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Chapter 103: Susanoo in Genji Heavy Industries! (First order required)

The air seemed to freeze for a moment.

The next moment.


The kaleidoscope in Uchiha Hikari's eyes spun gently, causing Tachibana Masamune to fall into a trance. Before he came to his senses, Uchiha Hikari exerted a little force with his five fingers and crushed his wrist directly, then lifted him up, flew several meters in the air and hit the cabinet behind him!


With a loud bang, the wooden cabinet was smashed to the ground, and the documents and bottles and jars inside were scattered all over the floor.

Tachibana Masamune, who raised his head again from the mess, seemed to have aged several years in the moment just now, sweating profusely, and his eyes became a little dazed. At this moment, he looked at Uchiha Hikari with an inexplicable expression of fear, and suddenly ran out with a rolling and crawling!

"Someone... someone come quickly!!"

Uchiha Guang was about to get up and chase after him when he felt someone gently holding his fingers. When he looked down, he saw Eri holding her and holding up a small notebook with a nervous look on his face: "Guang, Mr. Masamune is not a bad guy..."

(If he is not a bad guy, then there are probably no bad guys in the entire dragon world.)

Uchiha Guang sighed in his heart, but did not explain immediately. Instead, he gently stroked Eri's soft red hair, then slowly opened her fingers and whispered: "Don't be afraid, I'm here. You rest here first, I'll go out to deal with something and come back to you later."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt your brother."

After hearing this promise, Eri hesitantly retracted her hand, holding the wooden sculpture, and looked at Uchiha Guang with her deer-like eyes.

Uchiha Guang got up and walked out.

It took a while.

Outside the wooden room, there was already a commotion, with many footsteps coming from all floors of the building. Faintly, Uchiha Hikaru seemed to hear some clicking sounds, as if bullets were being loaded.

"Protect the head of the family!"

"Come out of the room immediately, or we'll shoot!"


Uchiha Hikaru walked through the corridor of the wooden room, stopped at the metal door, and looked at the guards standing in the corridor outside.

These people's guns were equipped with laser sights, and the red beams were aimed at her body, as if they could shoot her into a sieve in the next second, but Uchiha Hikaru's expression was indifferent, and his eyes went directly over the groups of guards and looked at Tachibana Masamune on the other side of the corridor: "You can only hide behind others and play tricks, Dr. Herzog?"


At this moment, Tachibana Masamune, who was hiding behind the crowd and having his wrist bandaged by medical staff, was shocked!

But then.

Someone whispered: "Shoot!"

Almost at the same time as the gunshots rang out.

The magatama windmill in Uchiha Hikaru's eyes spun gently: "Susanoo!!"

Bang, bang, bang——

Gunshots burst out!

A large number of bullets swept over like a rain curtain, covering Uchiha Hikaru. However, all the bullets stopped halfway and were blocked by a skeleton made of a layer of dark red flames. A few seconds later, shells fell one by one, making a crisp sound on the floor.

"What, what is that?!"

"Word spirit?!"

Susanoo can be seen by the naked eye, and the guards who witnessed all this showed stunned expressions.

As the voice echoed, Uchiha Hikaru moved.

It was just a simple hand-raising gesture.

Following Uchiha Hikaru's action, the dark red Susanoo also raised the blazing sword and swung a top-down slash at the corridor in front of him!

"Hundred and Eight Sections·Heavy Artillery Slash!"

At this moment, the fiery sword energy fell down, breaking the air in front in the blink of an eye, and then swept across the entire corridor! From the straight line under Uchiha Guang's feet, everything was torn in half, and the blazing flames emerged in the void, forming a long flame path of dozens of meters!


The light bulb embedded in the ceiling began to flicker.

Uchiha Guang's body also jumped out at this time!

In the narrow corridor, her speed was exerted to the limit, breaking into the team of guards like a ghost, punching and kicking lightly, and all those hit by fists and feet flew out instantly, hitting the wall next to them or the crowd behind them, bringing a dull collision sound.

Someone tried to shoot, but Uchiha Guang cut off the barrel of the gun with a hand knife, and then ran forward along the wall and ceiling in a posture that ignored gravity, aiming directly at Tachibana Masamune at the end of the corridor!

"Not good... her target is the head of the family!"

"We can't let her get through!"

Those who can serve as guards at Genji Heavy Industries are basically vicious thugs in the underworld. At this moment, they all showed a desperate attitude, pulling out weapons such as short knives and batons from their arms, trying to stop Uchiha Guang's progress, but it was in vain, and they were thrown out like sandbags.

Just when Uchiha Guang was about to grab Tachibana Masamune's collar, a rapidly approaching figure suddenly arrived!

Then, a cyan blade light fell from the sky!

North Star One Sword Style·Frost Descent!


The sharp murderous intent contained in the blade made Uchiha Guang slightly raise his eyebrows. The hand that was originally grabbing Tachibana Masamune stopped halfway and turned to grab the long knife that attacked from the side!

Ping! !

The moment her fingertips made contact with the blade, Uchiha Hikaru felt a powerful force, making her fingers filled with chakra slightly unsteady. The person who came was also stunned for a moment, then freed up a hand to punch, but she used her wrist to push it away, and then swung a whip towards the opponent's wide open middle door!


The person came with a groan, and used the momentum of retreat to draw the knife forcefully, and freed the long blade from Uchiha Hikari's fingers.

Uchiha Hikari himself did a neat backflip and landed gently on the ground five or six meters away. His petite figure was like a light butterfly. The moment he stood up, he casually reached out and grabbed the two guards who were trying to rush up. He picked them up by their collars and threw them out to a crowded place.

After doing all this, Uchiha Hikaru tilted his head and looked at the place where he had just stood.

"Yuan Zhisheng?"

There, a dark-haired boy who was estimated to be twenty-one or twelve years old and with a stern expression stood upright with a knife, and there seemed to be a golden blade condensing in his eyes.

"Dad, stay back."

Yuan Zhisheng stared at Uchiha Hikaru intently and said without looking back.

Behind him, in another L-shaped corridor with Eriki's room, a group of Executive Bureau cadres wearing black trench coats were arriving one after another.

"Who are you?" Yuan Zhisheng suddenly asked.

"Uchiha, Hikari."


The moment he heard Uchiha Hikari announcing his home, Minamoto was visibly startled.

The "light" that Eri is talking about is actually... a woman? !

——To be precise, it should be a girl.

Even in the dim light, Minamoto Chisheng could tell that Uchiha Hikaru was no more than fifteen years old, and he was more than a head shorter than him.

"...I don't know what your purpose is, but Eriki is my sister, and Masamune Tachibana is the head of the eight Seraki families. I will not allow you to hurt them in the slightest, no matter what the reason."

Yuan Zhisheng's words were decisive.

the other side.

Uchiha Hikari slowly raised the corners of his lips and raised his sword with his fingers in front of him: "You are very brave to dare to point the blade at me, but this is the only thing worthy of praise... Magical Tree Binding Killing!"

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