek and flew by.

The rapidly rotating metal bullet strangled several strands of Luo Li's golden hair, but Luo Li didn't care.

The right hand was raised, and the black dagger without pattern flew up and down between the fingers, and the wrist shook rapidly.


Sparks splashed everywhere, and the sound of cold weapons and hot weapons colliding continued.

Deep Blue saw the opportunity, and immediately used the triangular space reserved before to suddenly exert force, and the deep aura of ice blue exploded with Dark Blue as the center.

In order to prevent affecting the balance of the body's center of gravity, Luo Li slipped from the dark blue body with a back roll, jumped off and took off on the spot with the help of the impact of the explosion.

At this time, Luo Li's pupils rarely contracted humanely.

"New Heart Technique?"

A ten hands carrying smoke slowly appeared from the air, striking towards Luo Li from the bottom up.

In fact, the silver-haired man originally wanted to give Luo Li a headshot from top to bottom, but it was precisely because Luo Li jumped at the same time as the dark blue aura exploded, causing the silver-haired man to misestimate Luo Li's starting height.

When he really attacked, he found that he was far from jumping high as Luo Li, but he didn't want to give up this rare opportunity.

The silver-haired man's arm was bruised, and the ten-handed attack accelerated again in the air, but this also caused the silver-haired man's center of gravity to lose his balance.

"It worked!"

The flow of time slowed down abruptly at this moment, and according to such an attack trend, his ten hands would definitely be able to smash into Luo Li's chest.

However, the fact gave him a heavy critical blow, seeing that the ten hands were about to break through Luo Li's outer arm and burst into the inner circle, but time seemed to suddenly stop at this moment.

Luo Li's azure pupils began to flicker easily, and at the same time, Luo Li's arms quickly returned to the inner circle of his body at a speed that surpassed humans, just blocking the path of ten hand attacks.

"How is that possible?"

The surprise in the silver-haired man's heart was overflowing, is this really the speed that humans can do?


Although the sound caused by the attack was incredible, only the silver-haired man knew that this blow did not cause any damage to Luo Li.

Just now, the silver-haired man witnessed Luo Li return to defense at a speed that defended common sense, and then when his ten hands were about to touch Luo Li's arms, Luo Li's hands suddenly disappeared at that moment.

Yes, disappear, it was a speed that could not be detected by the naked eye, and he could clearly feel that Luo Li had completed a series of high-level melee combat skills such as relay, unloading, borrowing, and eliminating power in that short moment.

Then the petite body flew out upside down at a rocket-like speed, flipped in the air one after another, and then landed lightly on the ground and rubbed a long scratch.

Filled with smoke, a boulder fell again, blocking the tuner's sight, and Luo Li disappeared from everyone's field of view again at this moment.

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