The sound of "fluttering"

into the flesh then sounded, and Xia Jinghe looked at the unusually skilled movements of the strange girl in front of him, and did not react for a while, and even the nerve feedback of pain slowed down a little.

It wasn't until he felt that his heart was firmly controlled by the girl in front of him that he felt a sharp pain coming from his chest, along with unprecedented fear!

Xia Jinghe opened his mouth and wanted to shout to vent and alleviate his pain, but found that he couldn't make a sound at all, and only a trace of gasping that was almost exhausted by an oil lamp could prove his vital signs at this time.

The black pupils were infinitely dilated, and cold sweat dripped uncontrollably from the sideburns. The limbs, which had been frightened by the strange breath, were even more immobile at this stage as if they were frozen, and it seemed that the only thing that could move in his body was his heart.

However, it seems that the heart is almost unable to move.

The charm of the mysterious girl before has been completely forgotten by him at this stage, and when you can clearly feel the feeling of your heart being held in the hands of others, it is that no one can feel any emotions other than fear.

From the outsider's point of view, Xia Jinghe was like a comedian in the acting department at this time, and his constantly open and closed lips looked quite joyful. Coupled with his now stiff body and extremely godless pupils, he is like a puppet manipulated by people.

However, no one noticed this picture at all, and the yellow-robed weirdo seemed to have a magical power that attracted everyone's attention.

Is this accidental? No, Luo Li knew that when she came into contact with another world before, she also felt that way, her brain was completely empty, and her body almost lost control.

Why almost? As we all know, consciousness and the brain are actually two different things.

But consciousness does not exist, consciousness is fictional, it is human beings who use their imagination to give a logic a name called "consciousness", a logical system given to the brain to process various information.

So what seems to be self-consciousness is not actually self.

It seems that humans make various decisions themselves, but in fact these decisions are made by the brain itself based on certain factors, and then humans feel it.

There is a time difference, but this time difference is very short.

Theoretically, if Luo Li can completely monitor a person's brain, then every move of this person can be perfectly predicted.

The brain is like a machine that responds to external stimuli based on existing information, and then transmits it to human senses, making humans think that this is the idea of the human self.

We think we are in control of the brain, but in fact it is just the brain that gives us the illusion that our thoughts are in control.

It seems a little complicated, but because Luo Li has the bug-like mental skill of "absolute control", in the process of being "brainwashed", she can clearly perceive that her consciousness and brain feedback information are biased, as if two people are using one body at the same time.

This sense of twist made Luo Li extremely disgusted, she didn't like that there were too many factors outside her control, especially when this thing was her own body.

Unfortunately, Luo Li can't let himself out of that state alone, and finally relies on the husky's magical paw to shoot himself back, I have to say that the system is quite systematic in some aspects.

It's just that the average person can't perceive it at all, they will think that it is their own consciousness, but in fact, it is the information returned by their brain that deceives them, making them mistakenly think that their behavior is in line with their own consciousness, then naturally they will not resist.

"Don't worry, your heart is in very good shape and very collectible, and I will not destroy it."

The girly voice that was originally like heaven in Xia Jing and his brain seemed to turn into a demon who asked for his life at this time, obviously it was still the same voice, but the feeling before and after was worlds apart.

Luo Li is not a pervert with mental illness, she sensed the heart trick in his body through Xia Jinghe's heart, and this skill is very suitable for Luo Li, so she said such words.

"Have you ever heard a phrase, I think that sentence is very much in line with the current atmosphere."

Luo Li said to himself, of course, Xia Jinghe couldn't respond.

"Forget it, that paragraph is too long to say."

The girl seemed to organize the language, and found that she could not say it in a short sentence, so she had to casually say a perfunctory sentence.

The playful tone of voice is incompatible with the current act of stroking someone's heart.

Without wasting much time, when Luo Li sensed that the black heart had been paired with "absolute control", he withdrew his hand from Xia Jinghe's chest without hesitation.

Seeing the wound that was still oozing blood, Luo Li tilted his head slightly.

"I'm sorry, only open the chest and not stitch, forgive me."

While speaking, Luo Li's white gloves wiped on Xia Jinghe's law enforcement uniform, and there was another strange color on the law enforcement uniform that was already stained with black blood, and this color just covered the white pigeon printed on the chest of the uniform, except for the white pigeon that was not contaminated by blood.

Does Luo Li really not stitch? It's not, it's just not necessary.

"If you want to live, kill it and absorb it."

The girl's light and ethereal voice sounded, pointing to the yellow-robed strange man in the distance, and the yellow-robed strange man seemed to sense something at this time, and just turned the empty hood.

Unlike before, under the black shadow without facial features, there seemed to be an expression called caution, as if it was similar to the function of immunity to the laws of physics, and it did not have an effect on Luo Li.

Luo Li didn't care, and even waved his hand towards the weirdo, and then turned gracefully to avoid the gaze of the yellow-robed weirdo.

At the same time, black inscriptions began to gradually climb Xia Jinghe's cheeks, and a weird and grotesque picture flashed in his mind, and a mysterious technique was slowly carved into Xia Jinghe's mind at this time.

The sound of "clicking" footsteps sounded, the girl took off the white gloves in her hands, put her hands in her pockets, and gradually walked away with a relaxed step, and the golden waist double ponytail swayed in the wind with the slight swing of her body.

Every step the girl took was accompanied by an unknown mysterious black inscription that appeared on Xia Jinghe's cheeks, and Xia Jinghe could only watch as the girl stepped on the unhurried pace and moved farther and farther away from him.

Until the girl came to a place where the next step was the blind spot of vision, the arm that was covered by the long sleeve covered the white and tender skin slowly stretched out, the elbow joint was slightly bent, the wrist was flipped, and the middle finger and thumb were intertwined.


The crisp clattering of fingers clearly echoes through the slightly dilapidated streets after the war, and stands out in the previously quiet and eerie atmosphere.

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