I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 127 Can I touch your ears?

Since Zi Zhi took the initiative to speak.

Uchiha Hikaru stopped being coy.

After taking the blood jade coral from the half-demon girl, she began to ask for advice on how to use it.


Although Zi Zhi was the original owner of the Blood Jade Coral, because he was still young and his language organization skills were poor, he couldn't explain it clearly for a while.

Kikyo came over, listened patiently for a while, and then opened her mouth to translate for Uchiha Hikari:

"...This kind of magic weapon needs to be activated by the demonic power of the Hundred Ghost Bat Clan. The stronger the demonic power injected, the harder the barrier will be."

"Although Zi Zhi is a half-demon, his demon power is outstanding, so he can create a barrier comparable to his father at a young age."

——In the official illustration of "Inuyasha", Murasaki's demon power is five stars at the same level as Sesshomaru, which is a whole level higher than Inuyasha, who is also a half-demon and whose father is an Inu-general. If it weren't for her dislike of fighting, she might be the most powerful half-demon in this era...

"Miss Guang, you just absorbed the demonic power of Ojomaru. Theoretically, you can activate the blood jade coral, but you may not be able to stimulate it to the maximum. But Ziori said there is another way..."

When Kikyo said this, she suddenly paused.

Zi Zhi picked up a long knife from the side and cut open his wrist.


Uchiha Hikaru opened his eyes slightly and saw Ziori placing his wrist above the blood jade coral.

As the blood flows, the blood jade coral shines brightly, showing an extremely dazzling bright red brilliance.

After lasting for dozens of seconds, the light began to dim quietly again. Zi Zhi's face had turned pale, as if he had been severely exhausted, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

"That's it."

Kikyo quickly took out the herbs and gauze from her bag, and while bandaging Ziwei to stop the bleeding, she said to Uchiha Hikari:

"Zi Zhi used her own blood as a medium to inject demonic power into the blood jade coral, breaking its restrictions. Now you should be able to use the power of this magical weapon at will like her."

"...Can it still be done like this?"

Uchiha Hikaru hesitated for a moment, then took out a fairy bean from his body and handed it to Zi Zhi's mouth: "Eat this."


After taking a fairy bean, the wound on the little girl's wrist healed quickly, and the lost color on her face became slightly fuller.

Kikyo raised her eyebrows and looked back in surprise: "Is this the kind of food you gave me last time, Miss Guang? I didn't expect it to have such an excellent therapeutic effect, but it's a pity that it's not effective for my body. One was wasted.”

"It's not a waste, I still have a little bit of this stuff in stock."

Uchiha Hikaru smiled and didn't care.

She herself has the recovery physique obtained by making a wish, and does not need to use fairy beans frequently to treat her injuries. However, the ones she gave to Platycodon, Ziori and others did not even use a tenth of her inventory, and they were completely affordable. .

After confirming that Zi Zhi was fine, she picked up the blood jade coral and tried to operate it.

With the injection of a weak demon power, the light red barrier with a subtle blood color quietly opened to the surroundings. It spread until it was a hundred meters away, and then gradually stopped.

"... Zi Zhi said that the size of the blood jade barrier can be controlled with the mind. The smaller the barrier, the higher the intensity. And the maximum coverage area is about a sphere with a diameter of one kilometer."

"In addition, if there is someone you hate in the barrier, you can force him out."


Uchiha Hikaru tried it a few more times and felt that he was almost familiar with it.

She plans to find time to test the barrier's upper limit of defense several times after she returns. Just based on the current feeling, it should be between 70% and 35 times that of the Four Purple Flame Formation - the specific multiple depends on the coverage of the barrier.

Compared with the four-purple flame array that requires four people to maintain and is slightly complicated to open, the blood jade coral barrier is very convenient to operate. It only needs to provide a little demonic power as an inducement to open it at any time, and it can be opened at any time with just one's mind. Changing the size can be said to be a must-have for home travel.


Uchiha Hikaru and his party took a short rest, then took Ziori and his daughter with them, took the helicopter with a larger cabin that Bulma took out, and flew in the direction of Maple Village.

Because they were used to seeing flying monsters like Hyakki Bat, Zi Zhi and her daughter were not too frightened by the existence of the helicopter, and just regarded it as a special mount.

During the flight, the little girl touched the glass and looked out for a while, with a novel expression on her face.

"Miss Kikyo, Maple Village is the area in front, right?"

Bulma asked without looking back as he flew the plane.


Kikyo recognized it slightly and nodded.

A few minutes later.

The plane landed slowly in a corner of the village.

Then a group of people jumped from the cabin, and after Bulma took the helicopter back to the universal capsule, they entered Maple Village under the leadership of Platycodon.

Some villagers had already noticed their arrival and reported it to the village chief, Granny Feng.

Seeing her sister again, Granny Feng's expression was obviously complicated.

But Kikyo seemed to be relieved. After greeting her sister casually, she began to talk about Zi Zhi's mother and daughter. Then briefly introduce Uchiha Hikari, Bulma and others.

It happened to be at this time that a burst of noise came from the other side.

But it was Inuyasha and his party who returned to the village noisily.

When he saw Kikyo, Er Gouzi immediately opened his eyes wide: "Kikyo, you're back?!"

Uchiha Guang and Bulma glanced at Kikyo at the same time.

The witch looked at Inuyasha quietly, and suddenly smiled lightly: "Yes, long time no see."

Because it was a rare encounter, the two groups sat down at Grandma Feng's house and exchanged their progress in finding the fragments of the Four Souls Jade.

During this process, Inuyasha's eyes kept drifting to Kikyo-after all, he is still a 200-year-old child, with a shallow mind, and his emotions are written on his face. And as a 15-year-old junior high school student, Kagome's little thoughts of liking Inuyasha could not be concealed in the eyes of Uchiha Guang and Bulma who knew the plot.


"Let Kikyo handle it herself, she should have made a decision."

While Kikyo began to purify the fragments of the Four Souls Jade.

Uchiha Guang found Inuyasha and Kagome and asked them about Totosai and Longgujing.

"You mean Mr. Totosai? We just met him not long ago. He should be... Who is Longgujing?"

"It's okay."

Uchiha Guang waved his hand, and then looked at Inuyasha's dog ears with a little curiosity: "This request may be a bit presumptuous, but... Can I touch your ears?"


Under Inuyasha's confused gaze, Uchiha Guang stretched out his little hand, rubbed his fluffy ears, and gently pulled twice, then he was satisfied: "It feels good, just like the real thing."


Feeling insulted by his demon character, Inuyasha grinned: "What do you mean by just like the real thing... Are you mocking my half-demon identity?!"

"... Are you a little too sensitive?"


After staying in Maple Village for a day and a half, Uchiha Guang and his party left again.

This time.

She finally found Longgujing as she wished.

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