I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 110 Toriyama Akira has also been to Nibelungen? (3rd update)

In reality.

On the small street behind the University of Tokyo.

Several executive commissioners looked at the ramen cart not far away with horror, a little frightened.

More than ten minutes ago, they followed Uchiha Guang all the way here, and saw her walk to the cart and sit down, and asked for a bowl of ramen.

This was just a very ordinary scene.


Why did she suddenly burst out with such a terrible momentum while eating ramen? And the momentum of the ramen chef next to her seemed to be even more terrible than her?

As the momentum of the two people burst out, several commissioners even felt a fierce wind blowing around them. Large pieces of fallen leaves and dust were pulled by some inexplicable force and rotated around the ramen cart, and then burned to ashes in mid-air and turned into smoke and dust.

Fortunately, these strange phenomena did not last long.

Fortunately, it was night and there were not many people around, otherwise this scene would be photographed and posted on the Internet, which would probably cause a lot of heated discussions.

It only took a few seconds.

The momentum of both sides subsided again, and everything returned to calm.

In front of the ramen cart.

Shangshan Yue suddenly opened his eyes and supported the chopping board in front of him with both hands. He felt as if he had just finished a marathon and felt that his body was hollowed out. He stared at Uchiha Guang on the wooden bench in front of him with cold sweat. After watching for a long time, he remembered to look at the watch on his wrist.

The pointer on the watch just passed six minutes.

Almost five and a half minutes of it were the time he just used to be stunned. The actual time he stayed in the illusion space was probably less than ten seconds.


If you calculate the time he felt in the illusion space, it would be different. Shangshan Yue felt that he had been there for at least half a month, fighting non-stop during this period, and saw with his own eyes that Uchiha Guang imitated his "Black Sun" little by little, from the unfamiliarity at the beginning to almost being able to make a fake in the end!

Such imitation ability was unheard of by Shangshan Yue.

In the world of dragons, the word spirit and blood are bound, and it has been decided since the birth of the hybrid.

Some gifted people can use blood explosion to upgrade their Word Spirits, such as from "Kamaitachi" to "Bloodsucking Scythe", and from "Moment" to "Time Zero", but it is impossible to change their Word Spirits through acquired learning.

Especially the Word Spirit of "Emperor".

As for the ability to construct a spiritual world out of thin air, it is even more impossible for any Word Spirit known so far to do it. If there is such a Word Spirit, the serial number must be after 110...

"What... are you?"

Uesugi Yue stared at Uchiha Guang, and his heart was already in turmoil.

On the other side.

Uchiha Guang raised his hand to wipe the blood and tears on his face, and rubbed his temples a little sleepily.

This was the first time she felt so tired after she recovered her physique. When she lifted the moon reading just now, she even felt that her vision was a little blurry, and it took about two minutes for her to gradually recover.

"Maintaining high-intensity combat in the illusion space actually consumes so much pupil power..."

"If it were an ordinary Mangekyō, I'm afraid I'd be almost blind by now..."

However, the harvest was not cheap.

As she guessed, the so-called "Word Spirit" is essentially an ability to control elements, which belongs to the blood talent unique to dragons and hybrids, and its nature is similar to the blood limit in the Naruto world-of course, high-level Word Spirits may be close to blood elimination and blood network.

And the "Dragon Language" is a way to stimulate this ability, similar to the hand seal action of ninjutsu.

But "hand seal" is only an external manifestation, which can be simplified or even omitted if it is mastered.

Previously, Uchiha Hikari once unconsciously formed a coercion similar to "royal power" by absorbing the power of Genjisei.

And just now in the illusion space, she also analyzed the ability of "Black Sun" to create a gravitational field to a certain extent through the battle with Uesugi Yue and some of the power she absorbed from the latter during the battle.

Then in theory...

She can use this method to analyze most of the words in the dragon world.

Even the words of the Dragon King!

"...If there is a chance, you can pull Ange in for a fight. 'Time Zero' is quite useful, but the location of Kassel Academy seems to be difficult to find. Inuyama He's 'Moment' can also make do."

As for the Dragon King, you have to be cautious for the time being and can't try it easily.

Because Uchiha Guang is not sure if she can let them release a "Zhulong" or "Shiva Karma Dance" in her illusion space. If there is any irreparable damage left, it will be troublesome.

"Don't be nervous, Master Yue."

"I'm just a traveler who's interested in traveling."

Uchiha Hikaru raised his head and showed a harmless smile: "As a reward for pleasing me, I will reveal more information to you.

The man named Tachibana Masamune is the 'shadow warrior' concocted by Herzog. I haven't figured out the specific principle yet, but it may be a spiritual word spirit. And his other 'shadow warrior' is the leader of the fierce ghost group, codenamed 'Wangjiang'. Your second son, Genji, is in Wangjiang's hands.

Herzog hopes to guide the two brothers to lead the Sheqi family and the fierce ghosts to kill each other, while he himself will take advantage of this opportunity to resurrect the White King and replace it.

As for Eriyi, it was the vessel he used to sacrifice to the White King.

As the father of three of them and the former ‘Shadow Emperor’ of the Eight Sheqi Family, I suggest you think carefully about what you should do. "

As he spoke, Uchiha Hikari placed two test tubes on the chopping board: "Here are the blood samples of Minamoto and Eri. You can find someone to do a paternity test."

"So, goodbye."

He stood up and opened the curtain, and when he was about to walk out, Uchiha Hikaru turned around and added: "By the way, let me remind you again, the ability I just used on you may have some side effects... just recently. During this time, you may feel exhausted from time to time, but that’s normal, just take a break and don’t panic.”

——This is a lie.

It is true that Tsukuyomi may cause mental exhaustion as a side effect, even if the intention is not to torture the other person's spirit.

But the real reason for "lost power"...

It's because Uchiha Hikari may absorb a little bit of Uesugoshi's power from time to time and use it to study the "Black Sun". Just like she did to Yuan Zhisheng before.

Anyway, the recovery power of the royal hybrid is strong enough. If you smoke a little bit a day, there should be no big problem.

At this moment.

Several executive officers standing nearby breathed a sigh of relief. One of them trotted over, observed Uchiha Hikari's expression, and spoke cautiously: "Miss Uchiha Hikari, do you have any other plans for today? Time is already running out. It’s late. If you don’t mind, please allow us to help you arrange accommodation.”

"Thanks, but no need."

Normally, Uchiha Hikaru wouldn't mind experiencing a high-end hotel in modern society. With the financial resources of the eight Sheqi families, they should not be too stingy in this regard.

But her current condition is very bad, she may be sleeping very hard, and if she is assassinated while sleeping, she may be severely traumatized.


She planned to find a safer place to rest.

"Somersault cloud!"

As Uchiha Hikaru raised his hand, black clouds floated over from the sky and hovered steadily at her feet.

Then, under the dumbfounded expressions of the two executive officers, Uchiha Hikaru jumped onto the clouds, sat down cross-legged in a comfortable posture, and waved his hand: "I'll go first, see you tomorrow."


It wasn't until the clouds flew high into the sky that the two executive specialists turned around and looked at each other: "The somersault cloud...that seems to be something from "Dragon Ball". Did Akira Toriyama also go to the Nibelungen?"

Added one more chapter, I’ll write the rest as I go~

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