I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 114: The Source Girl

The fire exploded!

Amidst the huge roar, a cloud of white mercury vapor spread to all directions!

——Mercury explosive bombs.

The mercury in the dragon world is roughly equivalent to the wisteria flowers in the Demon Slayer world to the demons. Even for pure-blooded dragons, it is a poison that is difficult to withstand. In ancient times before humans invented thermal weapons, this kind of thing was the main method used to slay dragons.

Uchiha Hikaru's eyes changed.

She is indeed not a Dragon King, so she is not afraid of mercury, but the other party's approach is obviously aimed at her. perhaps……

The purpose of this action of the Fierce Ghosts is not to hunt Yuan Zhisheng and others, but to hunt the "Dragon King".

next moment.

The dark red flames condensed in mid-air and turned into a several-meter-high skeleton, wrapping the bulletproof car and blocking the impact of all barrages. Even a rocket capable of breaking the wall would only leave some painless "scars" when it landed on the skeleton giant, which would then be repaired by chakra as before.

The car door opens.

Uchiha Hikari walked down slowly, raising his hands lightly:

"Fire Escape...the technique of the Great Fire Wall!"

As the chakra surged, a huge vortex of flames suddenly emerged in the surrounding air, and then soared high into the sky! The red wall of fire, which was more than ten meters high, enveloped the entire convoy. The hail of bullets, like a steel waterfall, melted as it passed through this layer of flames. The gunpowder inside acted as an accelerant, causing the flames to explode again and again!

"W-what the hell?!"

The gunmen around were dumbfounded.

They are also mixed races and know a little about the dragon world. Before coming here, they probably knew that they were going to deal with powerful characters from the Sheqi Eight Family, but...

Is this something Yan Ling can do? !

After seeing Uchiha Hikaru's figure, Minamoto seemed to be relieved and began to recite the ancient dragon text: "Word Spirit...Royal Power!"

In an instant, dozens of times the force of gravity fell from the sky!

Except for the eight members of the Sheqi family who were inside the Great Fire Wall, all the hybrids outside were suppressed without exception! Following a thumping sound, both the machine gunner in the van and the bosozoku behind him involuntarily knelt on the ground, their brains congested with blood.

The strong pressure even caused fine cracks to appear on the solid asphalt road surface.

As a price, Minamoto Zhisheng himself staggered a bit, and was helped by Yabuki Sakura next to him, so that he didn't fall down immediately.

——The repressive power of "royal power" is transformed by vitality. After using a word spirit, Yuan Zhisheng himself will lose his fighting ability and will need to rest for a period of time to recover. It can be said to be a two-way control skill.

But there is nothing we can do.

The other party caused such a big battle, obviously intending to kill them here. If the royal power was not used, the executive commissioners present would probably suffer heavy casualties.

"Crow, Yaksha, go and deal with the gunman in the car..."

Before Yuan Zhisheng could finish his sentence, he heard a sharp blast through the air!

It was the figure of a slender young man, wearing a geisha-like costume, using a cherry red sword to break through the barrier of the fire wall, and then stabbed Yuan Zhisheng's heart with a sword!

At the critical moment, Yabuki Sakura pulled Minamoto's child fiercely, but she met the sword's edge and was pierced through the chest by the sword.


Crow and Yasha caught up from behind and swung their swords together, but they were knocked away within two blows, with bright red blood splattering on their bodies.

Just when the slender young man was about to attack Yuan Zhisheng again, he seemed to feel something. He suddenly raised his head and looked forward, and saw a lightning-like sword light slashing over, hitting him in a flash of light and stone. He subconsciously raised his sword to resist. Then he was shocked by the huge force on the sword's edge, and his whole body flew back.

Breath of Thunder·One Type·Thunderbolt Flash·Super Speed!

Milky white mercury vapor disperses.

The flames of the Hao Fire Wall gradually faded away.

As the realm of Yuan Zhisheng's "royal power" became loose, some of the gunmen who had been suppressed just now tried to stand up. The commissioners of the Executive Bureau who had recovered from their fatigue rushed forward, and the two sides quickly fought. .

Uchiha Hikari simply ignored everything around him and looked at the boy opposite him with calm eyes.

It was a face similar to Yuan Zhisheng's.

However, because of his feminine temperament and slender frame, his appearance seems to be several years younger than Yuan Zhisheng, as if he is only seventeen or eighteen years old——

The "Dragon King" of the fierce ghosts is a young girl.

No... what he looks like now should be his split second personality, Ruri Kazama, the extremely evil ghost.

"The king sent you here? Where is he?"

Uchiha glanced around quietly and did not see the face wearing the Noh mask.


Yuan Jingnu showed a sarcastic smile: "Are you the 'Dragon King' who killed Tachibana Masamune? It turned out that you were such a young child... Thank you for helping me do one of the things I wanted to do. As a reward, I will give you A painless death for you.”


Uchiha's lips curled up and he also smiled: "Since coming to this world, this is the first time you dare to speak to me in this tone. But... if you want to kill me, I'm afraid you are not qualified."

After a brief stalemate.

Uchiha Hikaru took the lead, and his petite figure jumped out like lightning, raising his long sword high and slashing down!

Minagama raised her hand and swung her sword almost reflexively. The cherry-red long sword collided with Onikiri, splashing out dazzling flames!

Ancient Manifestation Style·Lion Manifestation!

Then, it was Kagami Shinkei Ryu, Yagyu Shinkage Ryu, Kasumi Shinto Ryu...

At this moment, the swordsmanship displayed by Uchiha Hikaru was surprisingly the same as that displayed by Uesugi Yue in the Tsukuyomi space not long ago. The essence of swordsmanship of various schools was fully displayed in her hands, as if she was as skilled as a master who had been immersed in it for decades, and her speed was even faster than expected!

The dark-colored Imperial Sword·Onikiri had disappeared in mid-air, leaving only a hazy flash.

——This is the seventh-level moment belonging to Inuyama He!

The relaxed look on Minagama's face faded. Under such a violent attack, even as an "extremely evil demon", he could only barely parry. However, his bloodline is indeed better than his brother's. He is stronger and faster than Minamoto Chisei. Even if he is on the defensive, his sword moves smoothly, and his defense is impeccable.


"Can it be faster?"

Uchiha Hikaru spoke lightly. As the three magatama appeared in his eyes, he swung his sword faster, tearing through Minamoto Chisei's defense in an instant!

A bloody arrow burst out!

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