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Chapter 117 The potential of a lunatic

Word Spirit·Dream Tapir is the ability to bring people into nightmares.

For targets with weak mental power, the releaser can bring him into any nightmare according to his own will and trap him deeply in it.

For targets with strong mental power, he can only enter the target's own nightmare, which is the so-called "inner demon".

Uchiha Hikaru does not have an "inner demon".

If he must say there is one, it is probably the hundred years of loneliness accumulated when his predecessor was sealed in the dark underground as a humanoid weapon.


In the case of a huge difference in mental strength, the consequence of Genji releasing "Dream Tapir" on her is that it is directly rebounded. From a first-person perspective, he personally experienced the experience of being buried deep underground, unable to see any color, hear any sound, and seeing only darkness... Then he was pulled out by the shadow clone of Tsukuyomi and saw his own "inner demon".

——That is, when he was seventeen years old, he was killed by his brother in a small town in the countryside.

So, Gen Chinu played herself into autism...

After Uchiha Hikaru released the shadow clone, he received the memories in the illusion space and was a little speechless for a while.

Snap Snap——

At that moment, Uchiha Hikaru tried to slap Gen Chinu's face a few times to see if he could wake him up, but even though half of his face was slapped red, Gen Chinu still stood there in a daze, without any reaction.

"...Forget it."

"Let him stay in the 'heart demon' for a while."

In fact, in terms of willpower, Gen Chinu is much more resilient than his brother.

Compared to Gen Chisei, who never doubted Tachibana Masamune, Gen Chinu tried to break away from the control of the "king general" several times while in the fierce ghost group, and even planned several assassinations against the "king general". With such mental strength, he should not be trapped in his nightmare. It just takes some time.

Having said that...

Uchiha Hikaru suddenly felt that Gen Chinu had the potential of Uchiha Crazy.

According to the love-hate relationship between him and his brother, if he is really an Uchiha, he will probably be able to open the Mangekyo in a minute and become a lunatic who is no less than Obito and Itachi...

On the other side.

Minagashi came up to him with the help of Crow, thanked Uchiha Hikaru, and looked at Minagashi with a complicated expression.

"Miss Guang, Zhinv..."

"Don't worry, he won't die."

"Take him back. If he still looks half-dead in a few days, come and tell me, I'll go in and take a look."

Uchiha Guang said, glancing at Yabuki Sakura not far away: "Is your female assistant okay?"

Gen Zhisheng looked a little worried, but still shook his head: "It's okay... Zhinv's sword was a little off to the side, and didn't pierce the heart directly. With the physique of a mixed-blood, she should be able to recover."

"That's good."

Uchiha Guang nodded and glanced at the front of the road: "Your sister-in-law is in the Paradise Pavilion, responsible for managing the fierce ghosts 'Ryoma' there. Do you want to go see her? But I guess they may have withdrawn now."

"... Sister-in-law?"

Gen Zhisheng was stunned for a moment, and a question mark slowly appeared on his face.

After the battle just now, this ordinary road was already full of overturned cars, motorcycles, and dead bodies... Many places were burning with raging fires, and even the road surface itself had cracked and collapsed in several places. Some subsequent vehicles were stopped by the people of the Snake Eight Families in the distance, and looked over here curiously.

At this moment, a sirens could be vaguely heard from afar, and the local gangs affiliated with the Snake Eight Families were also rushing here.

Fortunately, the fierce ghosts chose this relatively remote place as the battlefield.

If it were close to the downtown area, I'm afraid that not only the police and gangs, but also the people from NHK TV would come here.

With the road conditions like this, it is obviously impossible to continue driving forward.

So, after obtaining the consent of Yuan Zhisheng, Uchiha Guang lifted him by the shoulders, wrapped him with "qi" and soared up, performing the dance technique to fly more than ten kilometers away at a low altitude.

Then it took a while to find the not-too-conspicuous mountain house in a lush green mountain range.


As Uchiha Hikaru expected, the place was deserted and a raging fire had started.

Originally, the fire would have spread and burned the entire Paradise and even the surrounding mountains and forests.


"Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet!"

As the chakra in Uchiha Hikaru surged, a huge water-shaped dragon fell from midair, turning into a rolling torrent that extinguished the flames.

Next to him, Gen Chisheng stared at the scene in amazement and swallowed his saliva secretly.

Well... After all, he is the incarnation of the White King, so it is normal to be able to simulate a few words of the Water King.


"Water Dragon Bullet", is it also the language of dragons? Why does it sound weird...

While Gen Chisheng was thinking secretly.

Uchiha Hikaru had already pushed open the carved copper door of Paradise.

It can be seen that this place was quite glorious during the time when it was operated as a casino.

The space inside the house is quite huge and the decoration is very exquisite. On one side are rows of pachinko machines, and on the other side are various gambling tables and gambling equipment. It can accommodate nearly a thousand people.

In addition, according to the original plot, there is a very large space underground in this venue, which is a place where the ghosts help people "realize their wishes" - as long as they are willing to pay, whether it is spending the night with a female star, meeting with the prime minister, or killing someone, or asking for something, it can be realized.

But it should have been cleaned up at this time, and there are no useful clues.

Yuan Zhisheng looked around a little unwillingly.

After looking around, Uchiha Guang gave up the idea of ​​searching in depth, sat down in front of a pachinko machine, and threw out a handful of small steel balls.

In the process.

Uchiha Guang suddenly raised his eyes and saw the surveillance camera hanging on the wall. Probably because the fire was extinguished in time, the wire connected to the camera was not burned off, and a red light spot could be seen flickering behind the glass cover.


Uchiha Guang supported his chin with one hand, looked at the camera for a moment, and then flicked his finger and shot a small steel ball out.


With a crisp sound, the black glass cover exploded, and then the wires connected at the back smelled burnt, and the camera stopped working.

At the same time.

In another city hundreds of kilometers away.

In a dark and narrow room.

A man wearing a Noh mask sat in front of the monitoring station, looking at the screen that suddenly went black, and fell into silence.

A few hours later in the middle of the night.

Eva, located at the headquarters of Kassel College, intercepted a data stream from Japan.

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