I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 102 Happy New Year amp release remarks

Chapter 102 Happy New Year \u0026 Remarks on the Book

First of all, I wish you all a happy new year~

As mentioned above, the book will be on the shelves at 0:00 tonight. I would like to thank all the readers. Because of your support and recognition, the book "Light" can successfully go through four rounds of recommendations and be successfully on the shelves today, 51 days after the book was published.

In terms of updates, 5 chapters of about 10,000 words will be updated after 0:00. I am currently writing the 4th chapter. Depending on the coding situation tonight, the 5th chapter may be updated during the day tomorrow. If you like it, please give me a first order~

If the first order is good, I will add more chapters as appropriate (according to the follow-up reading data mentioned by the editor, the good standard starts from 1,000. On this basis, I will add one chapter for every 200 first orders. If there is a large reward, I will also add more chapters). Because I don’t have too many manuscripts in my hand, and there are many things to do during the New Year, I may not be able to add more chapters immediately, but I will definitely not default on my debts.

In terms of the plot, to be honest, this is Qing Niu’s first time writing a chat group article, and also the first time writing a comprehensive comic. It is a little harder to write than I imagined. Because the power level, time span, etc. of each world are different, it is necessary to analyze and organize the timeline of each work, deduce how the plot will change after the protagonist intervenes, and take into account the plot ratio of the main world and other worlds. Therefore, the recent coding speed has dropped a bit compared to the previous period. But the plot is under control and has not exceeded the expected framework, so there is no need to worry about the problem of writing collapse.

Because it is a chat group text, I am worried that some group members will disappear for a long time after there are more people, so I deliberately control the speed of adding people; in the selection of subsequent worlds, the style and power level are mainly considered (in the case of Naruto as the basis, such as Xiuxian, Star Wars, etc., the style of painting is too different, and the world of Ultraman with too high power level is not easy to add);

There is also the popularity of the characters and the difficulty of plot intervention. The characters in some worlds may be very popular, or their abilities and techniques are very useful, but there is no good plot intervention point, so I am hesitating (such as Death God, and road movies like Fulilian Irena, or funny animations like Suqing). Of course, adding people without exploring the other world may also be a way of thinking, but it feels like something is missing.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to mention them.

Finally, I have created a small group for book friends. I will post the group number in the introduction later. If you want to come in and chat, urge me to update, or provide suggestions, you can take a look~

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