Additional update (4/10)

Claire remembered the information obtained by Yao Yuan and others, and he quickly explained to others:

"Professor Yao Yuan and the others must have witnessed the horror of divine magic with their own eyes, so they warned us so anxiously."

Everyone present recalled Yao Yuan's anxious expression and eager gestures at this moment.

"Danger, Tianqiong Star is very dangerous, you should run away quickly."

It turned out that Professor Yao Yuan always kept a clear mind during this chaotic incident, and he realized the seriousness of the matter earlier than others.

His warning was not without purpose.

"We must take his warning seriously and re-examine our action plan." Lu Hongfeng said in a deep voice.

In the central temple, the eyes of five people from earth civilization were firmly fixed on the shocking showdown in the sky.

They already knew in their hearts the extraordinary power of magic, and also understood that Shen Xing had the ability to predict the future. It seemed that they had already set up an undefeated chess game.

But when they witnessed Shen Xing's students fighting with those armed mechas, their hearts were still deeply shocked.

These students were originally just ordinary humans, but since they mastered divine arts, they have gained unimaginable supernatural powers.

Facing fifty armed mechas, not only did they not lose, but they always took the initiative in the battle.

In the contest between divine magic and technology, divine magic turned out to be more powerful. This scene completely subverted the five people's understanding of power.

The earth has many weapons that are more powerful than mechas, but they cannot bring any comfort to Yao Yuan at this moment.

All these seemed pale and powerless in front of Shen Xing, the high priest of the Star Sect who had not taken action.

This legendary being is said to be able to single-handedly destroy planets and even create black holes, the most terrifying and mysterious celestial objects in the universe.

His power has far exceeded the imagination of people on earth

Facing such an opponent who knows the earth well, the people on earth seem to be destined to fail.

Despair spread in the hearts of several people

Their only wish is that the Earth's main fleet will not step into this trap rashly.

They hope that the Earth's main fleet can stay away from this dangerous starry sky and escape from this hunting net that has been opened.

The existence of Shen Xing is now even more frightening in their eyes than the Dil civilization they once discovered.

His threats may be acted upon at any time

Just when they were deeply worried, the roar of a mecha crashing was heard again in the sky.

Two more mechas lost their combat effectiveness under the attack of divine magic. They streaked across the sky like meteors and fell to the ground in the distance.

The number of armed mechas in the sky is constantly decreasing, and the original tight firepower network can no longer effectively suppress Shen Xing's six students.

There was already some bloodshot eyes in Lu Hongfeng's eyes at this time. Every pilot in the crashed mecha was their compatriot, and the mechas were valuable assets to the Vanguard Fleet.

It is no longer possible to obtain any resources immediately in the universe, and any loss will become permanent.

Seeing Lu Hongfeng's appearance, his adjutant Xu Jing suggested in a serious tone: "Major General Lu Hongfeng, the war situation is beyond our control. We should consider retreating and report the situation of Professor Yao Yuan and others to Commander Wei before making good plans. "

Lu Hongfeng clenched his fists, struggling in his heart

They, a group of Earthlings who claimed to be technologically advanced, actually lost to a group of opponents they regarded as inferior civilizations, and lost to those mysterious magical arts.

Once upon a time, Lu Hongfeng looked at the stars in the sky with a superior attitude, but now his self-esteem has been hit like never before.

He was eager to continue fighting and to have a chance to turn the tide, but the voice of reason told him that the possibility of victory was slim and the risk of annihilation was very close at hand.

After a fierce struggle deep in his heart, Lu Hongfeng finally made a difficult decision

With reluctance in his voice, he issued an order to the pilots of the armed mecha: "Retreat! Retreat immediately! Return to the ship!"

The order came instantly, and the armed mechas in the sky began to slowly withdraw from the battlefield. Their energy cannons no longer roared, but instead started their returning engines.

"Reorganize the formation! Provide fire support and retreat in an orderly manner!"

The commander of the mecha team conveyed the order to all the pilots, and the pilots who were already a little afraid of the Sky Vault Star began to evacuate quickly.

Lin Luan sensed the changes in the mecha and informed everyone through Ye Wu's magic.

"We can't let them escape!"

Ye Wu's voice resounded in everyone's minds. At this time, the six people quickly adjusted their posture and began to chase the defeated group of remnants.

They intensified their offensive while dodging enemy fire.

Although the enemy lost another mecha during the retreat, the rest successfully flew out of the atmosphere and escaped into space.

Although the magic of the six people has been greatly improved compared to when they first obtained it, they are still unable to move freely in the universe at this time and can only stop chasing at high altitude.

The remaining twenty or so mechas, covered with scars and exhaustion, fled back to the vanguard ship in embarrassment.

Even the mechas that returned to the ship were mostly severely damaged, and the mecha's outer shell was covered with traces of battle.

Lu Hongfeng felt very sad when he saw this scene.

In this battle, they lost more than half of their armed mechas and an equal number of elite warriors and pilots.

This conflict with the Sky Star ended in their defeat

The pilots on the mecha stepped out of the mecha, and everyone's face was full of frustration, losing their former glory

Lu Hongfeng comforted the soldiers and then calmed down his mood

Many scientists and fighters in the Vanguard Fleet were born on the ship after leaving the Earth. This operation is also to train them

Although this time failed, it also explored all the combat power of the Sky Star

Only the high priest and his six students have such power on the Sky Star. If the main fleet of the Earth civilization arrives, they may not be without the ability to fight

The main fleet of the Earth civilization is the epitome of the top power of civilization

The power of civilization will definitely defeat the power of the individual

Outside the skyline of Xingqiong City

The six people are like triumphant gods of war, and their return brings an invincible momentum

Yao Yuan and the other five looked at their figures, and their faces showed a deep helplessness and despair, which was for Accepting fate calmly

They were the few earthlings who foresaw the outcome of this battle, and the reality was as cruel and ruthless as they expected

Zhang Yu asked Yao Yuan with a trembling voice: "Professor Yao, what should we do now? How can we get in touch with our people?"

The five people knew in their hearts that the reason why Shen Xing dared to reveal his plan in front of them was because he had absolute confidence and was not afraid of them leaking any information

Professor Yao Yuan shook his head helplessly, and a bitter smile appeared on his face

"I don't know either. Since Shen Xing dared to tell us his plan, it means that he was well prepared."

"We can only pray silently now, hoping that our main fleet will not approach Tianqiong Star rashly."


"We earthlings have gone through untold hardships to escape from the tiger's mouth, but we didn't expect to step into a more dangerous wolf's den."

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