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Chapter 105: Tachibana Masamune's memories (first order requested)

In an instant, Yuan Zhisheng seemed to understand everything——

No wonder Eriyi disappeared quietly in that way.

No wonder, the other party can suddenly appear here without anyone noticing.

No wonder, with her appearance being so young and her body not even developed yet, she could easily suppress herself after years of training, ignore the role of "royal power", and release multiple kinds of speech spirits...

It turns out... there is a dragon king eyeing the Sheqi family! !

How did she wake up? Which one of the four kings was she? When did she come to Japan? When did she target Eri? Is there anyone behind her to guide her? Do the academy and the secret party know this information?

Terrible conjectures kept pouring into Yuan Zhisheng's mind.

Tachibana Masamune next to him seemed to have thought of this too, with unspeakable horror on his face.

the other side.

Uchiha Hikaru didn't expect that Minamoto Chisei and Tachibana Masamune would think so much.

She can ignore the "royal power" purely because she does not have dragon blood in her body, and is equivalent to an ordinary person who has nothing to do with the mixed-race world. In this case, the No. 91 Word Spirit "Royal Power", which is only effective against hybrids, is not as effective as an ordinary attack Word Spirit.

Of course, for humans in the dragon world, it is very rare for people to have no dragon blood in their bodies. They can basically be regarded as rare animals...


Uchiha Hikari glanced at his shadow clone who was covering, then looked at the "father and son" who were pressed against the wall by Susanoo, and launched the "Eight Thousand Spears" against Tachibana Masamune.

Eyes slightly closed.

Consciousness sank rapidly.

A series of broken silhouettes quickly passed through Uchiha Hikaru's mind——

Born and raised in a Moscow orphanage…

Join the KGB for agent training...

After the war, he returned to Black Swan Harbor with the genetic technology of the Third Reich to study dragon genes and test-tube babies...

The fire on Christmas Eve, the ancient dragon embryo, the sunken Lenin...

Forged the identities of the three inner families and sneaked into the eight Sheqi families...

In total, Tachibana Masamune is actually older than Shimura Danzo, and because he is a modern man, he has richer experiences and knowledge. It is said that it is impossible for Uchiha Hikaru to "see" his complete life in just a few moments. . But when she actually snooped, she discovered that Tachibana Masamune's memory was a little thin, especially in the first half, and there were many places where there was a lack of connection.

It's like...a film that has been edited and deleted.

During this process, Tachibana Masamune showed a painful expression on his face, but because his throat was also held, he could only release these emotions through roaring. This scene made the eyes of Gen Zhisheng next to him burst. He repeatedly boosted the dragon blood in his body, but he still couldn't break free from Susanoo's giant palm.

for a long time.

Uchiha Hikaru opened his eyes again, with a strange light shining in his eyes:


She had read the original work and knew that Herzog could create something called a "Shadow Warrior" to replace herself and act as a scapegoat on different occasions. Therefore, the Tachibana Masamune in front of him may not be—no, it should be said that he is definitely not his real body, but just a puppet created by people.

However, the principle of "Shadow Warrior" has not been explained in detail in the Dragon Clan.

But now...

Uchiha Hikaru vaguely understood——

The so-called "Shadow Warrior" is probably not as simple as just finding someone to act in front of a script. Because the memories she just saw in Tachibana Masamune's mind were almost exactly the same as the story this guy told when he confessed to Minamoto Chisei two years later in the original timeline!

That is not Herzog, but the memory of "former KGB member Bondarev"! !

Uchiha Hikaru even saw a scene from Tachibana Masamune's "memory" in which he sneaked into the Osaka headquarters of the Demons and assassinated the "King General"!

It stands to reason that "Tachibana Masamune" and "King Shougang" are both Herzog's vests. There is no need for him to recreate such a battle. After all, there is no audience nearby, and the Minamoto brothers cannot see it.


There may be only one truth——

Tachibana Masamune's memories were carefully woven and directly instilled!

In his perception, he is really not Herzog, but the one who once worked for the KGB. After the destruction of Black Swan Port, he sneaked into the Sheqi family as Tachibana Masamune, walking on thin ice all the way, and achieved the position of patriarch. "Bondarev"!

"Could it be that Herzog also has the ability to weave other people's memories?"

"Yanling? Or some special medical technology, similar to the 'pontine interruption surgery' in Black Swan Port?"

"If Masamune Tachibana is an individual with 'self' awareness, then how does Herzog control him? Is it like hypnosis in animation, using some keywords to trigger mental suggestions?"

"The human brain...is really a wonderful thing."

At this moment, Uchiha Hikari suddenly became very interested in Herzog.

As her thoughts wandered, she let go of Susanoo's hands.

She plans to study Tachibana Masamune's brain, and then use him to bite out the real Herzog.

On the other side, Yuan Zhisheng rushed forward as soon as he escaped. Just as he was about to throw a punch, Uchiha Hikari's shadow clone grabbed his wrist, threw him to the floor with a clean shoulder, and twisted his hands behind his back.


During this process, Uchiha Hikaru's real body slowly turned around, looking down from above, and used his Sharingan to look at Genji's golden eyes: "You should be thankful that you are Eri's brother, so I won't kill you for the time being. But you'd better be smart. People who are too stupid are not qualified to live."

"I'll give you twenty minutes to think about how to talk to me, and be prepared to face the consequences."

Having said that, Uchiha Hikaru turned around and walked back.

The guards and executive bureau cadres on both sides looked at her with vigilance, and at the same time, they looked at the two generations of patriarchs lying on the ground with their peripheral vision. They didn't dare to take action first, but made way to both sides.

The fire path caused by the "heavy artillery slash" a few minutes ago was still burning, reflecting the skin on the back of Uchiha Hikaru's hand and the ends of his hair into a light golden red.

When he returned to the corner of the corridor, Uchiha Hikaru made a seal with one hand and released the shadow clone.

Then he walked all the way back to Eri's room.


When she saw Uchiha Hikaru coming back, Eri was obviously relieved.

And when Minamoto Chisei, who had been simply bandaged, appeared in the ward 20 minutes later, the girl was completely relieved.

"...Hello, Miss Uchiha Hikaru."

Minamoto Chisei first glanced at Eri, then turned his gaze to Uchiha Hikaru, and said with a complicated expression: "I am Minamoto Chisei, and I am now temporarily acting as the head of the Snake Eight Families, and I am here to talk to you."

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