Like the first drop of rain after the scorching sun, like the first cry for help heard by a drowning person.

And this sound not only means that Xia Jing and the black heart in the body have been completely fused, but also successfully pulls everyone's consciousness out of the state of "enchantment".

Xia Jinghe sensed the majestic mysterious power in his body, and he didn't know whether he was happy or sad, it can be said that his fate has almost changed drastically at this moment, and the source of these changes comes from the mysterious girl.

What if he hadn't come to the rescue because he was afraid?

Xia Jinghe couldn't help but start reflecting, he didn't know, and he couldn't know.

But judging from the words of the mysterious girl just now, it seems to be approximate now... Only he can solve that weird yellow-robed weirdo.

Myself... It's like I'm going to be a hero....

Of course, the premise is that you can survive.

After the law enforcers and onlookers were forced to eject the "enchanted" state by Luo Li with a snap of his fingers, the first thought in everyone's minds was fear, and then they began to constantly recall the previous state in their minds.

But what can be recalled is only chaos after all, and the logic of thinking in my mind is like a bunch of garbled codes, pieced together irregularly, as if the short ten seconds that have just existed on this planet have been erased by a higher-dimensional existence.

The more you think about it, the more fear in people's hearts grows, and at this time, people are often accustomed to seeking a boiling fire and returning to the night light.

The first time he woke up from the chaotic consciousness, he saw that a young enforcer seemed to be suffering greatly at this time, not the one who was bound.

His back appeared to stand tall in the sunlight, but the expression on his face that seemed to be smiling and crying symbolized that he seemed to be in a strange state now.

Is it difficult? Is it helping us all suffer? What a good person who cares about the overall situation!

Tang Qinyi shook his head, as if he wanted to let himself forget the chaotic state just now, fixed his mind, and saw the scene in front of him.

"Law enforcement uniforms... Who's this? Look at the back... It's kind of like... Summer view and? What's wrong with him? He saved us? Or did you hit that yellow-robed weirdo's new move? "

Because Han Yi paid some excessive attention to the White House incident in Xincheng District, her good girlfriend naturally also wanted to be a snack, in order to prevent that person named Luo Chen from infiltrating the law enforcement team, she had already gone through the list of all the personnel in the law enforcement bureau several times in her heart.

A series of questions flashed in Tang Qinyi's mind, but the priority was to solve the immediate crisis.

"Let's report the situation first."

Tang Qinyi thought to herself.

That yellow-robed weirdo is too weird, any attack means seem to only become more intense, even Captain Li can't solve it, then she can't come up with any more effective way, instead of sitting still, it is better to report directly to the superior department.

Just as she turned on the communicator, pressed the special button, and dialed it, she saw the law enforcement officer who looked like Xia Jinghe take out a military dagger from his leg pocket and rushed towards the yellow-robed strange man.

Tang Qinyi's brows frowned slightly, revealing a little puzzlement, just to save people, even the situation was not clear? Something that even Captain Li can't solve, how can a young man who has just joined the Law Enforcement Bureau ... Can... Yes....

A power that seemed to come from an ancient beast burst out from Xia Jing and his seemingly weak body, and he did not hesitate at all, without fear, he sprinted straight to the yellow-robed weirdo in a hundred-meter sprint, and every step of his feet landing on the ground would step out of a deep pit on the ground.

Looking at Xia Jinghe who was not afraid of death and came straight to him, the yellow-robed strange man still stood motionless in place, and his facial features buried in the shadows seemed to show a bit of teasing.

He admitted that the mysterious human who had just popped out of nowhere did give him a certain sense of crisis, but even that human had only given him a sense of crisis.

And that human being is now gone, except for that human being, it is estimated that the presence of someone who can really hurt him is not yet there... Wrong!

When Xia Jinghe was about to come into contact with the yellow-robed weirdo, the expression of righteous indignation on his face had disappeared, replaced by a kind of cunning after the success of the scheme.

Although there is actually no plan, it simply uses the psychology of the yellow-robed weirdo.

The right hand holding the military dagger suddenly gave birth to a lot of black tissue cells at this moment, and in an instant, the right hand, which originally symbolized human beings, was transformed into a huge black and white blade. (You can refer to the blade form of the original Alex)

"Heart Open Source: _______"

has no skill, resolutely sacrifices his body, full of a magical violent aesthetic, directly splitting the body of the yellow-robed weirdo in two.

Unlike before, the strange feathering feeling before seemed to be detected by something the moment it appeared, as if a mouse had seen a cat, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

And after this originally headache-like physical law immunity disappeared, it was replaced by black blood that poured out like no money.


The yellow-robed strange man's upper body rolled to the ground like a rag sandbag, and his constantly trembling arms seemed to be still struggling before death.

No! This is impossible, how can the power of the great Lord be defeated in the hands of such a yellow-haired child.

Suddenly, the back of the previous human flashed in the mind of the yellow-robed strange.

Could it be...

Time will not stop passing because of the existence of the marquee, and it will not be long before the yellow robe slowly dissolves like a solution, and the monster body hidden under the yellow robe gradually reappears, and the tentacles that originally exuded a strange aura also disappeared under the melting of the yellow robe, and all that remained was a seemingly normal monster corpse that was cut off.


As the tentacles dissipated, Yu Yonghua's body also knelt weakly to the ground, and just as he was about to touch the ground with the bridge of his nose, Xia Jinghe quickly supported him with his arm that returned to normal.

Li Yuchuan looked at Xia Jinghe blankly, this was the second time he showed a shocked expression today.

The audience was silent, and everyone looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief, unlike the previous fear and fear, this time people's hearts were full of surprise.

"Hello? Feed? No. 3402 Please call back when you hear it! No. 3402 Please call back when you hear it!

A sentence with improved electronic sound effects came out of Tang Qinyi's communicator, which stood out in this silent occasion.

The communicator saw that the other end was slow to respond, so he said.

"Okay, okay, I know, then let's contact next time..." A

hammer waited, Tang Qinyi quickly interrupted

, "Here is the number 3402, the matter has been all solved, there is no need to start the C plan, it's troublesome."

After saying that, he tapped a few times next to the communicator, ···· —·—, and then hung up the communication.

It's just that Tang Qinyi looked at the scene in front of him at this time, and for a while he didn't know how to start.

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