I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 101 Are you looking for me?


Eriki held up the small notebook with a serious expression on her face: "My family doesn't like me running around. If I see Hikari, I might cause trouble for Hikaru."

"……Oh well."

Uchiha Hikari did not insist any further: "If you have anything to say, please tell me in the group at any time. If there is any danger, I can rush there as soon as possible."


After nodding hard, Eriki waved her hand, then turned into a ball of white light and disappeared in front of Uchiha Hikari.

[The little monster has exited the nameless world]

Uchiha Hikari stretched, and while continuing to communicate with Eriki, Bulma and others in the group, he summoned somersault clouds and prepared to visit the Neko Sento on the way to Kalin Tower.

The world of dragons.

Located in a wooden room inside the Genji Heavy Industries building.

Erika was lying quietly on the hospital bed, her body connected to the filter. As the filtered blood flows into the body, the black and gray blood vessel lines on the girl's body begin to calm down, and the skin gradually returns to its original white porcelain color.

"When will she wake up?"

Yuan Zhisheng asked, sitting by the bed.

"About six or seven hours. When the sedatives wear off, the head of the Uesugi family will wake up."

The person in charge of the medical team replied.

Yuan Zhisheng sat for a while, then quietly got up and went out to the outside.

Here, Tachibana Masamune was sitting on the tatami, holding a small notebook filled with words, looking confused.

"Konoha Village, ninja, Uchiha clan...what do you mean?"

"Is there a family with this last name in Japan?"

When the two big shots were confused, the person in charge of the medical team next to them suddenly coughed and interjected: "Master, Master, these names written by Miss Erii seem to have appeared in an anime. ...It is a very popular manga in recent years, called "Naruto", and it is still serialized on JUMP. Miss Eriri has recently watched its animation. "


After obtaining Tachibana Masamune's permission, the head of the medical team opened the laptop, found the Naruto playback interface, and then pushed the screen over.

There was a moment of silence.

"...Zongsheng, what do you think?"


Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a moment, and then spoke with some uncertainty: "It may be a lie made up by the other party, or some kind of hypnosis technology, which confused Eriki's perception of reality and made her mistakenly think that she had gone there these days. The world in animation...but why this one? Crow, who is the author of this comic?”

Crow quickly took out his cell phone and started to search: "It seems his name is Masashi Kishimoto, and he lives in Tokyo... Do you want to capture him and ask him?"


Yuan Zhisheng nodded: "Remember to be polite, after all, it is not yet certain that the other party is related to this hijacking incident."


The crow got the order and acted immediately.

Yuan Zhisheng immediately cast his eyes on the wooden sculpture next to him and frowned slightly: "What is this?"

"It's what Miss Eriyi held in her hand when she came back. She held it very tightly. We spent a lot of effort to take it off after she fell asleep." The person in charge of the medical team replied: "This wooden sculpture On the base, it says 'The light of painted pear clothes'."

"Light? Who is that? Is this person in "Naruto"?"


After confirming with the person in charge of the medical team, Tachibana Masamune, who was silent for a long time, slowly said: "It seems that this may be the name of the hijacker. He was able to take Eri away silently, and he was able to take her away without us noticing. If it is sent back silently, his speech spirit is probably of the hidden type... and his bloodline is very pure, probably no less than yours."

This is incredible——

As the Amaterasu of the eight Sheqi families and a super hybrid who inherited the imperial blood, Minamoto's bloodline purity is already quite high. But even he didn't notice when and how Eryi was sent back. Being able to hide the truth to this extent...

Can we really still be called human?

"Since the other party has sent Eriki back, it means that he has no intention of becoming an enemy of the Sheqi family yet... Of course, it cannot be ruled out that there is another purpose."

"No matter what, this address is no longer safe. In order to prevent the other party from appearing again, I think it is necessary to organize a new safe house and place Eriki there."

Yuan Zhisheng said.

Tachibana Masamune nodded: "Well, Zhisheng, I'll leave it to you to arrange this matter. I will continue to wait here for Eriki to wake up."

[Anonymous@little monster: Hui Liyi, are you awake? Your family is not worried, right? 】

[Little Monster: No, I just met my brother and told them about going to Konoha, but they didn’t seem to believe it... My brother said he would take me to live somewhere else, and I would need another serum injection later. . 】

[Anonymous: No need to wash the blood, right? 】

[Bulma: Wash the blood? 】

[Unnamed: It is probably to drain all the blood out of the human body and then inject new blood. It is a medical method used to stabilize the physical condition in Eri's world. 】

[Buma: Huh? ? Can that person still live? ? 】

Uchiha Hikari said the devil knows.

Not to mention anything else in the dragon world, the vitality of those advanced hybrids is really a bit outrageous. Chu Zihang, whose actual bloodline is less than A-level, can survive half an hour of absolute anemia with his physical strength. Eri Yi's bloodline is estimated to be super S-level, so it shouldn't be a big problem to resist for forty minutes... ...But it’s hard to say, after all, her bloodline is contaminated and not pure.

During the communication between Uchiha Hikari and Bulma, Eriki sent several new messages.

[Little Monster: They have all gone out, and now I am the only one left in the room. Light, can I go to your place again? 】

[Nameless: Farewell for now. You should take good care of yourself at home. Let’s talk about it later. Or when I have some free time here, I can go over with Bulma and the others to see you. 】

[Little Monster:...Okay, I'll take a nap first, I feel so sleepy. 】

[Unnamed: By the way, besides your brother, did you see Tachibana Masamune just now? 】

[Little monster: Mr. Masamune, he left with his brother just now... Hey, it seems he is back again? 】

In a clean and spacious ward.

Wearing a pair of thin pajamas, Eri held a wooden sculpture in her hand, lying on the hospital bed, her eyelids began to droop unconsciously.

The serum she had just injected contained a lot of sedatives. These medicines were still working, making her feel tired. The wall clock on the wall has pointed to eleven o'clock in the middle of the night. It is the dead of night and the people are exhausted. The medical team guarding outside have also settled down, and no one can be heard.

I don’t know how long it took.

As if a gust of wind blew by, the door of the ward was opened and closed quietly.

Someone came in.

It's Tachibana Masamune.

The latter quietly walked to the bed and sat down, looking at Eriyi: "Eriyi, who is the person who took you away?"


Eriyi was woken up in a daze, and her reaction was sluggish for a few seconds. Then she took the notebook next to her and wrote down the name "Uchiha Hikaru" before lifting the notebook.

"I mean his true identity!"

Masamune Tachibana frowned, and suddenly raised his hand to grab Eri's wrist, and his tone became irritable: "Don't pretend to be stupid, and don't think about using some random anime characters to get through. I know you must know him. I'll tell you Write down everything you know, immediately!”

At this moment, Tachibana Masamune's formerly kind and amiable old man's face showed a bit of coldness, looking like an evil ghost in the dim moonlight, which made people afraid.


Erika was a little frightened, with a look of bewilderment on her face.

Just then...

A hand suddenly stretched out from the other side of the hospital bed and clasped Masamune Tachibana's hand holding onto Eri's clothes.

As if suddenly, a petite figure appeared in the room, speaking slowly in a cold and soft voice: "Excuse me, are you looking for me?"


Tachibana Masamune's eyelids twitched fiercely and he raised his head suddenly.

What came into view was a fair and beautiful face, and there seemed to be magnificent flames burning in the calm eyes!

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