I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 108 Master Yue, do you want a son?

"...You mean, that girl unconsciously released Long Wei on the street?"


Inside the Executive Board office.

Yabuki Sakura, who was dressed smartly, nodded: "I was also nearby at the time, and I personally felt the majesty erupting from her body. She didn't even open her eyes... Your judgment is correct, she can do this, I'm afraid there's only the Dragon King. The so-called 'Sharingan' may be a special kind of golden eye."

After a pause, Sakura added hesitantly: "Also, I don't know if it's my imagination, but that kind of majesty is a bit similar to your 'royal power'."

"……I see."

Yuan Zhisheng rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little irritated.

Since last night, he has faced one incident after another, each of which is enough to shock the eight Sheqi families. Moreover, the original master, Masamune Nagatachibana, was suspected of being mentally traumatized and could only lie in bed. Everything fell on him as the young master, which made him feel a lot of pressure.

Just before Sakura came back, he felt his body lose strength for a while, as if something had suddenly hollowed out his body. He didn't recover for a long time.

"Where has she gone now?"

Faced with Yuan Zhisheng's inquiry.

Sakura lowered her head and glanced at her phone: "I was in Taitung just now, and now I'm heading to Bunkyo District... This location seems to be near the University of Tokyo?"

"found it."

Uchiha Hikaru stopped at an intersection in front of the back door of Tokyo University and looked down at his phone.

——She got this thing from a Genji Heavy Industries guard. It was the first-generation Nokia smartphone in 2009. To be honest, it was difficult to use, but fortunately it had a map navigation function.

It was late at night now.

There were not many pedestrians on the roadside, only a few students who looked like they were still walking in and out of the school gate.

The ramen chef behind a rickshaw on the roadside was also bending down to pack his things, as if he was about to call it a day and close up.

"A bowl of ramen, thank you."

Uchiha Hikari opened the curtain and sat down on the wooden bench in front of the car.

Master Yue, who was wearing white linen work clothes, paused, looked up in surprise, and said softly: "Sorry, today's ingredients have been sold out, please come back another day..."

"No ingredients are needed, clear soup noodles are fine, I don't choose."


Uesugoshi frowned, first glancing at the executive commissioner who was following not far behind with some doubts - although the latter deliberately tried to hide it, he certainly couldn't hide it from the eyes of his former "King of Shadows" - and then looked at He looked at Uchiha Hikaru, who had a calm face, and after a brief hesitation, he spread out the chopping board again.

Ten minutes later.

Uchiha Hikari put down the soup bowl and wiped his mouth.

To be honest, Uesugoshi's craftsmanship was worse than she expected, and the evaluation was...not as good as Ichiraku Ramen.

But it doesn't matter, she didn't come here to eat noodles.

After handing the bowl back, Uchiha Hikaru got straight to the point: "Master Yue, do you want a son?"


Uesugoshi was confused by the question: "Little girl, do you know what you are talking about? Although I am indeed alone now, I am not at the point where I want to adopt someone else's son to support me in my old age."

"It's not someone else's, it's your own son, and he also has a daughter."

Uchiha Hikari slowly raised his head, and the kaleidoscope appeared in his eyes: "If you want to know the truth, just come in and see for yourself... Tsukuyomi!"

A moment.

Pupil power flows.

Like water mist, the surrounding scene changed dramatically.

When Uesugoshi came back to his senses, he found himself standing on a snowy ice field, with a dark castle in front of him, as if standing at the end of the world.

"……What is this place?"

When Uesugi turned around, his eyes had turned the color of molten gold, as if hot magma was surging deep inside.

"This is the memory of a man named 'Bondaryev'. His current name is 'Tachibana Masamune', and he is the adoptive father of your children. You will know the specific situation by yourself after reading it."

Uchiha Hikari clasped his hands behind his head and said casually.

She had only recently discovered this method of training her pupils.

Because with the help of Miko Sekai and Kikyo, the shortcomings of the "Kaleidoscope" were made up to a certain extent, and her Tsukuyomi ability improved to a higher level than before. The constructed illusion space is no longer limited to a small area, but can add more and richer content.

For example, the current Black Swan Port was constructed by her using Tachibana Masamune's memory fragments.

Theoretically, she could also use the memories of Naruto, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Goku Jr. and others to create a Konoha Village or Bun Mountain nearby.


This is still just the scope of constructing the scene.

Uchiha Hikaru is wondering if he can further expand the illusion space, and on this basis, simulate the feelings of seeing, smelling, hearing, and touching, and then project people from all worlds in to construct a An almost real illusion world...yes, an infinite Tsukuyomi with herself as the server!

In that case, she can use the name of "VR game" to bring in all the people in the world in the illusion space like Uchiha Hikaru in the original timeline, and then absorb a little chakra every time they log in to achieve Sustainability.

And... it can also achieve some other purposes.

These ideas are theoretically feasible.

But it’s still a bit difficult right now.

Because the eye power required to construct the "world" is too huge, she can't afford it now, at least she has to open the Eternal Mangekyo completely first.

At this moment.

Uchiha Guang used the dance technique to rise up, while playing "My World" in the illusion space, while trying to use the Eight Thousand Spears to secretly spy on Uesugi Yue's memory.

Houses and bridges were slowly built under the pouring of eye power.

Fragmentary pictures flashed through the void next to him-because it was not a violent peeping like Tachibana Masamune, Uchiha Guang saw very limited things from Uesugi Yue's memory, only some fragments that overflowed when he recalled the past.

On the other side.

Uesugi Yue finished watching the CG of Black Swan Port and started watching the Lenin...

I don't know how long it took.

It was not until Uchiha Guang almost finished building Konoha Village that he saw Uesugi Yue sitting on a small boat and floating over here.


Uchiha Hikaru looked down at the "Konoha Village" from the sky, moved the location of the Hokage Building to the side, and then flew down: "How do you feel? Do you believe the fact that you have two sons and a daughter now?"


Uesugi Yue's eyes were complicated: "I am more concerned about your identity now... Herzog and Bondarev may be two freaks, but I think your ability is more terrifying. Is such a spiritual world constructed by words? Also, did you bring me here just to show me these "truths"? "

"Correction, what you just saw is actually incomplete.

The truth is that Herzog is not dead, and this person named Tachibana Masamune is not the real Bondarev, but a substitute created by humans. Your other son, Genji, is not dead either... Before revealing more truths to you, I also have a question to ask you first."

Uchiha Hikaru raised his head, and the three magatama in his eyes appeared, and he said word by word: "Can you use the words here?"

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