I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 106 Konoha Village Nibelungen Sayings (First Order Request)

Gen Chisei's attitude is now a little lower than before, but he is still very vigilant.

"I would like to ask you, what is your purpose in coming to the Snake Eight Clan?

If you have any other needs, as long as they do not violate the basic rules of human society, the Snake Eight Clan can do their best to help you meet them. However, Eri is the head of the Uesugi family and my sister. I will never give in to her. Even if you are the noble Dragon King!"

"...Dragon King?"

Uchiha Hikaru was stunned for a moment, and then laughed dumbly.

That's right.

For an adult living in a normal society, "characters in anime travel to reality" sounds a bit too outrageous. Besides, she is not actually an "anime character" because she does not appear in the original work of "Naruto". It is reasonable to think of the Dragon King.

Uchiha Hikaru was too lazy to explain this.

——I was just a little curious about which of the four kings the Snake Eight Clan had imagined her to be. After all, there seemed to be no word spirit that could correspond to Susanoo in this world...

While his mind was floating, Uchiha Hikaru said calmly: "To be frank, the reason I came here was for Eri."


"But you don't have to be nervous. I don't have any selfish desires. I'm just here for friendship."


Minamoto Chisei frowned, his face full of disbelief.

And Uchiha Hikaru didn't intend to waste words on this issue either: "Eri, you should rest first. It's already late...Come here, I'll take you to see something."

The second half of the sentence was said to Minamoto Chisei.

After whispering a few words to comfort Eri, Minamoto Chisei stood up and followed Uchiha Hikaru out of the room.

Outside, the wounded in the corridor had been taken away, and the various messes left after the battle had been cleaned up, but there were still some people standing.

Uchiha Hikaru didn't recognize any of them, and estimated that there might be some of Minamoto Chisei's followers inside - Crow, Yasha, and possibly other high-ranking figures from the Snake Eight Families.

At this moment.

Most people lowered their heads and hung their hands, standing on both sides of the corridor. Only two men followed Minamoto Chisei's signal and moved forward with rustling footsteps.

This scene looked a little strange -

Uchiha Hikaru's height was actually less than 1.6 meters, and if you only looked at her face, she looked like a junior high school girl. The three people behind her were basically one and a half heads taller than her. But at this moment, her aura completely covered Minamoto Chisei and others, and she looked more like the owner of the Snake Eight Families than the latter.

Crossing the corridor.

Entering the elevator.

Arriving at the underground "Iron Dome Temple".

During this process, Minamoto Chisei finally couldn't help it: "You... Miss Uchiha Hikaru, why do you know the internal structure of Genji Heavy Industries?"


Uchiha Hikaru didn't even turn his head.

She saw it from Tachibana Masamune's memory.

Although the guy's memory of the first half of his life was fragmented, the memory after entering the Snake Eight Families was very clear, probably because this was the part he had "personally" experienced. And a considerable part of these memories were about this genetic laboratory.

The elevator continued to descend.

The indicator light showed the words "Narojia" - that was the deepest part of hell in the Buddhist scriptures, the infinitely falling void.

Uchiha Hikaru walked out of the elevator here with ease and pushed open a rusty iron door.

A strong smell of blood hit him in the face.

What came into view was a room full of tools.

A whole row of iron operating tables, various sharp knives, gears for cutting bones, iron hooks hanging from the air, and various bottles and jars filled with unknown liquids...

The most eye-catching thing was the giant water tank that occupied an entire wall next to it and was connected to the sewer system through a turbine.

Through a layer of dark blue glass, you can see strange aquatic creatures in the water. They have no lower limbs, only a scaly tail and a face that is very similar to that of humans, just like the monsters with human heads and snake bodies in mythology of various countries.

When shining a flashlight over, you can also see the corpses of cattle, sheep, fish, and huge dark golden skeletons floating at the bottom of the pool, all covered with horrible tooth marks.

"My God..."

Crow opened his mouth wide, and was stunned: "These things... are not all Deadpool? Someone is raising such things in the building?!"

Yuan Zhisheng next to him also had a livid face.

As the young master of the Snake Eight Families, he knows more about Genji Heavy Industries, and now he has vaguely guessed who built this laboratory.

However, there is another possibility...

"Ms. Uchiha Hikaru, are these things related to you?"

"If they are related, why did I bring you here, to show off?"

Uchiha Hikaru turned around, pointed at his temple, and looked at Minamoto Chisei with a look of a fool: "Brain is a good thing, I really hope you have it...

This is the work of your patriarch Tachibana Masamune. You can ask him for the details. I think he should be happy to tell you his story.

Also, although it's disgusting, I advise you not to burn this place down directly. Because Eri's condition still needs to be stabilized with serum extracted from those Deadpool fetuses. After you find Tachibana Masamune to understand the principle of the experiment, remember to give me a copy of the materials and attach a few serum samples. "

After that, Uchiha Hikaru covered his mouth and nose and walked out with a bit of disgust.

"This is the situation. You can handle the rest by yourselves. I'll go out for some fresh air first."


The old iron door slowly closed.

Until there were only three of them left in the room, Crow turned his head and said, "Boss, what should we do? Do you believe what the girl said?"

"... Let's not talk about whether you believe it or not. Let's seal this place off and wait until I finish talking to the head of the family."

Gen Chisheng rubbed his eyebrows, feeling indescribably irritated.

On the other side, Crow asked carefully, "Then, do you still need to continue investigating her identity?"

"Of course, but you have to do it in a more covert way. "

While speaking, Yuan Zhisheng looked back at the direction of the iron gate, and seemed to listen to the breathing outside quietly, and then lowered his voice: "That girl may not be a human, but a dragon king who has awakened. I suspect that the 'Konoha Village' mentioned by Eri before is the Nibelungen she constructed...

You try to find clues in this regard, but be careful. The consequences of going to war with a dragon king in a place like Tokyo are not something we can bear. "

"Yes. "

Chapter 5 is still not finished, my thinking is a bit slow, and I may have to update it tomorrow. You can go to bed after reading it, sweet dreams~

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