I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 113 The Attack of the Ghosts

The Sheqi Eight Family were able to find the headquarters of the Fierce Ghosts so quickly, thanks to Tachibana Masamune.

Although this guy is set up as "Bondarev", he has been "collecting" a lot of information about the fierce ghosts for so many years.

Originally, this information would not be used until two years later, when the two sides went into full-scale war. However, because of the appearance of Uchiha Hikari, it was advantageous for Uesugoshi, who had just returned to the family.

"We originally just wanted to go to Osaka to confirm the information about the fierce ghosts, but we didn't expect to find this..."

Yuan Zhisheng took out a photo from his arms and placed it on the table.

The photos were taken secretly.

The time was evening, and the location was in front of a secluded mountain house—that was the location of the "Bliss Pavilion", a place where the Fierce Ghosts secretly established themselves and used them to conduct power and sex transactions and raise funds.

A black and gray car stopped at the entrance of the manor. The driver opened the door and the back seat passengers were getting out of the car.

Although it's just a silhouette, his face can be vaguely seen.

To be precise, it was simply a mask, with the face of an ancient Japanese minister painted on it. Vermilion lips, iron-black teeth, and a dignified smile on the corners of his lips.

"It turns out that the prince's Noh mask looks like this..."

Uchiha Hikaru narrowed his eyes slightly, vaguely feeling something was wrong.

The eight Sheqi families are right in doing calculations mentally and unintentionally.


Would a person like General Wang be exposed so easily?

"Actually, we also suspected that this might be a trap."

Yuan Zhisheng continued: "After all, the recent actions of the eight Sheqi families have been large-scale, and even the heads of the family have been replaced. It is impossible for such a major event to be hidden from the eyes and ears of the 'Wang General'. But the executive bureau who secretly took this photo The commissioner lost his voice after the photos were sent back. Even to confirm his life and death, we have to go to Osaka to investigate.

I came here now to ask Miss Guang if you want to go with me? "

"...That's fine."

Uchiha Hikaru nodded.

After spending a few days as a game nerd with Eriki, it was time to go out and stretch out my muscles.

At this moment.

Eriyi tugged at the corner of her clothes and held up the notebook: "Eriyi, can we go together?"


Uchiha Hikari turned around and touched Eri's head, speaking softly: "This operation may be dangerous, your brother and I will just go there. You stay at home and eat oranges, don't move around... If everything goes well, Maybe I can bring you another brother."

"elder brother?"


It's the young girl.

The Paradise Hall itself is a place frequented by Minamoto girls.

And if the king does indeed lay a trap in Osaka, then Minamoto no Chi is very likely to appear as the "extremely evil ghost" with the strongest combat power among the fierce ghosts and the opposite of the "Emperor" of Minamoto Chi.

Uchiha Hikaru really wanted to see what kind of ability that guy's speech spirit "Dream Tapir" had.

That afternoon.

Uchiha Hikaru got on the bus to Osaka.

As for the Sheqi Eight Families, they were led by Yuan Zhisheng and dispatched about twenty executive commissioners and some gang members affiliated with the Sheqi Eight Families. There were more than a dozen cars lined up in a "vehicle" shape. The car Uchiha Hikaru was riding in was located in the middle, with only Minamoto Chisheng following him in the car.

on the way.

Gen Zhisheng secretly looked at Uchiha Hikari several times, and finally couldn't help but say: "Miss Hikari, please forgive me...can I ask what you think of Eriki?"

"What do you think?"

Uchiha Hikari was lying on the car window looking at the scenery and asked without looking back.

"that is……"

Yuan Zhisheng seemed to organize his words: "Although Eriyi's bloodline is very high, her mind is like that of a child. She doesn't understand many things and has no basic sense of good and evil, right and wrong... If you just want to Looking for a toy to kill time, I don’t think it has to be Eri, there should be a more suitable candidate.”


