Luo Li sat back again after throwing out Xia Jinghe, took a sip of coffee again, and did not move a step.

The coffee has long been cold, but Luo Li drinks coffee, not to enjoy the aroma contained in the mouth, but to taste the bitterness buried in the taste buds after tasting the coffee into the stomach.

"The night in the new city is very quiet, but unfortunately this quiet does not belong to me."

"Bang!" With a bang, the doorway door of the roof once again suffered the impact that it should not have endured at this age.

A heavily armed White House officer immediately picked up a highly professional tumbling after breaking through the door, and then raised his gun and half-squatted to aim the muzzle of the black hole at the mysterious girl sitting quietly in front of him.

Pulling the whole body, as if it was a flock invaded by wolves, the rest of the White House personnel followed closely behind, and the fish rushed in. The array quickly spread out in a zigzag pattern, instantly enveloping the girl who was still drinking coffee.

In the face of the threat of firearms, even though Luo Li's fighting instinct made her brain a little uncomfortable, she was still indifferent, she only did what she wanted to do, as if life and death had nothing to do with her.

Pick up the coffee pot on the side, tilt it slightly 30 degrees, put the spout on the coffee cup, and then slowly increase the tilt angle.

The brown liquid slowly flows out of the spout, and the coffee pot slowly flows from the bottom up, causing it to form a vertical flow of water at the spout.

The cup will be full, falling, and the excess liquid will drip back on the surface of the coffee liquid, dissolving immediately at the touch without splashing the slightest excess splash.

Holding the handle of the coffee cup in one hand, holding up the golden lace-patterned tray resting at the bottom of the coffee cup with the other hand, he took a soft breath and took a sip.

The azure pupils still looked at the street scene beyond the rooftop, as if Luo Li was indifferent to anything that happened around him, ignoring it.

However, it is this attitude that makes the White House personnel somewhat undecided.

Deep Blue slowly walked up to the rooftop surrounded by the people of the White Room, and naturally saw the mysterious girl sitting on the chair at first glance, but she forcibly suppressed her curiosity, turned to look around, and after confirming that there was no trace of Xia Jinghe's figure, she returned her attention to the mysterious girl.

"Luo Chen? No, isn't Luo Chen a man? Is it transgender? Or a man pretending to be a woman?

After a brief moment of confusion, Deep Blue looked at the doll-like girl in front of him again.

"Huh? This height ratio is also not right, is it the rumored bone shrinking skill? No, although I have also seen bone shrinkage, but their kind of bone shrinkage can lead to body deformity, and the body proportions are not as perfect as they seem.

Obviously, this body is born. But

it was too natural to make Deep Blue deeply puzzled.

Blonde hair, double ponytails, azure blue pupils, ordinary JK uniform, every feature is not matched by any piece of information in Deep Blue's memory.

I've never seen it, I've never heard of it, so it's never in my mind, as if there was such a person out of thin air in this world.

Even though her deep intuition told Deep Blue that the mysterious girl in front of her was the person she had been looking for, when the truth was really in front of her, she hesitated.

The mysterious girl's unpredictable breath made Deep Blue's thoughts jump left and right.

The reason in her heart seems to want to convince herself, assuming that she is a hidden peak combat power boss, then once she strikes at her, it will give her a chance to strike, so she can't give attack orders... No way... No way! Definitely not! Confirm your identity first.

However, just when Deep Blue wanted to speak, Luo Li took the lead to speak.

"What's wrong? Don't you really want to see me? Why do you see it now, but don't want to admit it? "

Luo Chen?"

Luo Li did not verbally agree, nor did she manually agree, but continued to do her own thing, seemingly acquiescing.

There were no shocking openings or high-level speeches.

Just like that, the cloud was light and breezy, and plainly appeared in front of her eyes, this is what she was looking for... Luo Chen?

"Luo Chen... Is it really you? The

second after the words were just finished, as if calculating the timing when Luo Li was about to open his mouth to respond, Deep Blue immediately gave the order to fire!

When people are about to speak, they encounter unexpected events, and they often need to slow down.

Dealing with Luo Chen, even if he can preemptively occupy a few tenths of a second reaction time, then Deep Blue will not give up.

Unfortunately, this kind of trick does not play much role in Luo Li, and the trick that is too easy to see through is easy to become a tool for others to use.

Luo Li still didn't move, as if predicting in advance, the original azure pupils were suddenly replaced by a pink, and instantly issued a seductive command to the brains of all the people in the white room.

Even in a fully armed state, the members of the White House still couldn't control their hands and pointed the black and dark hole of the pistol at Deep Blue.

However, just as he was about to execute the order to act, his mind was suddenly blocked by a subconscious, and his wrist shook violently, shooting the bullet in other directions.

With the sound of gunfire, the roof was quiet again, but the guardrail originally installed on the roof had a few more bullet holes.

The guardrail, which was already in disrepair, was even more crumbling.

"Oh? Guess I have a similar ability?

Luo Li said slowly.

In fact, her words were deliberately said to Deep Blue, and this situation was expected by the worldline.

Even if she could have given a more objective order for the White House personnel to attack a certain direction, but even if that did not cause any substantial damage to Deep Blue, it would be better to give her a little confidence that she guessed correctly.

"Shhh. Sure enough, being fully armed is of little use to you.

Deep Blue muttered, but the jealousy on his face was noticeably less.

Luo Chen seems... Is that all?

The first confrontation between Deep Blue and Luo Li seemed to end in a draw.

But is that really the case?

There is a saying that being fully armed will indeed have a certain impact on Luo Li's mental skills, after all, the eyes are the windows of the soul, and once there is less way to look directly into each other's eyes, then the interference on the psychological level will be much weaker.

However, this effect will gradually become minimal after the realm is higher in the future.

I have to say that Deep Blue's speculation in this regard is still somewhat useful, but it is a pity that this precautionary method Luo Li has already experimented in advance when he lived in the White House.

If you don't even know your own abilities, how can you deal with all possible contingencies?

Therefore, after seeing the heavily armed White House personnel, Luo Li had already guessed in his heart that Deep Blue might deduce that he had the skill to influence the hearts of others.

Even if it is not deduced, then the information about Luo Chen will always be checked, and it is impossible not to notice Luo Chen's mental skills.

Since Deep Blue can think of this kind of thing, it must also be able to think that Luo Li may use this kind of mental skill to counter Deep Blue, so he arranged psychological hints in advance.

Repurposing the deep blue psychological cue... Achieve your true purpose.

"Deep Blue, this game, you have already lost half of it."

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