I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 129 Uzumaki Orphan Eri

12th Painted Pear Clothes

The day after returning to Konoha.

Uchiha Hikaru first went to Fugaku to ask about the current situation in the clan, then took a look at Naruto, then simply packed up and left the village.

Strictly speaking, any ninja leaving the village must be approved by the Hokage Building.

But she was too lazy to go to all that trouble. Showing your face in front of Uozuki Xiyan and other Anbu to hint, it was already a big honor.

As soon as I left the village.

Uchiha Hikaru summoned a somersault cloud, then compared it with the map and compass, and flew in the direction of Tian Nookuni - where Orochimaru established the Sound Ninja Village.

Although she didn't know the specific address of the Sound Ninja Village, Tian Country wasn't a big country, so it would be nice to spend some time looking for it.

[Jikyo uploaded the "Spiritual Power Training Method\

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