Uchiha Hikaru raised his eyebrows, coming back to his senses——

If she is really a dragon king, then the reason why she came to Eryi can only be explained by "killing time". After all, in the common understanding of hybrids in the dragon world, dragons and humans are two different creatures, and there is no possibility of becoming "friends".


"Toys are better than tools, right?"

Uchiha Hikaru said lightly: "Instead of worrying about my opinion of Eriri, I suggest you think more about how to face your brother. After all, you killed him with your own hands back then, and now he wants to tear you into pieces. I It doesn’t matter, but Eri Yi might be unhappy.”


Yuan Zhisheng fell silent.

Although there were elements of being bewitched by Herzog, it was indeed him who killed Yuan Jingnu. And before that, it was also true that Minamoto no Shome killed the girls in Shikatori Town and made them into puppets. As a "ghost slayer", he really doesn't know how to face these past events.


The car drove into Osaka and headed for the Kukakukan in the suburbs.

In the process, the surrounding private cars gradually became sparse, but a row of large vans began to appear, with bosozokus riding motorcycles hanging behind them.

"Boss, we seem to be being targeted..."

A crow's voice came over the intercom.

Just as the voice fell, the trucks next to them suddenly turned off the steering wheel, and rushed towards the convoy of the Sheqi Eight Clan like a mad elephant! There were originally two lanes between the two sides, but under the pressure of the huge body of the three or four meters high, the two moving cars were directly smashed, and then they rolled over the convoy where Uchiha Guang and others were!


A series of brake sounds sounded.

Dazzling flames splashed between the tires and the ground!

Then, the doors of the trucks opened one after another, revealing the heavy machine guns prepared in advance, and then there was a dense barrage of bullets!

Da da da——

The sound of gunfire was deafening.

Although these cars of the Sheqi Eight Clan have been treated with basic bulletproof treatment, they soon couldn't hold up under such a dense barrage of bullets. One car window after another was shattered, and a large amount of glass fragments flew everywhere. Some people wanted to raise their guns to fight back, but under the huge firepower suppression, they had no chance to shoot.

Moreover, some of the bikers behind them also caught up, taking various shotguns and submachine guns from their motorcycles and firing wildly.

"… Tsk, is it such a big scene?"

Uchiha Hikaru leaned against the car window, looking at the barrage of bullets outside like a waterfall of steel, and made a sound of "tsk, tsk".

This kind of machine gun bursting scene cannot be seen in the Naruto world, and probably only the Red Silk Army in the Dragon Ball world can do it. When she first came a few days ago, she experienced it once in Genji Heavy Industries, but the scene in front of her was nothing compared to what she saw.

However, the car she was sitting in was in the middle of the convoy, and bulletproof steel plates were installed. The dense barrage just now only broke a piece of car window glass, so there was no need to be nervous.

Minagashi next to him had a livid face.

In Japan, no one dared to be so arrogant in front of the Snake Eight Clan!

"Crow, Yasha, cover me!"

When the shooting outside paused for a while, Minagashi kicked open the car door and rushed out, and immediately activated the "dragon bone state". Several other cars nearby also opened at the same time, and the long-dormant Crow and others followed out. Many of them were injured, but they could still hold on temporarily under the effect of dragon blood.

On the other side.

The people in the truck brought out the rocket launcher again.

Bang, bang, bang——!

Several rockets with long tails flew towards the convoy of the Snake Eight Families!

"Get out of the way!"

Yuan Zhisheng shouted loudly.

In the "dragon bone state", the royal blood in his body was surging, and his reaction speed and explosive power were far stronger than ordinary people, so he could easily avoid the oncoming rockets. But others were not so lucky. Soon a car was shot into the back seat by a shell, and a dazzling flame burst out. Then only a few seconds later, a second explosion occurred because of a leak in the fuel tank!

Boom! ! !

Uchiha Guang originally wanted to watch the show for a while longer.

But the second round of rockets was shot at the car in the middle without bias, and exploded less than one meter away from her!

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