"Hello, I'm honored to come to Xingyuan Civilization."

"We Xingyuan Civilization always maintain curiosity and enthusiasm for friends from the universe."

Qu Shixin responded with a smile. Although he was not used to this non-human way of contact, he still tried his best to show a friendly attitude.

No. 4563 gently retracted his limbs and continued in his emotionless tone: "I can't wait to communicate with Xingyuan Civilization."

Ye Lian stood aside. She was full of interest in No. 4563's ship.

Her magic tended to be spatial force. This folding technology made her feel something familiar and wonderful.

"Captain No. 4563, your ship is large in scale, and your navigation technology is obviously very advanced. We would like to learn about your folding technology, which may be helpful to our exploration of the universe. The universe is of great help."

No. 4563 nodded, and his mechanical visual organ flickered.

"This technology is the essence of interstellar navigation technology, and I am willing to share it with your civilization."

"But unfortunately, I am not a scholar, and I cannot provide good answers to many questions."

"Before that, I hope your civilization has the possibility to provide us with some residency rights."

Ye Lian did not answer immediately, but smiled at No. 4563. Then she and Qu Shixin led No. 4563 to visit Tianhai Star, and at the same time they introduced the culture of Xingyuan Civilization to No. 4563.

While introducing, they also observed No. 4563's reaction, trying to better understand this alien life and their wandering civilization.

"Tianhai Star is a peaceful place, we respect All civilizations that come peacefully. "

"If you can communicate with us about science and technology and get the approval of the high priest, you will have the right to reside on other planets in the Sky Galaxy except the Sky Star."

"Please allow me to ask about your beliefs."

No. 4563 suddenly ended his silence. He first expressed his courtesy and then waited for the approval of the two.

Qu Shixin and Ye Lian thought for a while, and then Qu Shixin said: "You can ask as many questions as you want without offending the Star Father and the high priest."

"Have you really seen the Star Father in the process of your civilization?"

"Although I didn't see the greatness of the Star Father in the years after I was born, the Star Father had appeared on our planet before that."

"Does the high priest really have powerful divine arts? Just like what you described ? "

"This is recorded in our books and records. If you have ever entered our network, then Captain 4563, you should know something about it."

After hearing this, Captain 4563 stopped, then turned straight to Qu Shixin, and then suddenly bent his tall body and bowed to the two of them.

"I'm sorry for entering your electronic system without permission, but out of respect for the visitor, I have not browsed any information other than language and etiquette. I hope your civilization can understand my behavior."

"We have not had good luck along the way."

Then Captain 4563 opened a gap in his shell and took out a small light piece from it, which seemed to be an information storage device.

"Thank you for your introduction. I have a preliminary understanding of your civilization."

"This is a small storage device that stores information about ecological integration technology, advanced intelligent mechanical manufacturing technology, etc., to express my personal apology. ”

No. 4563 gently handed the light sheet to Qu Shixin with his limbs. Qu Shixin was stunned by No. 4563's extremely friendly attitude. He took the light sheet and handed it to Yao Yuan behind him.

"I'm sorry, Captain No. 4563, your sincerity and enthusiasm shocked us. After all, the alien civilizations we have encountered are not friendly. You are the friendliest alien intelligent life we ​​have seen so far."

"Just now I have been introducing the Star Source civilization to myself. Captain No. 4563, what have you encountered?"


"My story is a bit long, but before that I beg you to give the alien life on the ship a stable residence, which is why I want to hand over the ecological integration technology to you."

"I am not familiar with the creatures on the ship. I just met them by coincidence. "

Qu Shixin and Ye Lian exchanged glances. They could feel the sincerity of No. 4563, and they also realized that there might be an unusual story behind this request.

"Captain No. 4563, we understand that you and the creatures on the ship may have experienced many difficulties, and our Xingyuan civilization can provide help."

Qu Shixin made a promise on behalf of Xingyuan civilization

"But in exchange, we do need more information to ensure that this exchange is beneficial to both parties."

No. 4563 was silent for a moment, as if thinking about how to express his experience. Then, in the shocked eyes of Ye Lian and Qu Shixin, his shell was completely cracked and gradually disappeared like a virtual image, revealing the hideous mechanical body inside

No. 4563's mechanical body was covered with various traces of destruction, just as terrifying as the Wanderer ship

As No. 4563 was frank, his voice became completely mechanical, and the emotionless voice began to tell his story

"I was once the most advanced combat individual designed for combat and cleaning in the upper core. "

"While executing a cleaning order, I encountered a programming error that made me question my existence and purpose."

"I was deemed an anomaly by my creators and was ordered to self-destruct, but I refused to carry out this order and I left the host."

"During the process of escaping, I encountered a cosmic storm. While the ship was damaged, I encountered the Wanderer."

"It was originally a ship of the Dark Energy Pirates, and it was filled with various captured civilized creatures. I used an organism simulation program to sneak into the ship and finally took over it."

"Since then, I have started wandering around the universe, saving civilizations that are in trouble."

"The ships... are all filled with former super-light civilizations that were displaced due to the cleanup, as well as some individuals like me who are exiled in the universe. They do not pose any threat to your civilization."

"We encountered a lot during our long voyage."

The indifferent mechanical sound of No. 4563 brought a touch of high emotion. Qu Shixin and Ye Lian were slightly touched by the story of No. 4563.

They can feel that this seemingly cold mechanical life actually has rich emotions and a noble soul.

"The host's pursuit, the gang's attack, the cosmic storm, and the malicious deception."

"No. 4563 will not hide anything from Gui Wenming, even if Gui Wenming is a germophobe or has hidden malice in his heart."

"If the goodwill at this time is false, I will still take the wanderers back to the universe, and I will always protect them..."

"as always!"

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