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Chapter 109 Attempt to copy the Word Spirit

"Word Spirit?"

Uesugi Yue was stunned for a moment before he tried to recite the ancient testimony.

As a low voice sounded, a perfect circle gradually emerged behind him. The inside of the arc was pitch black, but the edge was bright red, looking like the sun in a total solar eclipse. At this moment, Uesugi Yue, dressed as a ramen chef, seemed like a Buddha statue standing in the flames of flowing clouds, extremely calm and majestic.

——Word Spirit·Black Sun!


Uchiha Hikaru raised his eyebrows.

This scene was not constructed by her pupil power.

Instead, Uesugi Yue relied on his mental power and his familiarity with Word Spirit·Black Sun to reproduce the "Black Sun" in the illusion space.

This is exactly what Uchiha Hikaru envisioned, another function of the Tsukuyomi space-compared to the battles that took place in reality, all the rules in the Tsukuyomi space are controlled by her, and Uesugi Yue entered here in the form of a spiritual body, so in her eyes, he is equivalent to a transparent person.

This means that she can observe and analyze the words of the Dragon Clan World from 360 degrees without blind spots in the battle with the opponent, and even use and master this power.

Things that cannot be copied by the Sharingan alone may not be impossible to copy in this Tsukuyomi space.

At this moment.

Uchiha Hikaru raised the corners of his mouth, and when his pupil power was activated, a long sword with an ancient shape appeared in the air, each of which was exquisite and lifelike.

"This is..."

Uesugi Yue looked at the knives on both sides and seemed to realize something.

"Yes, these are the antiques you took away when you left the Snake Eight Clan. I constructed them based on your memory."

Uchiha Hikaru snapped his fingers, and these long swords automatically flew to Uesugi Yue, and she herself reached out to the void and grabbed the divine sword, Onikiri, which appeared out of thin air: "Let's fight, the kind that is determined to kill me. Let me see the true strength of the emperor-level hybrid."


At first, Uesugi Yue thought she was joking.

However, after discovering that Uchiha Hikaru did intend to fight, and that he really couldn't get out of this space, the former Shadow Emperor looked around hesitantly, pulled out two ancient swords from midair, held one in each hand, and gently unfolded them along the arc behind his back.

With this action, the "Black Sun" slowly rotated, swallowing the air at an astonishing speed, setting off a fierce hurricane, and rolling up all the surrounding things.


Uchiha Hikaru narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately used the Sky Dance Technique to break free, so that he was not carried away by the hurricane.

She had fought with Gen Chisei, and although it was not a serious fight, it could be used as a reference for the level of the Emperor-level hybrid. In her opinion, the level of the "Emperor"'s physical skills is probably close to that of an ordinary jonin in Konoha. If the bloodline is activated and the "dragon bone state" of bone joint contraction is opened, it can be even stronger, close to the normal Might Guy without opening the Eight Gates.

Uesugi Yue's bloodline is much purer than Minamoto Chisei, but he is too old. Add one plus one minus one, and his physical ability should be limited to that of Minamoto Chisei.

However, his word spirit "Black Sun" is much stronger than "Royal Power", and the serial number alone is almost 20 digits higher. Moreover, the gravitational field of "Black Sun" can be effective indiscriminately!

Uchiha Guang raised his hand and swung his sword, and the scabbard flew out and penetrated the ground: "Come on!"

The next moment, the two rushed out and swung their swords to fight!

Uchiha Guang used the Uchiha style swordsmanship in the Naruto world, as well as various breathing swordsmanship in the Demon Slayer world.

Uesugi Yue showed ancient swordsmanship from different schools in Japan - Gu Shixian style, Kagami Shinkei style, Shinkage style, Wunian style... Although the level shown at this moment cannot reach the height of "using swords to communicate with gods" when he died in the original plot, it is much more exquisite and sophisticated than Minamoto Chisei.

The swords collided, and the flames shot out!

If there were bystanders standing here, they would see two figures fighting at high speed like two whirlwinds, with swords hitting each other dozens of times in one second, so fast that more than a dozen afterimages appeared at the same time. The splashing flames connected into one, and then the next second they were attracted by the black sun.

For a moment...

It turned out that Uesugi Yue had the upper hand!

On the one hand, it was because Uchiha Hikari did not use his full strength, but only fought with physical skills, and at the same time he had to divide some of his strength to resist the attraction of "Black Sun".

——After all, her purpose was to observe the Word Spirit, not to defeat Uesugi Yue.

On the other hand, the former Shadow Emperor, who had abdicated for nearly 40 years, did not abandon his martial arts because of being a ramen chef. Especially after reading the memories of Tachibana Masamune and realizing that he might still have a pair of children alive in the world, his spirit seemed to have returned a little, and he once again showed the strong majesty that belonged to the Shadow Emperor.

In this case, the gravitational field formed by the "Black Sun" was further enhanced, lifting up the houses and buildings in the newly built "Konoha Village" and the nearby seawater, and being swept by the strong wind towards the black sun wheel. Then it was ignited by the high temperature in the middle, but because the air was thin, it did not burn violently, but burned red hot and shiny, and turned into snow-white ashes and scattered as soon as the tip of the knife touched it.

——Attraction and crushing, these are the two characteristics of "Black Sun", and also its strength as the 110th Word Spirit.

Fortunately, Onikiri is constructed by pupil power, not a physical object, and can be restored at any time even if it is crushed, so Uchiha Hikaru can continue to swing the sword after Onikiri was destroyed several times.

In this process.

Uchiha Hikaru opened his Sharingan wide, using his dynamic vision and the spiritual power that was everywhere in the Moonlight Space to carefully observe the blood flow of Uesugi Yue when he used the "Word Spirit", as well as the way that power acted on the outside world. Gradually, a glimmer of enlightenment began to emerge in his heart.

"If that's the case..."

After swinging his sword again, Uchiha Hikaru suddenly flew back dozens of meters, pulling away from Uesugi Yue. Then he raised the blade horizontally, took a deep breath, and gently slashed down with the tip of the sword.

With this action, a subtle gravitational field appeared around her, and a black sun disc could be vaguely seen emerging, but it only lasted for a few seconds before disappearing without a trace.


Uesugi Yue suddenly stopped in his tracks, and was completely dumbfounded.

What the hell? !

This girl can also use the black sun? !

Or... is she simply learning and imitating herself? Can even the high-risk Word Spirit with serial number 110 be imitated? !

On the other side.

Uchiha Hikaru frowned, carefully recalled the feeling just now, then stepped forward and rushed towards Uesugi Yue again: "No, there seems to be something wrong with the operation method... Come again!"

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