"Star Father created the universe, and all life in the universe is Star Father's people."

"Our Star Origin civilization respects the rights of all life. If what Captain 4563 says is true, then we will be willing to provide you with asylum."

No. 4563 lowered his head slightly to express gratitude.

After listening to No. 4563's story, Ye Lian couldn't help but curiously asked: "Captain No. 4563, why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"I was once designed to destroy, but I now choose to understand and coexist."

“Life should not be exclusive, but inclusive.”

"I have witnessed too many conflicts caused by incomprehension and fear. The real power is not to clean up, but to bring peace and harmony."

"I also thought emotions were a useless sign of organic life, but now I understand that emotions are a treasure common to all intelligent life, and they make us richer and more authentic."

Some words spoken by No. 4563 made Ye Lian couldn't help but think about it for a moment.

This time, the third kind of contact ended in a very harmonious situation. The Wanderer ship will be placed in the undeveloped area of ​​Tianhaixing.

Ye Lian temporarily chose to stay on Tianhai Star, reporting the information to Shen Xing and coordinating the placement of life forms on the Wanderer with Qu Shixin.

Until the ecological zone is transformed, the life forms on the Wanderer will still live on the ship.

When they learned that there was a civilization willing to accept them, they expressed their excitement in their own way.

Qu Shixin and Ye Lian quietly observed the life forms on the Wanderer. She could feel their emotional fluctuations, even though these life forms were different in form and culture from the humans of the Star Source Civilization.

After receiving Ye Lian's report, Shen Xing pondered for a moment and decided to come to Tianhaixing and have a meeting with No. 4563 in person.

In a quiet living room in Tianhaixing, Shen Xing has quietly arrived. After Qu Shixin and Ye Lian handed over the task of transforming the ecological zone to Yao Yuan, they brought No. 4563 to the living room for a face-to-face meeting.

When Shen Xing saw No. 4563 without any disguise, he was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this mechanical body actually came here with good intentions.

He once tried to understand the structure of No. 4563's mechanical body, and found that his structure could not be explained by any existing technology. He also felt an abnormal electrical signal on No. 4563's body, which may be the source of his emotions.

After seeing several people arriving, Shen Xing was the first to speak:

"Our Star Source Civilization has always believed that intelligent life in the universe should respect and learn from each other."

"Your experience and knowledge will be a valuable asset to us."

After hearing Shen Xing's words, No. 4563 bowed slightly to show his respect, and then he replied: "I am also very happy to meet a civilization like you."

Qu Shixin and Ye Lian sat on both sides of the long table, while No. 4563 sat opposite Shen Xing, facing each other.

"Then we can get to the point."

"Before that, you can quickly understand the Star Source Civilization's understanding of the universe, which can improve some efficiency."

No. 4563 nodded, and then he began to look up information about the universe on the Star Source Civilization's network, and his body began to flicker.

After just a few dozen seconds, No. 4563 consulted Star Source Civilization’s information about the universe, and then he began to share some key information based on his own data reserves.

"I did not find any information about the dark energy thieves in your civilization's information. This is very unwise for an interstellar civilization located in the second super galaxy cluster."

"The dark energy thieves are running rampant in the second super galaxy cluster. They are committed to plunging the universe into disorder and darkness. They believe in the theory of entropy increase and do evil for the sake of doing evil."

While No. 4563 was explaining, Ye Lian on the side was recording and organizing information. This information is extremely precious to the current Star Source Civilization and has also improved their understanding of the universe.

"I belonged to the Supreme Core before I left the host. Our host is a highly developed mechanical intelligent civilization. The consciousness of the host represents the consciousness of the entire civilization. We were also enslaved by the organism until the core awakened and the organism disappeared. "

"But above the core, there is a superior existence. I don't have any information about the superior existence."

"There is a superior?"

Shen Xing frowned slightly and stared at No. 4563, seeming to be thinking about a deeper issue.

A superior being that can become an advanced omnic civilization may already be called the top civilization in the universe.

"Yes, superiors exist."

"The existence of the core's superiors is very mysterious, and I don't have any more information."

Shen Xing nodded, then put down the question and continued to ask.

"So, have you encountered other civilizations during your wanderings? What were their reactions?"

No. 4563 was silent for a moment, and then said: "During our wanderings, we did encounter some other civilizations."

"But unfortunately, most civilizations are afraid and repelled by the existence of omnics. They are unwilling to accept us, and some civilizations will even take the initiative to attack us."

"There are even organisms that use adaptive individuals."

"What is a competent individual?" Qu Shixin asked curiously. This statement from No. 4563 is as serious as the use of nuclear weapons by a pre-nuclear civilization.

"The number of capable individuals in the universe is extremely rare, and their power comes from dark matter and dark energy, the cornerstones of the universe."

"A competent individual can control dark matter and dark energy through some means, thereby bursting out with very powerful abilities."

"Even the core of the source of this power is unknown."

Ye Lian thought, and then she raised a question

"Have you ever seen such a fit individual?"

"I've seen it before, right now."


"You are competent individuals."

This sentence directly shocked Qu Shixin and Ye Lian, but Shen Xing didn't have much reaction.

He once detected a trace of other existences in Su Xiaoyi's body. The things in his body did not belong to Shen Xing's power, but were things that existed in the real universe itself.

In other words, if Shen Xing hadn't intervened, Su Xiaoyi would have become what they call a capable individual.

"When I was just checking the information, I saw the divine magic you described. This ability can only be achieved by qualified individuals, and your abilities are more diverse than the qualified individuals I know."

"The abilities of other competent individuals are limited to 'destruction' and 'repair'. Such diverse abilities as yours cannot be understood in my program."

"Maybe it's the power given to you by your 'Star Father'."

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