I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 126 Blood Jade Coral

While speaking.

A dark red Susanoo appeared in the air, wrapped around Uchiha Hikaru's whole body, and quickly rose into the sky.

Oogarumaru is more than 20 meters tall.

And the third form of Susanoo is also more than 20 meters tall.

When seeing this red giant from the Naruto world, the astonishment on Oogarumaru's face became even more intense: "Are you also a monster? No... I can't feel the presence of monster energy on your body. Could it be a half-monster with a thin bloodline?"

-Although there are people with spiritual power in the Inuyasha world, it is impossible for them to use this kind of "magic" that can control the heavens and the earth.

But Uchiha Hikaru didn't mean to talk nonsense with him, but slowly controlled Susanoo and raised the big sword:

"Breathing of Flame..."

"Hundred Eight Sections·Red Flame Slash!!!"

With a clear and sharp low shout, the sword was swung out!

In an instant, the red sword energy tore through the air! With the fiery sound cone, it flew to Oogarumaru hundreds of meters away!



In the air, a thin layer of translucent light flashed.

The powerful Red Flame Slash seemed to hit something extremely hard. After a brief stalemate, it turned into scattered flames and disintegrated. It was also these flames that reflected a layer of defensive barrier in front of Ogaiwan.

"...It's the barrier of blood jade coral."

At this time, the helicopter had landed and stopped not far from Susanoo.

Kikyo walked forward a few steps with a bow and arrow in her hand and whispered.

Blood jade coral, a treasure passed down from generation to generation by the Hundred Demons Bat Clan, contains the demonic power of successive leaders. It can be manipulated by the guardian to stimulate a powerful barrier to protect the safety of the clan. It can almost be said to be the "strongest shield" in the world of Inuyasha.

Inuyasha in the original timeline used Tessaiga to smash the blood jade coral and absorbed the demonic power in it, thus advancing to the "red Tessaiga" that can break the barrier.

And now...

Uchiha Hikaru has witnessed the strength of this magic weapon with his own eyes.

"To be able to block this level of 'Red Flame Slash', the defensive strength of this barrier is almost close to the Four Purple Flame Array, right?"

The most important thing is that this is a portable version!

(I want it!)

Uchiha Hikaru narrowed his eyes slightly, his sight fell on Oyumaru who was gloating in the barrier, and whispered: "You seem to be very confident in the power of this barrier?"


Oyumaru snorted disdainfully: "Blood Jade Coral is the treasure of my clan, and Zizhi is a genius in barrier art. Just relying on you, you want to break this barrier? It's a foolish dream!"

"Oh? Then I'm very curious, if Zizhi knew that your grandfather was actually the murderer who killed her father, what would she do?"


That's right.

Zizhi is a half-demon.

Her father, the former guardian Yueyomaru, was killed by her father because he fell in love with a human woman and felt compassion for humans. And she herself was captured and taken back to serve as the new guardian because she was born with powerful demonic power.

Now, what Ogaiwan wants to do is to cut off the emotional entanglement between Shiori and humans by slaughtering the villagers, so as to completely control her.

——In fact, Shiori and those villagers don’t have any "emotional entanglement". After all, the treatment she and her mother enjoy in the village is roughly the same as Naruto, except that they can be guaranteed to stay alive.

But the Hundred Demons Bats are even worse...

Sure enough.

After learning the cause of her father's death, the demonic power in Shiori's body exploded and expelled Ogaiwan directly from the barrier.

Uchiha Hikaru immediately activated his pupil power and released the pupil technique that had been prepared long ago: "Seal Tsukuyomi!...Eight Thousand Spears!"

Ogaiwan was first dazed by a Tsukuyomi.

Then, he felt that the demonic power in his body began to riot uncontrollably, like a whale sucking water, it was quickly drawn out, and then merged into a stream from the void, and continuously immersed in Uchiha Hikaru's body!

During this process, Oyumaru tried to flap his wings and rush over to bite.

But Kikyo had already drawn his bow and arrow, aiming at the giant bat. The bowstring trembled and the arrow was like a stream of light!

"Demon-breaking Arrow!"

Facing Kikyo who was in good condition, Oyumaru just barely resisted and exploded in mid-air!

But the next moment, another spirit jumped out of the broken body and flew towards Zizhi not far away. Uchiha Guang quickly launched the "Eight Thousand Spears" again, directly pulling Oyumaru's residual soul over and absorbing it into his pupil power!

"Miss Guang, you..."

Kikyo looked at him hesitantly, and hesitantly said: "The souls of these monsters are filled with deep evil thoughts. If you absorb them rashly, they may affect your mind... If you feel uncomfortable, remember to tell me as soon as possible, and I will try to help you solve it."


Uchiha Guang nodded and floated down from mid-air.

As the crisis was resolved, the surrounding villagers showed expressions of surviving a disaster. However, after seeing the people who died around them, their eyes began to reveal disgust, as if they blamed all the killings on Shiori, who was a half-demon.

Only Shiori's mother ran out and hugged her daughter, crying softly.

"...Although I have seen this plot in the comics, these villagers are really annoying."

Bulma muttered a little unhappy.


Uchiha Hikaru nodded.

"How about we take them with us?"

Bulma thought for a moment: "Since Shiori's father has passed away, and there are no other relatives here, why don't you just go with us to find the Four Souls Jade and move to Maple Village, where at least there will be no discrimination against half-demons... or you can go to my place, my house is quite big."


Uchiha Hikaru was stunned for a moment.

Kikyo nodded slightly: "If Shiori and her daughter are willing, I can go and talk to Xiaofeng."

Since Kikyo had no objection, Uchiha Hikaru nodded in agreement, and then went over with Bulma to ask Shiori and her daughter what they thought. The latter looked back at the villagers behind him and agreed hesitantly: "...Okay. Maybe if Shiori lives in a different place, she can suffer less."

At this time, Uchiha Hikaru's sight began to drift towards the blood jade coral.

Just as she was thinking about how to ask for it without being too abrupt, Zizhi seemed to see through her thoughts and handed over the blood jade: "Sister, this is for you."


"It's a gift to thank you for helping my father get revenge."


Uchiha Guang pursed his lips slightly, then said softly: "Then, I will be disrespectful to refuse it."

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