Xincheng District Law Enforcement Bureau, at the moment Li Yuchuan's rescue shot, a huge sense of crisis surged in his heart, which had to make Li Yuchuan forced to change his behavior and rush to Han Yi and Bai Mengyao to turn attack into defense.

But even so, it still couldn't stop the blue arrows that Deep Blue launched with all its might after charging for several hours at a long distance.

A huge roar erupted on the third floor of the Law Enforcement Bureau along with countless brilliant and magnificent blue ice crystals, and the dust raised by its huge impact force affected everyone's vision.

At the same time, a hook sound was silently hidden in the loud noise, and as the hook buckled up the wall, a black figure quickly rushed into the dust and took away the bald man.

After the dust passed, Li Yuchuan took a mouthful of spit, the Chixiao in his hand was not a defensive silver martial arts, and forced it to exert its defensive performance, which naturally led to slight cracks appearing on Chixiao's sword.

However, the problem is not big, it can still be rescued, as long as there is no more high-intensity hard combat in the future, there is basically no big problem.

But this is also unlikely, a series of things that happened today seem to be premeditated, but since there is premeditation, there must be a plan, what is the modulator's plan?

Li Yuchuan didn't know, he only knew that it would not be long before there was a decisive battle to be fought, his Chixiao Sword... It's up to luck, but whether you can still shoot by then is still a problem.

"Fuck, is this really the power that can be played below the strong intermediate level, if the quasi-strong level on the tuner's side is all this kind of combat power, then hit a hammer."

Li Yuchuan cursed angrily, but he was not very angry, the strength of the white house has always been not in vain, plus he is a person in the military region, knows some small insiders, even if the white house is strong, he will not easily give up his position.

However, if Captain Li knew that the strength of the spellcaster realm of this blow was actually only on the same level, I don't know how he would feel.

"Fortunately, the people were saved."

Li Yuchuan probed Han Yi and Bai Mengyao's snorts and breathed a sigh of relief, they just passed out at this stage, but unlike before, it is estimated that they will wake up in an hour or two.

"A quasi-strong level who wears Yinwu plus a strong subordinate who does not wear Yinwu is equal to a quasi-strong level tuner who has opened a blood sacrifice and does not wear Yinwu?"

This is still in the special terrain, that quasi-strong tuner can't use his hands and feet.

But it's not easy to say, if you really change the terrain, Han Yi can also use his own Baiyuan gun, Han Yi's gun skills are indeed worse than physical skills, which Li Yuchuan is still very clear.

Xia Jinghe, who was hidden in the crowd, looked at Han Yi and Bai Mengyao, who were carried away by the medical staff, silently clenched their fists, after all, it was their lack of ability that caused so many people to be injured because of themselves.

He is a little humble and a little slow to react, but this does not mean that he is stupid, and all the actions of today's discerning people can basically see that they are all aimed at him.

If it weren't for Tang Qinyi letting himself and Shen Sihang exchange identities before, it is estimated that he would already hate the northwest now.

Wait a minute... Why hasn't Tang Qinyi's side been heard from for so long, shouldn't it...

Thinking of this, Xia Jinghe instinctively took out the smartphone and wanted to choose to call, but was pressed down by Li Yuchuan.

Shaking his head, he motioned not to talk now.

"You follow me now, go back to the hospital first, you have to believe Qin Yi, her ability will often exceed your imagination, they will not have problems for the time being, go."

After watching Han Yi and Bai Mengyao go for treatment, Li Yuchuan immediately pulled Xia Jinghe into the car.

To be honest, he didn't have a score in his heart, after witnessing the true strength of the tuner, he doubted his strength of the strong intermediate level for the first time, and naturally he was also worried about Tang Qinyi's strength only quasi-strong level.

What's more, this group of tuners is obviously planned, has a clear division of labor, and has extremely high combat quality, and when they say fight, they will fight and withdraw, and they will not drag mud and water at all, and even the bloody move of blood sacrifice will not hesitate.

What about their side? It seems that they are completely led by the nose, they can't fight and can't fight, they can't necessarily run, people are also dismantled and scattered, and all protective hedging behaviors depend on whether they are prepared for the backhand behavior.

It can be said that if Tang Qinyi did not change this time, and Han Yi did not let Bai Mengyao squat back, then his side could already play GG, since this is the case, then there should be an accident if there is no accident on the hospital side.

A certain street.

"Isn't it why, the three hundred and sixty-four styles I ran away have all been used, how can this crazy woman still chase so tightly?"

The doctor's nose was wrapped in a layer of gauze, and he was still frantically fleeing, not that he didn't want to escape back to the white room, but no, what was he doing back in the white room? Hoisted by his own petard? He couldn't trust the 102 squad.

You can only try to throw off the pursuers behind, and finally assemble at the original meeting place.

However, the person behind him chased too tightly, how to shake off, he did not suspect that he was installed with a tracker, but he even took off his clothes when he passed a certain store on the way to escape and did not see where the tracker was.

This made him wonder for a while whether the woman behind him had mastered the heart skill, and this heart skill was similar to the type of dog nose function.

"No. 276-2, gather at the agreed place, and we will help you solve the problem of chasing soldiers."

The sound coming from the headset was like a heavenly sound, which couldn't help but make the doctor ecstatic and quickly responded.

"276-2 received, 276-2 received."

"The crazy woman sees that I don't kill you, chasing me for so long, I'm waiting for my teammates, what are you waiting for."

The doctor instantly raised his speed up a notch.

Xia Wei couldn't help frowning as she saw the speed of the red dot on the map increase again, and the woman's intuition told her that she couldn't chase anymore.

But she knew that once the doctor was completely let go, the tracker on his body would inevitably be discovered.

The Doctor himself really couldn't find out, but what about his teammates? What about the testing instruments? Spotting a tracker was a breeze, and the purpose of her constant pursuit was simple.

After a long hunt, she found that the tuner seemed to be left alone.

Xia Wei has always paid attention to the doctor's escape route, and in order to prevent this from being a complete set to lure herself into being deceived, she will often test the route of the few strong personnel borrowed from the large army through remote calls.

In the end, it was concluded that this forced to run blindly and drag out time, without teammates.

This is a rare situation that can form a situation where more fights and less fights, and the regulator can solve one by one, that is, it is not a loss to force out a blood sacrifice, and once this opportunity is missed, he will let the doctor kill a key person in vain, pure loss.

And now, the doctor's escape route is exactly in the encirclement he has set, that is, as long as he chases for a while, he will definitely be able to solve a tuner.

But the woman's intuition told her that she could not chase any longer, and the closer she got to success, the more dangerous it made her feel.

Pursue? Or don't chase?

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