I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 118: No more shyness!

"Our station reports that a major traffic accident occurred in the suburbs of Osaka recently, involving..."

Genji Heavy Industries, Tokyo.

Uchiha Hikaru and Eri wore the same pajamas, sitting next to each other on a soft sofa, each holding half a watermelon in their hands, eating while watching TV.

Three or four days have passed since the assassination of the demons in the suburbs of Osaka.

Because the incident was quite a big deal, relevant news can still be seen on TV until today.

A lot of videos and photos have also circulated on the Internet, especially a video of a "red giant soaring into the sky". Although it was only a few seconds long, it caused quite a heated discussion. In the end, Tsuburaya Company took the blame and explained that this was the "shooting site of the new version of Ultraman", which was considered to be a trick.

This was of course the work of the Snake Eight Family.

As the emperor of the Japanese underworld, it is still easy to do some crisis public relations.

And this attack also made the Snake Eight Family determined to increase their efforts to eliminate the power of the demons.

In just a few days, many strongholds of the Ghost Clan were destroyed.

On the other side.

The Ghost Clan also reacted quickly. They seemed to have received orders from the "King General" to evacuate and destroy most of the Deadpool research materials in advance. Although some battles occurred one after another and some members were captured by the main family, not many high-level members were caught.

The female manager of the Paradise Pavilion, "Ryoma" Sakurai Kogure, who had a good relationship with Genji, never showed up.

In this process, Uchiha Hikaru helped a little.

He used the "Eight Thousand Spears" to review the memories of several captured core members of the Ghost Clan, and then found a list of internal traitors.

- From the original plot, the number of internal traitors planted by the "King General" in the Snake Eight Families is terrifying. Basically, there are internal traitors around each family head. Once an order is received, multiple family heads can be killed in a short period of time, paralyzing the entire Snake Eight Families.

Uchiha Hikaru doesn't care about the Snake Eight Families.

But with fewer traitors, Eri's situation will be a little safer. At least she won't be taken to Hongjing as soon as she gets on a taxi one day.

"This list is probably not complete. You can find a way to check the rest. If you catch a high-ranking member of the Demon Clan one day, you can tell me and I'll come over to take a look."

Uchiha Guang told the Uesugi Yue father and son.


"Anyway, thank you very much for your help, Miss Guang. These are the things you want..."

Also in these few days.

The things that Uchiha Guang wanted before were delivered one after another-

A small wooden box, which contained serum medicine and related research materials. The materials were said to be found in Tachibana Masamune's residence and have been repeatedly verified by the medical team and confirmed to be correct.


There were eight full cardboard boxes.

These boxes contained the comics, CDs, books... and game consoles listed by Uchiha Guang. Even she herself didn't expect that these things would take up so much space.

But it's okay.

Her house in Konoha is quite big, and she can put a few more boxes. And there are universal capsules and sealing scrolls, which are also very convenient to carry. Just find a time to put it in.

"By the way, how is Gen Chijo now?"

Faced with Uchiha Hikaru's inquiry, Gen Chisei hesitated for a moment before responding truthfully: "I have gotten out of that puppet-like state, but I still haven't spoken much in the past few days. I am currently being strictly guarded by the Execution Bureau. I plan to see him tomorrow..."


Since I have already gotten out of the "demon in my heart", there is no problem. The rest is what Gen Chisei and Uesugi Yue, the "father and brother", have to consider.

Gen Chisei said a few more words to Eri, and then left in a hurry.

When Uchiha Hikaru casually opened a box and looked through the things inside.

Eri also came over, picked up another comic book next to it, flipped through two pages, and stretched out her little hand to pull the corner of Uchiha Hikaru's clothes.


Uchiha Hikaru turned around and saw Eri holding a comic book in one hand and holding up a small notebook in the other: "Hikaru, what are these people doing? Why are they not wearing clothes?"

"... Ahem, good kids, don't look at these things!"

Uchiha Hikaru was stunned for a moment before snatching the comic from Eri's hand, almost choking on his own saliva.


Shouldn't these H comics be stuffed at the bottom? Why can they be reached with just one hand?

Uchiha Hikaru bent down and looked at the paper labels on several boxes, sealed the box full of H comics, and then took out a copy of Das Kapital from another box and handed it to Eri: "Read more good ones."


Eri took Das Kapital in a daze and looked down for a while, but her dark eyes still looked at Uchiha Hikaru from time to time, especially at the slightly raised arc on her chest, then looked down at her chest without toes, and raised the small book again:

"Hikaru, do you like to see girls with bigger private parts?"


Uchiha Hikaru felt that this question could not be answered.

She couldn't say she didn't like it against her conscience...

"I told you not to be shy!"

That's what she said.

But Eri's lack of gender awareness is indeed a problem that needs to be faced, and Uchiha Hikaru began to wonder whether to find time to make up for her.

Hmm... There doesn't seem to be an adult female in the chat group who knows more about this. Although Bulma knows a little, she is only 16 years old after all. I guess she only knows half of it. Minato Namikaze, who knows more, is not suitable to teach Eri. If it is Kushina, it can be...

"... Forget it."

Uchiha Hikaru patted his slightly hot face and sighed helplessly: "I'll find a time to give Eri a one-on-one private lesson later..."


In the past two days, Bulma has also made some progress -

[Bulma @Nameless: Xiao Guang, the Four Souls Jade Radar has been made! ]

[Bulma: Ms. Kikyo and I have tested it twice, and there are basically no problems. We are going to start looking for the Four Souls Jade in the next few days. Do you want to come with us? ]

[Nameless:... I have no problem, but Bulma, don't you have to go to school? ]

[Bulma:... It doesn't matter. Anyway, I have fully mastered the knowledge of high school. As long as I remember to take the college entrance examination, there will be no problem. 】

【Nameless: 6】

During the conversation, Uchiha Hikaru glanced at a few boxes not far away, and his mind moved slightly:

【Nameless: By the way, I have bought the complete set of "Inuyasha" and "Dragon Ball" comics from Eri, both of which are finished... @Bulma, and @Ms. Kikyo, do you want to take a look? 】

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