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Chapter 128 Killing the Dragon Bone Spirit and Unlocking Spiritual Power (3rd update)

The place where the dragon bone spirit was sealed was at the foot of a low mountain.

Uchiha Hikaru first used the blood jade coral to activate the barrier covering hundreds of meters in radius, and then opened the fourth form of Susanoo, and then nodded to Kikyo, who shot an arrow to unlock the seal on the dragon bone spirit.

With the rapid rise of demonic energy, this big demon that had been sleeping for hundreds of years woke up again.


It was a shocking battle!

Amid the surging demonic power, a large amount of gravel danced wildly in the sky, as if it was raining rocks.

The demonic energy bullets spit out from the mouth of the dragon bone spirit even made the solid blood jade barrier tremble slightly, comparable to the tailed beast jade in the Naruto world.

——Of course, it is definitely not comparable to the tailed beast jade of the eight or nine tails, and it is probably equivalent to the first few tails.

Bulma and others who were originally guarding outside the barrier flew a plane more than ten miles away in the middle of the battle, and then watched the situation here from afar with binoculars.

To be fair.

The strength of the dragon bone spirit is indeed stronger than the monsters like Naraku and Ogaikumaru.

It can even be said that it is the strongest that Uchiha Hikaru has encountered since he came to the world of Inuyasha!

Without the protagonist's halo and the "Bakuryuha" that can restrain the regeneration ability of the dragon bone spirit - in fact, "Amaterasu" can also restrain the dragon bone spirit, but Uchiha Hikaru still wants to use its scales and claws as equipment, so it must ensure the integrity of its epidermis, so it cannot be used casually.


Uchiha Hikaru and Kikyo spent a lot of effort. During this period, Kikyo's spiritual power was almost exhausted, and Uchiha Hikaru also ate a fairy bean to replenish chakra. Only then did he suppress the violent dragon bone spirit with a head-on attitude.

"Damn human, dare to be against me... If I am still in my prime now, how could I be defeated by you guys! At the beginning, even Toga King..."

Even if the body was broken into two pieces, the pale face on the head of the dragon bone spirit was still beeping loudly, expressing its indignation.

"You've already lost, why are you still talking so much?"

Uchiha Hikaru maintained the 40-meter-high Susanoo, raised the dark red sword high, and stabbed it into the heart of the dragon bone spirit.

Blood gushed out like a fountain, dyeing half of Susanoo's body red.

Then, Uchiha Hikaru made a few more powerful slashes, cutting the dragon bone spirit into four or five pieces in one breath, especially cutting off its cervical nerves, and then saw this guy spitting blood, gradually stopped struggling, and fell silent.

Uchiha Hikaru waited for a while with concern, and confirmed that the dragon bone spirit was really dead, then fell from the sky, took out the scroll, and began to separate its body and seal it.

"By the way... this guy is also a 'dragon'. I wonder what level he would be if he were to be taken to Eri?"

"A second-generation species? Or is he about the same level as the mentally retarded child Fenrir?"

Unfortunately, Uchiha Hikaru was not sure that he could use the "Eight Thousand Spears" to control the mind of this great demon that had lived for hundreds of years. Otherwise, it would be quite good to subdue it and use it as a mount.

After all...

That's a dragon knight!

Uchiha Hikaru imagined that scene in his mind and felt a little sorry.

But it's okay.

There are still many dragons in the dragon world. If you really want to, you should have the opportunity to ride one in the future...

While Uchiha Hikaru and Kikyo were dealing with the corpse of the dragon bone spirit, Bulma took Amber and rushed back by plane.

The battle just now has already caused the terrain of the surrounding mountains to change.

The storm formed by the strong demonic energy has been blowing for dozens of miles, attracting Inuyasha and his party who were originally heading in another direction.

There were also two uninvited guests who came here after hearing the news -

Sesshomaru and Totosai.

At this time, Seshomaru had not yet given up his obsession with Tessaiga. As soon as he saw Inuyasha, they began to love and hate each other.

And Totosai was stopped by Uchiha Hikaru and asked to forge a sword.

As the most outstanding swordsmith in the world of Inuyasha and an old friend of Inu no Taisho, Totosai is an old man with a strong personality. In the original plot, many monsters, including Seshomaru, were rejected when they asked him for help in forging swords, so they had to find his disciple, Hairenfang.

However, Totosai's attitude towards humans is still quite close.

Probably because of this, Uchiha Hikaru's request was smoothly accepted.

"I really didn't expect that the dragon bone spirit would be killed by two humans... The materials are still well preserved. Come back to me in half a month."

Totosai checked the bones of the dragon bone spirit and gave it a time.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Uchiha Hikaru thought for a moment and asked one more question: "By the way, after making the sword, can you use the remaining scales to make a few more sets of armor? Simple inner armor is fine, and the price will definitely not disappoint you."

"Armor... that's fine. But you have to provide the wearer's body data."

"No problem."

In addition to himself, Uchiha Hikaru plans to make a set for Bulma, Eri, Kikyo and others. If there are any leftovers, you can make a few more sets of appropriate sizes as spare parts and give them as gifts to people you like in the future. For example, Naruto, the descendants of the Uchiha clan, or new group members in the future...

As Totosai took away the body of the dragon bone spirit.

Uchiha Hikaru put down one of his wishes.

And the other wish is——

"...Is this kind of power "spiritual power"? It feels a bit like telekinesis."

In the forest.

Uchiha Hikaru spread out his right hand, and a stone slowly rose above his white palm.


Kikyo nodded, and then spoke softly: "In fact, with the strength of your soul, Miss Hikaru, the total amount of spiritual power contained in your body is far more than that, but if you guide it out in one breath, it may cause the body to be unable to bear it, and then the soul will leave the body... So you need to adapt for a while before trying again.

Later I will sort out the methods of training spiritual power and upload them to the group in the form of a file. At that time, you and Bulma can train according to your own situation."


Uchiha Hikaru looked at his Sharingan facing the stream, and there was no new change this time.

It is estimated that it will take until the "purification" is completed.

"By the way, Miss Kikyo, can you teach others the "purifying light" you have?" Uchiha Hikaru suddenly asked.

Kikyo hesitated for a moment before responding, "...Yes, but I can't guarantee that you will be able to learn it."

According to Kikyo, "Light of Purification" is a very advanced way of using spiritual power, and the requirements for character are higher than the strength of spiritual power. In theory, only people with pure and flawless character can learn it - basically the same standard as riding the Golden Somersault Cloud.

But Uchiha Hikari just asked.

Anyway, she doesn't need this skill under normal circumstances. Compared to using "Light of Purification" to help others get rid of evil thoughts, she is better at "purification" on the physical level.

(When I meet Orochimaru later, I will ask him if he has any secret technique that can help Kikyo repair her soul...)

Uchiha Hikari thought so.

"...Then, I will go back first. Remember to call me when you encounter a strong enemy."

After waving goodbye to Bulma, Kikyo, and Amber not far away, Uchiha Hikari withdrew from the Inuyasha world.

When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to the long-lost Konoha Village.

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