In the eyes of others, Inuyama He was just stunned for a moment.

But two or three seconds later.

The head of the Inuyama family staggered, as if he had woken up from a nightmare, and looked at the girl in front of him with an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

"Setsuna... It's okay."

Uchiha Guang licked his lips, his eyes calm: "But can you only do the seventh level now?"

- Word Spirit·Setsuna, an ability known for its "super speed", can increase the speed of the releaser by a multiple of 2. The seventh level of Setsuna is 128 times the speed. At this speed, the blade will disappear from the opponent's sight, leaving only a faint flash of air.

Compared with "Black Sun", "Setsuna" has a lower serial number, only 72, and is easier to analyze.


"Easy" is for Uchiha Guang.

Inuyama He on the opposite side obviously doesn't think so.

After coming out of the Tsukuyomi space, the expression on his face was even more horrified than Uesugi Yue: "It's you... You're the one..."

In front of other people, the last two words "Dragon King" could not be said directly.


Uchiha Guang made a gesture to silence, and then raised his feet: "Go back and practice more, and wait until 'Moment' is upgraded to the ninth level, then come and fight me. If you can please me, I will consider giving you a little reward... By the way, the Tamamonomae Club you opened is not bad. Do you have a VIP card? I'll go and have a look when I'm free."


Under the stunned gaze of Inuyama He, Uchiha Guang boarded the elevator and went all the way to the floor where Eri was.

"...See you again, Miss Guang."

On the sofa outside the wooden room, Uesugi Yue's face was as heavy as water: "I have heard about you from Chisheng and others. Thank you for helping the Snake Eight Families to find the inner ghost of Tachibana Masamune... I wonder if there is anything we can do for you?"

Similar words were said by Minamoto Chisheng a few days ago.

But he said it as the "young master".

Although Uesugi Yue has not held a formal return ceremony, as a person who once served as the "head of the family", his words obviously have different weight.

"Three things."

Uchiha Hikaru stretched out three fingers, and said in a brisk tone: "First, serum samples and related research materials. I have mentioned this to Minamoto Chisei a long time ago. I want to see it as soon as possible; second, I want to meet all the people with high-level words of the eight families of Sheqi. The time will not be too long, one or two minutes per person... In addition, it will not cause any damage to their bodies. At most, they will be weak for a few days after returning."


Uesugi Yue and Minamoto Chisei looked at each other, their expressions a little strange.

After all, they both experienced the feeling of physical weakness. Although I heard Uchiha Hikaru say that it was a "side effect", I still feel that it's a bit weird...

"There's no problem with these two points, then what?"

"Third, I guess you may organize a crusade against the demons in the near future, and I want to participate, especially the crusade against the 'king generals'."

Uchiha Hikaru really hasn't figured out the principle of "shadow warriors" yet, and doesn't know where Herzog's true body is hidden, but he can kill a few king generals first.

She really doesn't believe that "shadow warriors" can be mass-produced like 20,000 Misaka sisters.

"And the fourth..."

"Wait, isn't it three things?" Yuan Zhisheng was stunned.

"Isn't it common sense that there are five of the Four Heavenly Kings?"

Uchiha Hikaru pushed two pieces of paper with the names of cartoonists and lists of various books and DVDs from the coffee table: "Don't worry, this request is just a piece of cake for you. Help me purchase a batch of things, and remember to prepare a few copies of each."

"Comic books... I didn't expect Miss Guang to have such a refined taste."

Uesugi Yue glanced at it and handed the paper to Yuan Zhisheng. After all, he, an old man, doesn't read comics, so the specific purchases have to be handed over to the young people.


Genji Chisei roughly scanned it, and finally his eyes fell on a line of H comics teachers' names, and he fell into deep thought.


The next few days.

Uchiha Hikaru split several shadow clones and followed the Snake Eight Clan Execution Bureau to track down the whereabouts of the Demon Clan.

The original body stayed in Genji Heavy Industries, accompanied Eri to play games for a few days, and met with several heads of the Snake Eight Clan by the way.

The word spirit of the head of the Ryoma family, Genichirō, is "Thunder Pool", which releases lightning or static electricity barriers by controlling the electric charge in the environment.

The word spirit of the head of the Miyamoto family is "Vortex", which controls the water flow to form a vortex-shaped water wall or water blade to defend or kill the enemy.

Well... Generally speaking, it can be understood as the Dragon Clan World version of "Lightning Escape Armor" and "Hard Vortex Water Blade", which is not difficult for Uchiha Hikaru who is proficient in the five elements escape technique.

The word spirit of Nanami Sakurai, the head of the Sakurai family, is a bit interesting.

"Immortality", strengthens one's own body to a strength close to that of titanium alloy, so that one punch can penetrate bulletproof steel plates. The effect is similar to Tsunade's super strength, but the operation method is slightly different. In theory, it is even stronger than super strength, because it does not concentrate chakra at one point, but strengthens the whole body.

Uchiha Hikaru consumed a lot of pupil power, and barely used chakra and energy to imitate this word spirit. Afterwards, he slept for a whole day before regaining his energy.

Although Uesugi Yue issued a gag order to all family heads in advance, prohibiting the disclosure of Uchiha Hikaru's information, there are still rumors that spread among the eight snake families——

The most popular saying is that Genji Heavy Industries has recently received a charming "Tamamonomae". No matter whether it is a man or a woman, as long as they see her once, they will be mentally exhausted after returning and can't recover for several days.

Some people also say that it was actually the new head of the family who fell in love with Sakurai Nanami, which made the other two heads unhappy and initiated a duel, but in the end, she was still snatched away by the sword...

--The latter statement is not completely groundless. After all, Sakurai Nanami did have an ambiguous relationship with the two heads of the family, Ryoma and Miyamoto. When she was young, she also had an affair with the head of the Fuma family. In addition to her deceased ex-husband, the former head of the Sakurai family, and now Uesugi Yue is involved, it doesn't sound too outrageous...


Uchiha Hikaru has also heard some of these rumors, but he doesn't care.

Anyway, she is already "Tsugukuni Yoriichi's reincarnation", "Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto", "humanoid monster", and "White King incarnation", so it doesn't matter if she has another title of "Tamamonomae".

Instead of worrying about these, it's better to play a few more games.

This time in 2009 was still the most glorious era of console games.

There were CDs of various mainstream games in Eri's room - "Final Fantasy", "Call of Duty"... But this girl's favorite was "Street Fighter 4". As an emperor-level hybrid, Eri's nerve reaction speed was amazingly fast, and Uchiha Guang was a little overwhelmed until she opened the Sharingan, and then they started to fight back and forth.

After another round of "Street Fighter 4", Uchiha Guang stood up in front of the TV in white socks, peeled two oranges, and handed one to Eri next to him. Then he saw the girl pull her trouser legs and hold up the small notebook: "Brother is coming."

About half a minute later.

Gen Chisheng, wearing a black windbreaker from the Execution Bureau, walked into the wooden room: "Miss Guang, we may have found the whereabouts of the king."


"The Osaka headquarters of the Demon Clan, a place called Gokurakukan."

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