Additional update (5/10)

After the Earthlings' mecha troops retreated, the people on the Sky Planet began to get busy.

While collecting the crashed mechas, they also captured the pilots who had escaped from the mechas.

After two days, the Central Division Government found out that the Earthlings had not invaded again and could not help but heave a sigh of relief.

In addition to the eighteen mecha pilots who were captured, the whereabouts of two or three others have not been determined. Currently, the Central Division has opened the Sky Eye system to monitor various cities in the division.

In the district government prison, the captured drivers were held separately and interrogated one by one.

After a series of psychological operations, the district government also obtained some clues about the origins of these people.

At this time, in a conference room in the central division, the district chief and representatives of various departments were having a meeting.

"Some of the pilots of the humanoid mechas we captured have already confessed."

"According to what they said, they are not from the sky, but from a planet called Earth in the universe."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone started talking excitedly, and then stopped amidst the scolding of the central district chief.


"This group of Earthlings are here to find their companions, which means that the Starry Sect has already known the whereabouts of alien civilizations."

"We should quickly report to the high priest now and let the high priest decide this matter!"

The remarks of the Central District Mayor received great approval. Almost everyone agreed to the resolution instantly, but everyone still had a little nervousness on their faces.

In the tense atmosphere of the conference room, the anxious look on the face of the central district chief gradually faded away, replaced by a calm and calm look.

"Speaking of the high priest, it reminded me of something."

"In 5591, when the big planet was approaching the Sky Vault Star, the high priest predicted the challenges that the Sky Vault Star would face in the future."

"The crisis does not lie in the stars in the sky, but in those alien beings that are as intelligent as us."

"This is a prophecy made by the high priest in 5591, which means that the high priest has long known that alien civilization will invade. It has been passed down to this day. This prophecy may have been forgotten by many people, but the leaders and scientists of each division We all keep it in mind.”

After hearing the news, almost everyone began to relax

In their hearts, the high priest is like a towering tree standing at the top of the sky. With his wisdom and strength, he silently protects all living beings.

"No wonder the Star Church's scientists captured the Earthlings. It turns out that all this was under the control of the High Priest. He already knew the actions of the Earthlings very well." The deputy district chief also sighed.

And just when everyone was relaxing a little, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and a Star Priest walked in.

"The high priest has an order to summon representatives from each district to the central temple."

People in the district government are not surprised.

Now that the high priest has understood everything, the purpose of convening representatives from all divisions at this time is obviously to jointly deal with the upcoming events.

The head of the central district stood up and followed the star priest to the central temple

The camera moved to the earth at this time

The Saiwei people have taken root on the earth. In order to colonize other planets, the ecological integration technology of the Saiwei civilization has been greatly developed.

After Yeslu transmitted information to the civilization's home planet, because the solar system could serve as an additional node in the galactic war, Yeslu was affirmed by the Archon of the Saiwei civilization, so he was promoted. He is currently the Commander of the Solar System Fleet and the Commander of the Earth. sir

Among cosmic civilizations, if they colonize too many planets, they rarely waste energy redefining a planet or a galaxy. Therefore, except for unmanned galaxies, they generally use the names already defined by the indigenous civilizations in the galaxy.

With the arrival of a large number of Saiwei immigrants, the earth is gradually filled with new vitality

In the all-out war of the galaxy, although the Saivites did not have much technological advantage, they gradually suppressed other civilizations by virtue of their large numbers and control of the resources of the entire galaxy.

The Saiwei civilization is using a slow encroachment strategy to capture the entire galaxy

Of course, you don’t need to capture all the star systems in the entire galaxy. You only need to destroy and occupy all the advanced civilizations in the entire galaxy, and you can say that you occupy the entire galaxy.

Yeslu was sitting on the suspended chair, looking at the robots and alien workers constantly working on the earth. He couldn't help but sigh at the power of the Saiwei civilization, and he also felt a sense of pride.

Just when he was enjoying the power and status he had just gained, Yeslu's staff quickly entered his office area

"Sir Yeslu, the undercover agents of Earth's indigenous civilization have sent information. We have learned the whereabouts of the people on Earth!"

Yeslu stood up and installed a small device on his hearing organ. A virtual screen appeared in front of his eyes. The files on it were sent from the direction of the earth's civilization. The words of the earth were instantly copied. Translated into the words of the Saiwei civilization

"Hello! Chief Jeslu! Your loyal subordinate Stern Siegel has informed you that the people on earth have found a planet with life similar to the earth and are currently migrating. It will probably take a few years to arrive. Can be reached.”

"According to the report of the vanguard force, the planet is called Sky Vault Star, and there are indigenous civilizations living on it."

"The technology level of the indigenous civilization is very low, only at the level before the Earth's nuclear fusion period, and cannot pose any threat to Earth civilization."

"The Earth United Government has decided to settle on the Sky Star and continue to develop civilization and accumulate strength."

"I will continue to lurk among the Earthlings. Some of the Earthlings are eager to join the Savi civilization under my leadership. Welcome Lord Yasru to come as soon as possible!"

"Your loyal subordinate Stein Siegel made the above report."

At the end of the document, the star map of the Sky Star and the safe path that the Earthlings have taken are also attached.

After reading the letter, Yasru did not make any immediate move. Instead of responding to his emotions, he analyzed the strangeness in the star map.

"Severus, report to me again the scientific and technological intelligence related to the Earthlings' propulsion technology that you have collected."

"Yes! Commander Yasru!"

"During our investigation, the Earth civilization already had the technology of antimatter propulsion, which is extremely unreasonable in our technological assessment, and their interstellar navigation technology as a whole is very disconnected from the development of their civilization."

"Roughly estimate the rationality of their speed."

"No need, Commander. According to our investigation, their aerospace technology is extremely unreasonable. We have begun to try to investigate in the solar system and surrounding galaxies."

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