Looking at Luo Li, who was still slowly drinking coffee, Deep Blue's heart couldn't help but have some doubts.

Is she really calm or fake calm?

With a gesture, all the guns of the White House personnel were raised again and aimed at Luo Li again.

Even she herself set up the ice spirit bow and aimed the arrow at Luo Li.

If her memory was correct, the realm information that Luo Chen recorded in the White Room at that time was still at the paper level.

Even if five years have passed since then, five years will at most reach the tie level, which is actually not a difficult opponent for Deep Blue, who is now a quasi-strong level.

But she still kept her fears, because Luo Chen's time in the White Room was only one year, except for this one, the rest of the time period about Luo Chen's information was blank.

At the age of ten, he entered the white house, and at the age of eleven, he opened the white house and even destroyed it.

The White House Killing List is ranked first, and is set by the White House high-rise as the strongest White House survivor in a hundred years, even if he does not belong to the White House.

Such a terrifying title is placed on a person, if you still speculate with common sense, is it that your life is too long.

But now it seems that Luo Chen's sense of oppression for himself is not as strong as he imagined.

Luo Li finished drinking the coffee in her cup again, but this time she was not ready to refill it, and said:

"You don't need to let the White House personnel point a gun at me anymore, the only bullet in the gun has just been fired, as for your bow and arrow, you can also choose to put it down."

This is a residential building, and the lower floor where I am now also inhabited by people, and the lethality of your arrows does not allow it to shine here.

Deep Blue slowly lowered his bow and arrow after hearing Luo Li's words, and then switched the bow and arrow into two ice blue short blades.

This is preparation for melee combat with Loli.

However, it is very simple to guess Deep Blue's intentions, after knowing that Luo Li has similar mental skills that can interfere with others, why did he send people other than Deep Blue into the field.

Even if it is to contain Xia Jinghe, it is completely enough for the current personal strength of Deep Blue.

The purpose is very simple, that is, to test Luo Li's ability, and it is enough to test the ability once, in case the effect is not obvious, in the end, the combat effectiveness of the White House personnel will become an obstacle to Deep Blue.

Therefore, it is not surprising that only one bullet was in the firearms of the White House personnel.

Looking at Deep Blue's movements, Luo Li slowly stood up from her seat, walked to the guardrail on the rooftop, put on her white hands, and completely exposed her back to Deep Blue.

But Luo Li's face was still full of care, as if he was sure that Deep Blue would not make a move, and then said to himself.

"Do you know what the biggest flaw of the 244 formation is? Its biggest flaw is that its detection range is too comprehensive, and because it is too comprehensive, the orientation distribution of personnel is basically fixed. "

Huh? What do you mean? ... Even if the positions of the personnel are set to death, so what? Can you still control them to kill me?

Deep Blue was indeed not ready to make a move, and the reason was because the flaws Luo Li gave this time were too obvious, and there was a sense of trap.

Thinking of Luo Li's previous calmly resisting a volley from the White House personnel, it is not surprising to assume that he has another layer of preparation.

However, in fact, this is just Luo Li's empty city plan.

Luo Li still put her hands on the guardrail, but her body made a turn, facing the dark blue in a supine position, but she did not press all the weight of her body on the guardrail, she was feeling the state of the guardrail at this time.

As if seeing her doubts through the subtle change in deep blue's expression, Luo Li smiled slightly:

"You know what? Memorable events are always accompanied by magnificent fireworks. "

Fireworks... Firework? Firework!

Deep Blue instantly turned her head to look at the waist of the people in the white room on the side, and the round items made her pupils shrink suddenly.

"You're crazy! This is a residential building! Saying

that, Deep Blue hurriedly prepared to rush forward to stop Luo Li, but the last thing he saw was Luo Li's smile and the radiant pupils that gradually turned pink blue.


A crisp snap of fingers sounded louder at night in the silent new city, whether it was on the rooftop, or in a 244 formation in residential buildings, or other buildings around the white house personnel. All took down the grenade around their waists at the same moment.

Whether they wanted it or not, an extremely special pink symbol appeared in the center of their pupils, and their bodies still uncontrollably removed the pull ring on the grenade. (The enchantment was in chapters 48 and 53 when Luo Li disappeared in the white room, so the seemingly unconditional seduction could be realized, without explicit.)


The unified pulling ring sound instantly invaded Deep Blue's eardrums, overshadowing the shattering sound at the bottom of the guardrail, and also killed the only fluke in Deep Blue's mind.


Rushed towards Luo Li like crazy, since he couldn't prevent the disaster, it was better to completely kill the initiator of the disaster.

In Deep Blue's calculation, if Luo Li wanted to jump out of the rooftop, the time to cross the guardrail would be enough to catch up by herself.


The word calm came out of Luo Li's mouth, but the events that followed were not calm.

More than 100 White House personnel collectively thundered!

The earth-shattering sound burst out from the ground and all around in an instant!

The hearing of the people who were originally at ease in the room was instantly deaf!

The terrifying impact of the explosion instantly blasted the walls of the tall buildings into dark and deep cracks.

The wall pillars supporting the tall building were hit by high-speed trains, and the torn walls could no longer bear the weight of the base layer and began to collapse.

"Mom! I'm afraid!

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! The previous law enforcement officer big sister told us to stay in the house at ease, and they would solve it. The

young woman clings tightly to her only loved one, while her husband immediately protects himself from the first moment of the explosion and is now a corpse that still remains.

Facts are not jokes, even if you deceive people all over the world, you can't deceive the world.

In this world, as long as you give your life to others, then there is no savior in your world.

Countless exclamations continued, but they were soon mercilessly buried by rocks tumbling down from high altitudes.

At the moment before Deep Blue was about to touch Luo Li, a crack more than ten meters long suddenly appeared on the roof under his feet.

The corner of Luo Li's mouth still maintained a faint smile, leaned back slightly, and the guardrail broke in response.

As the surface on both sides of the crack began to tilt continuously, the distance between Deep Blue and Luo Li was getting bigger and bigger.

A sentence suddenly appeared in Deep Blue's mind - because it was too comprehensive, the orientation distribution of personnel was basically fixed.

Could it be....


As if annoyed into shame, the two short knives were respliced into the ice spirit bow, and the ice blue aura condensed into an arrow at an extremely fast speed, let go.

The strong recoil made the distance between Deep Blue and Luo Li widen again, but it didn't matter.

Like a hidden dragon going out to sea, the extremely fast spinning arrow rushed towards Luo Li with an infinite force.


As soon as the words were spoken, a boulder blocked the path of the arrow due to the impact of the explosion, and the surface of the boulder was even stained with a large scarlet bloodstain.

The ice-blue arrow crashed straight into the boulder.

Fragmentation, explosion.

The arrow is not weak, it still flies, but the trajectory and strength have changed.

Luo Li's head tilted slightly to the right, and the arrows passed by, not knowing where they flew.

The husky, who was eating popcorn and watching a play in the surrounding buildings, suddenly had a bad premonition.


Ignoring the popcorn, the husky hurriedly dragged Xia Jinghe, who was unconscious again, and ran away.

However, I don't know if it was luck or what, because of the husky's rush to escape, this ice-blue arrow hit its little butt right now.


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