I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 111 Come, let’s fight

[Little monster @无名: Light, are you still there? Are you coming back tonight? 】

[Little Monster: Light, you and my brother are not here, I’m a little scared. 】


[Little monster: Guang, an old man came over just now and said that I was his daughter. Is he the person you said you were going to find before? 】

The outskirts of Tokyo.

In a quiet mountain forest.

Uchiha Hikari curled up into a ball and lay on the somersault cloud, sleeping soundly.

It wasn't until a drop of dew fell from the treetop that her eyelashes trembled slightly and she woke up from a deep sleep. Then she rubbed her eyes and stretched out in the bright morning light. Only then did she have time to read the messages in the chat group.

Hmm...a hundred unread messages.

About half of them were Eri who was at Aite, and the other half were Bulma and others who were asking about the situation in the dragon world and discussing whether they should come and take a look. However, he was dissuaded by Minato Namikaze - after all, if there was really trouble that caused Uchiha Hikaru to go offline without saying a word, other people coming over probably wouldn't be able to solve the problem, and they would have to give up their lives in vain.

[Anonymous: Sorry, I'm sleeping. I'm awake. It's okay. 】

[Anonymous@Little Monster: If the old man calls himself Uesugoshi, he is indeed your father, physiologically speaking. Just get along with him normally. I'll go back later. 】

[Little Monster: Oh. 】

[Bulma: So you really don’t need us to go over and take a look? Although Tanjiro and I may not be able to help, Miss Kikyo is very strong. Even if she faces those 'deadpools' you mentioned, she should be able to do it. You won't lose easily. 】

[Anonymous: ... Let’s wait until the situation settles down. 】

In Japan in 2009, "Dragon Ball" and "Inuyasha" were both popular masterpieces. Uchiha Hikari was a little curious. When Bulma and Kikyo walked on the streets of Akihabara together, what would the Japanese people's expressions look like when they saw them... …

After explaining to Eriki and others in the group for a while.

Uchiha Hikaru jumped down from the somersault cloud and started brushing his teeth and washing up. Then he threw out a small universal capsule house, went in, took a shower, and changed into clean clothes.

It was only then that Uchiha Hikari glanced at the phone with a refreshed look.

"It turns out I slept for a day and a half..."

"No wonder Eriyi sent so many messages..."

So, it’s time to go back to Genji Heavy Industries.

On the night when the blood sample was obtained, Uesugoshi contacted Inuyamaga.

——This head of the Inuyama family is an old man who has experienced the era of the previous Shadow Emperor. He is also the only senior member of the Eight Sheqi families who still maintains contact with Uesugi Koshi many years after he defected.

Inuyama Ga was quite excited when he received the call from Uesugoshi.

Then on the morning of the third day, the two of them appeared at Genji Heavy Industries together with a fresh paternity test report.

From the first moment he saw Minamoto, Uesugoshi opened his eyes wide and kept mumbling words such as "It really looks like me."

At this time, Minamoto had already asked Masamune Tachibana about the fact that his paternal genes came from Uesugi Koshi, but he was a little uncomfortable with the sudden addition of a father.

As for Eriyi...

This girl doesn't quite understand the concept of "father" and is a little scared by Uesugoshi's enthusiasm.

However, Uesugoshi already knew the fact that she was cultivated as an embryo and was contaminated by dragon blood. He felt pity for this tragic daughter and patiently talked to her for a while before walking out of the room and meeting the long-awaited Minamoto. Sheng and Inuyama Ga discuss the next countermeasures together.

"...Master, come back! The family is now leaderless and needs you to take charge of the overall situation."

This is not the first time Inuyama Ga has made this request.

But Uesugoshi agreed for the first time: "Okay. I will temporarily assume the responsibility of the parent until the young child can take charge of his own business. As for Tachibana Masamune... I will find time to meet with him as soon as possible to confirm some information."

"Did the information you mentioned come from the girl named Uchiha Hikari?"

Inuyama He frowned, his expression slightly solemn: "Although I have never met her, from your and the young master's description, I always feel that her appearance is suspicious.

Among the dragon kings who have been resurrected in history, not many have appeared in female incarnations, and even fewer have abilities related to 'spirituality'. If she is really a dragon king, then the most likely possibility is..."

Everyone was silent.

There is a connection between the eight Sheqi families calling the super hybrids in the family "Emperor".

The emperor, the white king above.

White King!

This person is the dragon with the highest status after the Black King in ancient times. He is the dragon high priest in charge of the "spiritual element". He is also the blood ancestor of all Japanese hybrids. There was an attempt to recover thousands of years ago, which caused a magnitude 10 earthquake beyond human understanding and nearly sunk four Japanese islands.

If we really want to use words and spirits to explain the existence of "Tsukuyomi Space"...

I'm afraid it can only be some kind of ultimate word spirit from the White King family.

"...I have carefully observed that she does not look like she has been parasitized by a holy corpse. She has a very clear mind. Maybe she is not the real White King, but just an incarnation, or a second-generation species that has been given power by him..."

-- but certainly not human.

the other side.

Yuan Zhisheng also spoke in a deep voice: "I asked Wu Wu to investigate her origins, but no information was found. It was as if she appeared out of thin air."


"That girl is a dragon."

Uesugi Yue pondered for a moment and looked at Inuyama He: "Ahe, you should organize people as soon as possible to investigate the situation of the God's Burial Ground and see if the sunken ship is still there. And the fierce ghosts, find a way to find out the truth. If the information she provided is correct, then the girl should be inside... He was bewitched by the 'king general', and we have an obligation to rescue him."


Inuyama He nodded in response.

Minamoto Chisheng next to him lowered his eyes, as if he remembered something with his brother.

"As for the girl... When she comes back, Chisheng and I will go to talk to her again."


[Wumi: So... they now think I may be the incarnation of the White King? 】

On the way to Genji Heavy Industries.

Uchiha Hikaru has heard the conversation between Uesugi Yue and others from Eri.

——As an imperial hybrid, Eri's hearing is far superior to that of ordinary people. She can even hear the footsteps of several floors away clearly. Uesugi Yue and others did not know the existence of the chat group and did not deliberately guard against her, so every sentence mentioned was repeated by this girl.

In response, Uchiha Guang laughed dumbly.

(If Bulma came, would the technological products in the Dragon Ball world be considered as the products of the Fire King's alchemy?)

"... We are here."

Not far from Genji Heavy Industries, Uchiha Guang landed with the Sky Dance Technique, found an empty alley to remove the mini bracelet, and then walked towards the building.

When he entered the door, he happened to see a gray-haired old man hurried out, followed by several followers in black suits. It was obvious that he was a person of high status.

Uchiha Guang thought and blocked the old man's way without showing a sound: "Inuyama He?"

Inuyama He paused and frowned slightly: "Who are you?"

Uchiha Guang smiled.

In the bright smile of the girl next door, three magatama appeared in her eyes: "Come on, let's fight."

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