I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 116 I found you, General Wang!

When he heard the clapper sound, Uchiha Hikaru suddenly stopped in his tracks——

Here they come!

The king is indeed nearby!

Almost at the same time she began to search around, the already seriously injured Genji-onna raised her head again, and a huge force suddenly burst out from her slender body, and she pounced on Uchiha Hikaru!

Uchiha Hikaru took a few steps back, avoiding the attack, and looked into Genji-onna's eyes.

At this moment.

The eyes of this feminine boy became like a demon, and in his dark golden eyes, a complex pattern of golden mandala appeared:

"Word Spirit·Dream Tapir!"

——Dream Tapir, a high-risk word spirit from the White King's bloodline, is not recorded in the human word spirit periodic table. It is only speculated that it is a kind of ability to construct a dream-like mental cage, which can imprison the other party's soul in a nightmare. Once you believe that you are dead in a dream, your body in reality will also die.

At the same time...

Strange patterns also appeared in Uchiha Hikaru's eyes, but they were not golden mandalas, but black magatama windmills——


The two stood opposite each other and fell into dreams at the same time.

In this fleeting moment.

On the hillside nearly two kilometers away, the man who had been dormant for a long time pulled the trigger of the AS50 sniper rifle.


A dark red bullet shot out of the barrel, swept 1,500 meters in less than a second, and whistled with a sharp wind, aiming directly at Uchiha Hikaru standing in front of the source girl!


This was a long-planned killing move.

From the beginning, whether it was the fierce ghosts who came with large guns and mercury smoke bombs, or the source girl who took the evolution potion, they were just smoke bombs to cover people's eyes.

All of this was just to create an opportunity for the sniper hiding more than a thousand meters away to fire this fatal shot.

Word Spirit·Winter.

Under the influence of this word spirit, he can reduce his breathing and blood flow to the limit like a reptile, just to maintain life, and even some of his limbs are paralyzed, leaving only the muscles needed to pull the trigger. Before the real shooting, no one can detect his existence.

Until now...

The dark red bullet shot out from the muzzle!

——The fifth element, the Philosopher's Stone!

The moment the gun sounded, the sniper seemed to have seen the picture of Uchiha Hikaru's heart being shot through.



Without any signs, the dark red flames condensed again in the air!

When "Uchiha Hikaru" and Genjiro were both in a dream, Susanoo suddenly opened, and in the blink of an eye, it transformed into a second form that was more than ten meters high and full of flesh and blood!


In an instant, the dark red bullet hit the outer garment of Susanoo with a swift impact.

From the moment the two came into contact, its kinetic energy rapidly decayed, like a piece of chalk hitting a hard wall. After just a few seconds, it turned into a ball of dark red crystal powder and slid down from the surface of Susanoo. Only a tiny white mark was left on Susanoo, which was almost invisible.

Until then.

The second figure of Uchiha Hikari emerged from the head of Susanoo.

To be more precise, it was restored from a thumb-sized mini form to its original shape.

That's right.

The Uchiha Hikari that now appeared in Susanoo was her real body!

And the "Uchiha Hikari" who fought with Genjitsu was a shadow clone with half of her chakra.

Like the "King General", everything Uchiha Hikari did before was to lure out the smoke bomb used by the "King General". From the beginning, before she got off the car, she had already split a shadow clone, and then the real body put on a mini bracelet to shrink, and flew over the battlefield with the dance technique, observing the situation around her.

I don't know if this guy didn't come, or used some method to hide himself. Even after the battle lasted for more than ten minutes, she still didn't find the position of the king.

Until the moment when the source girl released the "Word Spirit·Dream Tapir".

Uchiha Guang suddenly caught a trace of imperceptible murderous aura, and then flew to the shadow clone at the first time and opened Susanoo.

——Although the philosopher's stone in the dragon world is an alchemical weapon for special attack on the dragon king, the sniper bullet with three times the speed of sound still has a certain lethality to the flesh and blood body. If the shot just now hit the heart or the back of the head of the shadow clone, it might force the clone to release it.

So far...

"Game over."

Uchiha Guang raised his head from Susanoo, followed the trajectory of the philosopher's stone, looked at the hillside more than a thousand meters away, and a bright smile appeared on his fair face:

"I found you... King!"

The next moment.

Her figure, wrapped in Susanoo, soared into the sky!


The sniper opened his eyes wide in astonishment and fired again.

However, in his panic, these shots lost their accuracy - even if he was not panicking, it would be useless. Facing a target flying at a speed close to the speed of sound and surrounded by several meters of chakra protection, even a howitzer would find it difficult to effectively kill it.

Just a few seconds later.

Uchiha Hikaru appeared on this lush green hillside, his eyes locked on the sniper below.

It was a face wearing a Noh mask.

The moment their eyes met, the windmill in Uchiha Hikaru's eyes spun again:

"Mark Tsukuyomi!"


Within a few minutes.

Uchiha Hikaru squatted on the hillside, looking at the "Wangjiang" who had been cut into a human stick in front of him, reached out to touch his chin and pulled it.

"Hey, this mask is really attached to his face? I can't tear it off, and the skin will be torn off with a little force?"

"Even saliva is flowing out, so disgusting..."

Just now, Uchiha Hikaru had used the "Eight Thousand Spears" to violently explore the memory of the "Wangjiang".

The harvest was very little.

This guy is probably a shadow warrior specially used to carry out this assassination operation. He is not the same person as the "Wangjiang" who is usually the leader of the Oni. The information in his mind is pitiful, and his understanding of the Oni is even worse than that of Tachibana Masamune.

The purity of the bloodline is also very low, with only one low-level Word Spirit·Winter.

But it's okay.

Word Spirit·Winter, combined with the professional sniping knowledge in this guy's mind, and the AS50 next to it, is just the three-piece set required by a high-level sniper, and there is also a spare Philosopher's Stone bullet that has not been used. Uchiha Guang is ready to pack it up and take it away for his own use later.

As the price of violent exploration, the brain of "Wangjiang" has been destroyed, and the whole person has become like an idiot.

After confirming that he could not get more information from this shadow warrior, Uchiha Guang raised his knife and cut "Wangjiang" in half, then left the body in pieces, and took off again, flying back to the battlefield just now with the dance technique.

On this side.

The duel between the shadow clone and the source girl is also over.

The source girl still stands in the same posture as before, with a dull expression, neither crying nor laughing, like a puppet.

"...What's wrong with him?"

Uchiha Guang asked his shadow clone a little strangely.

"I'm autistic."

The shadow clone said succinctly.


I'll update one chapter first. The second chapter is not finished yet. I'll update it later...

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