
The sound of daggers clashing echoed in the empty street, two shadows constantly intertwined, and the robe was blown by the wind due to its rapid movement.

Shen Sihang did not participate in the battle between these two women, not to mention that his weapons had nothing to do with close combat, not to mention that he also knew that now was not the time to be capable, if he forced himself to intervene, it would be easy to reduce the winning rate on his side by a few points.

It is said that the power of the first shot of the sniper can reach 1000%, and after the shot, due to the exposure of its own sniper position, others have been prepared for subsequent attacks, and the natural deterrent is much smaller.

Although Shen Sihang is not as rich in actual combat experience as Tang Qinyi, he is also an excellent student from the training camp of the military region, and he still understands the basic method of judging the position of a sniper through bullets.

The thin man looked at Shen Sihang who was constantly shaking under the sniper scope from a distance, and he also fired several shots in the subsequent stage, but it was either an empty gun or blocked by Shen Sihang with silver weapons or some unimportant joints on his body.

However, the original plan had failed from the moment Shen Sihang took out the Black Dragon Spear, and they did not think that they could take Tang Qinyi with the same quasi-strong level and without opening a blood sacrifice.

So their goals changed the moment the plan failed, as long as they were responsible for dragging these two people away from supporting other places.


Another empty gun, but this time the empty gun was deliberately done by the thin man, just in the middle of the crow girl and Tang Qinyi's fight.

The two women opened a short distance at the same time, and at the same time reversed in the air and kicked away.


A simple and clear word comes out of the headset.

The raven woman did not hesitate in the slightest.


Another familiar ring pulling sound.

Oh damn God, are grenades in pairs in these days.

After a short silence, there was a loud noise in the street again.

This made the users on the street a little strange, and they all spoke online to complain about the excessive capacity of the law enforcement bureau to handle cases.

After the explosion, as expected, the crow woman and the thin man were gone.


Shen Sihang was choked by the smoke, and his face was also dark, and he quickly waved his palm in front of his nose, but this also involved the wound on his body that was still bleeding, and he grinned in pain while complaining:

"I see what kind of smoke bombs are used in TV series, gas bombs, how do these people directly use grenades."

Tang Qinyi ignored Shen Sihang's complaints, she naturally had a lot of small wounds on her body, but they were not fatal to her, and after resting in place for a while, she directly pulled Shen Sihang to prepare to return to the hospital.

Han Yi's side has not sent a message to himself until now, and I don't know if Captain Li's rescue has arrived, but looking at the retreat behavior of these two adjusters, it shows that the situation on the side of the Law Enforcement Bureau should be over.

The perspective of a tuner who is still on the run.

The doctor rang the headset and said in a calm tone.

"How long will it take, I can feel that their encirclement is shrinking, and it will take about 1 minute to encircle me in all aspects, and then I will be forced to open a blood sacrifice."

"30 seconds."


That's right, Xia Wei was still unwilling to give up this hard-won opportunity and chose to continue the hunt, she could see that the doctor had exhausted his skills and was about to die.

Xia did not find a commanding height, looked at the smaller and smaller figure of the doctor in the field of vision, turned on the communication equipment, and spoke coldly.

"Close the net."


One by one, the powerful personnel hiding around began to act.

At the same time, Deep Blue stood at the top of a tall tower, drawing a bow like a full moon, and ice blue patterns hovered on the surface of the bow and arrow as if it were alive.

The white robe swayed slightly regularly under the wind, and the light blue light slowly condensed from her body to the arm that drew the bow.

His eyes looked indifferently at the traffic below, like a god, without the slightest human fireworks.

100 meters... 80 meters... 50 meters... 10 meters.

The doctor's eyes could even see several handfuls of silver martial arts reflecting a dazzling brilliance in the setting sun, and even the exposed skin was faintly painful.

This is the message passed on to him by the crisis instinct that he has slowly cultivated since birth, and he has used this instinct many times to continue his life.

Blood sacrifice open or not? If you open it, you can save your life for a while, but the disadvantage is that the things after that are equivalent to not having me as a person.

But if you don't open it, if the support of your teammates is not in place, you will not have the opportunity to open a blood sacrifice.

Forget it, the reason for the failure of the plan was because of me, so this time I should trust my teammates once.

On the way to run, the silver box opened, and inside was a row of test tubes, a total of ten, and next to the test tube was a syringe.

Don't worry about things falling, according to the inertia of the arm swing when running, ensure that the contents are always close to each other.

"Drip! Identity verification successful, Yinwu: 鸩銥. "

It may seem unbelievable, but it turns out that the doctor's weapon is the syringe.

But this does not mean that the syringe is used as a weapon to dry the rack, but the agents inside will have different effects after the influence of different needle tips, and these agents have a unified nature, and only after passing through the needle tip will have different effects.

The more critical the moment, the calmer the doctor's hand became, he quickly broke 2 tubes of reagent, injected it into the syringe, and then selected the appropriate needle tip to assemble on the syringe, and quickly injected the agent into his body.

A burning pain came from the heart, and the two potions just now were able to strengthen the defenses of his body.

The reason why I did not choose all ten injections is to keep the back hand, the more you use it, the less obvious the effect, and the third is that the capacity of the syringe can only hold up to two agents at a time.

The Doctor endured the pain and curled up his body, all for defense, because he knew that in the face of Deep Blue's support, you only had to ensure that you didn't die.

Deep Blue, who was standing at the top of the tower, silently watched the actions of the physicians and the powerful humans rounded up with emotionless eyes, and the number of arrows on the bowstring began to gradually increase until the number and number of rounded up personnel were equal.

A cold female voice came into the headset:

"Lie down."

Let go, the bowstring that was taut due to the long-term charge suddenly lost its pull at this moment, and the ice-blue arrow that was originally on the bowstring turned into a brilliant meteor across the sky, and the light blue trail went straight to the doctor's location with a strong aura of death.

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