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Chapter 115: Battle between Monsters! (3rd update)

After the first blood arrow burst out, the wounds on Yuan Zhennu's body became more and more numerous.

Although to the body strengthened by dragon blood, these were just ordinary skin injuries, far from fatal, but at this time, he realized a terrible fact——

No matter what level of strength he displays, Uchiha Hikaru "just happens" to be one step above him.

Moreover, any tricky swordsmanship used in his hands will be reproduced in Uchiha Hikaru's hands in a few seconds, with almost no difference!

How can this be an evenly matched battle...

It's obviously like a cat catching a mouse!

In fact...

Uchiha Hikaru's current mentality is indeed similar to that of a cat.

"Faster, faster!"

A clear girl's voice came out from the shadows of swords and swords. It was leisurely, not like fighting, but like playing video games with Eriki: "Is this the only level of the 'Dragon King' of the fierce ghosts?!"


The girl didn't respond, but looked at Uchiha Hikari fiercely, and made a gesture of biting and swallowing.

With this action.

Yuan Jingnu's already slightly sluggish aura quickly increased in a very short period of time, and her originally delicate and pale face began to turn livid, with fine blue-gray scales appearing.

The same scales also appeared all over his body, tearing the gorgeous geisha costume into thin rips. Even on the backs of his hands, there were blue-black bone blades protruding out, like hooks and sickles that threaten life. !

——Dragon transformation phenomenon!

Obviously, Yuan Zhimu had prepared the evolution medicine in advance before coming over.


Under the influence of these high-concentration evolutionary potions, his strength and speed suddenly increased sharply in a short period of time, and he swung away Onikiri with a far more fierce attitude than before. Then he turned his offensive and launched his first attack on Uchiha Hikari. Onslaught!

"Finally something looks like..."

Uchiha Hikaru put away his playful attitude and became serious in this battle for the first time. He used the dynamic vision of Sharingan to its extreme and fought him with nearly 100% taijutsu level.

The momentum of both sides has been rising again and again!

In the eyes of others, the two figures were moving as fast as two storms. Just the wind of knives generated during the confrontation could already leave deep gouge marks on the surrounding asphalt road!

Not just the ground.

Several bosozokus were also swept away by the aftermath of the battle between Uchiha Hikaru and Minamoto Girl because of their close distance. Their heads were missing for a moment, and then they were shattered into a blur of flesh and blood!

What was immediately torn apart was their motorcycle...

In the process, someone tried to shoot Hikari Uchiha.

However, all the barrages fired at them suddenly disappeared when they came within two or three meters of the two people - to be precise, they scattered.

If you use a high-speed camera to shoot it from the air, you will find that Uchiha Hikaru and Minamoto Shoujo are swinging their swords at an ultra-high frequency dozens of times per second. The sword blades seem to appear in more than a dozen places at the same time. Dozens of heavy machine gun bullets per second were also isolated by the dense sword light.

It wasn't until the two of them passed by that bullets that had been cut into half fell down, and the cuts were as smooth as mirrors.

Uchiha Hikaru took the time to throw an Amaterasu in the direction of the heavy machine gun. Black flames soon burned in the truck compartment, causing the burly man holding the gun to roll around desperately and let out a painful whine.

Seeing this scene, the remaining people finally realized what happened.

Regardless of whether they were beating someone or being beaten, they all put down the long knives or machine guns in their hands, rolled and crawled away and ran away, leaving the battlefield open to them both.

A battle of this intensity has gone beyond the scope of a hybrid, and is closer to a duel between two monsters.

Even the emperor-level Yuan Zhisheng could only stand and watch from a distance, commanding Wu Wu and others with complicated emotions, taking the opportunity to subdue the fierce ghosts on the opposite side.

Originally, as long as Uchiha Hikaru didn't actively use the pupil technique to cheat, it would take at least a while for the sword duel to be decided.


There was a little accident.

Onikiri is an ancient sword from the Demon Slayer World. Although its workmanship is excellent, compared with the alchemy weapons of the Dragon World, especially the cherry red long sword in Minamoto's hand, it is obviously still inferior. Slightly inferior.

After thousands of collisions within a few minutes, the layer of spiritual power attached to the blade was gradually worn away. The sharp blade surface also began to have jagged gaps.


After the two swords crossed again, the Onikiri in Uchiha Hikaru's hand suddenly broke!

Half of the blade flew towards the battle group not far away, and instantly fell into the body of a bosozoku! After the latter screamed and fired more than a dozen shots, he realized belatedly that a piece of his chest had been opened and he fell down holding his broken heart.


The moment she saw Onikiri break, Minamoto's eyes narrowed, a fierce color flashed in her eyes, and she slashed out with an unstoppable attitude!

Iai·Ichi no Tai Sword!

But Uchiha Hikaru directly stretched out his left hand, grabbed the blade swung by Minamoto Girl, then clenched his right fist and smashed it into his chest!

Word spirit·immortal!

With the blessing of chakra and energy, this punch is extremely powerful!

Bang——! !

Yuan Zhimu subconsciously blocked it with her arm, and her whole body seemed to be hit by a giant hammer. She flew out from the shadow of the sword and hit the truck more than ten meters away!

Accompanied by a loud bang, a human-shaped dent was smashed on the truck, and Genjima spat out a mouthful of blood. The entire right arm holding the knife seemed to be broken, and the bones on the body were broken in many places, and she couldn't lift it for a while.

After the high-intensity battle, the effect of the evolution potion began to fade, and the momentum of Genjima quickly declined from the peak.

On the other side.

Uchiha Guang exhaled lightly, threw away the cherry-red long sword, and the left hand that had been cut off half of the palm quickly healed as before.

Even the body strengthened by the Word Spirit Immortality is still not truly indestructible. If you use your hands to grab the alchemical weapon that is chopped at high speed, even the real Dragon King will probably be injured.

But it doesn't matter.

For Uchiha Guang, who has a recovery physique, as long as his head is not chopped off by a knife, he can heal in a few seconds-in fact, even if his head is chopped off, it doesn't matter, after all, she is just a bait now.

The rustling footsteps move forward.

Uchiha Hikaru tilted his head and looked at the Genjitsu sitting on the ground:

"Can you continue dancing?"


Genjitsu swallowed a mouthful of blood, and another person's whisper came from the micro-earphone she was wearing.

"...Chitsu, kill her at all costs!"

Along with the whisper, there was a hollow and dull sound of a clapper.

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