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Chapter 104 Dragon King? ! (First order required)

The big black pinwheel inside the Sharingan spins.

The pupil power is activated!

At this moment, including Minamoto Zhisheng, all the executive officers who were standing in the corridor and saw Uchiha Hikari's eyes were in a trance.


The world is spinning!

As if in an instant, they found that the scene around them suddenly changed, from the corridor of Genji Heavy Industries to a cloudy jungle. Invisible pressure came from all directions, turning into thick and tough vines, binding them layer by layer, and then quickly tightened before they could react any more!

——Magic·Tree Binding Killing, the golden binding illusion recorded in the "Book of Sealings", appeared here after being blessed by Uchiha Hikari's kaleidoscope power.

"This is……"

"Yanling Senluo?!"

Of all the people, Tachibana Masamune's expression was the most horrified.

Yuan Zhisheng and others had just arrived here and were not aware of what had just happened, but he could see clearly - the dark red giant phantom emerging from the void was by no means a blind eye. Yes, it can only be explained using the spirit of speech, and it is also a very high-level speech spirit. But now...

She actually released a second kind of speech spirit? !

A person who controls multiple spirit spirits...

Super hybrid? !


There was a loud roar!

The second before he was bound by the vines, Yuan Zhisheng mustered up his strength, and the golden pupils in his eyes were burning. As the dragon's blood in his body surged, his whole body burst out with astonishing momentum, turning into a black shadow and rushing toward Uchiha Hikaru! Even under the gaze of the Sharingan, this speed can still be called "fast"!

Heart-Shaped Sword Style·Four and Eight Phases!

Facing Minamoto's onslaught, Uchiha Hikaru used the dynamic vision of Sharingan to its full potential. He remained bare-handed and dodged with tiny steps, narrowly avoiding the oncoming attacks five or six times in a row. On the blade, a head of black hair was slightly blown by the wind of the knife.

"Good swordsmanship."

If it were a normal encounter, Uchiha Hikaru wouldn't mind playing with Minamoto for a while to see how the ancient swordsmanship of the dragon world compares to the swordsmanship of Naruto and Demon Slayer.

Maybe you can also use Sharingan to copy a few sets of sword skills, and then mix them with your own sword skills to learn from each other's strengths.

But at this moment.

Her goal is to deal with Tachibana Masamune first.

After this guy ate a Tsukuyomi from her in the ward just now, he seemed to have understood that he could no longer look at her, so he consciously avoided her sight just now and was not trapped by the "Tree Binding Kill" like everyone else. . At this time, under the escort of several executive bureau cadres who came later, he staggered towards the elevator.

The distance between the two sides is about... sixty meters!

"Shadow clone!"

After dodging Minamoto's blade again, Uchiha Hikaru quickly formed a seal.

After leaving behind a half-strength shadow clone that entangled Yuan Zhisheng, her body suddenly stepped on the ground, and her breathing rate suddenly changed——

"The Breath of Thunder..."

"Type of One·Thunderbolt Flash·Super Speed!!"

At this moment, the petite figure drew a lightning trajectory, passing the sixty meters distance almost instantly, and appeared behind the executive bureau officials with a light golden arc of lightning!


"Protect everyone!"

Several cadres slashed with their swords in unison, and the blade made a sharp sound in the air. However, Uchiha Hikaru did not dodge, and at the last moment, he stretched out his hands and hit two of them like a knife. With his wrist, he grabbed the two long knives. While spinning and kicking in mid-air, he raised his hand and threw the knives in the direction of the other two Executive Bureau cadres!

Bang bang——!

Following two muffled sounds, Uchiha Hikaru's legs drew a sharp arc in mid-air, kicking the two people who had the sword away from their chests. While the other two were holding up their knives to block, they were pressed by the flying knives she threw. They took several steps back and the hilts of the knives were released!

when! !

After the four knives collided two by two, they were thrown away together, spinning 1,800 degrees in the air like a boomerang. Finally, with a "clang", they pierced into the metal wall more than ten meters away!

The flames burst out, and the front few inches of the knife tip sank directly into the metal wall!

All of this happens in an instant.

When the Uchiha light fell again, Tachibana Masamune was the only one left beside him.

Of course, this guy wouldn't let him go without a fight. He took out a short knife from his arms and was about to stab him head on.

But Uchiha Hikaru directly activated Susanoo, using his white bone arm made of chakra, he casually knocked away the dagger with a wave of his hand, then grabbed his collar and pressed him directly against the wall next to the elevator shaft. !

Under the pressure of the giant white-bone palm, you could faintly hear the bones of Tachibana Masamune creaking all over his body.

"Stop it!!"

Yuan Zhisheng desperately got rid of the entanglement of the shadow clone and rushed over again. Before the person arrived, he threw out the spider cutter in his hand.

This time, Uchiha Hikaru was not polite to him. He ducked sideways and let the spider roar from in front of him. Then his other white bone arm reached out and with five fingers, he pinned Yuan Zhisheng's whole body not far away. on the other wall.

Even if Yuan Zhisheng used the hybrid's strength to desperately break free, he could only loosen the restraints of the bones' arms a little, but he couldn't escape.

Other executive bureau officials fired from a distance, but the bullets from pistols and submachine guns had no effect on Susanoo.

——Heavy weapons may be useful, but within Genji Heavy Industries, they obviously do not have the conditions and dare not use large-scale heavy weapons.

At this moment.

Genji Chisheng seemed to have made up his mind, suddenly opened his mouth, and shouted a series of ancient and obscure loud voices. That sound does not belong to any kind of human voice, but it can vaguely make people understand its meaning:

"Word Spirit... Kingship!"

A roar like a Huangzhong Dalu sounded in this space.

Even if the body can no longer move, there is still a huge field, expanding with Genji Chisheng as the center, turning into dozens of times the super gravity falling from the sky!

At this moment.

Almost all executive bureau officials felt the heavy pressure from their shoulders, and they bent down and crawled involuntarily, half-knelt down, and presented a posture that was almost like bowing - this was the result of Genji Chisheng intentionally controlling his ability and "pardoning" them.

But Uchiha Hikaru, who was in the center of the Word Spirit and was suppressed by the strongest gravity of Yuan Zhisheng, looked like nothing happened, and there was not even a trace of body shaking!

"... This is impossible!"

Yuan Zhisheng suddenly opened his eyes wide, his face full of astonishment.

He is the "Emperor" of the Eight Snakes, a super hybrid.

The royal power is a high-risk Word Spirit that is beyond the scope of human understanding.

In his domain, even a hybrid of the same "Emperor" level can only use his own bloodline to resist the effect of the "Royal Power", and it is impossible to completely ignore it. The current situation can only mean that the other party is either an ordinary person without any dragon blood; or a dragon bloodline of a higher level than him.


Something higher than the "Emperor"?

Then it can only be...

"Dragon King?!"

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