
Eriki was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously turned her head to look at Uchiha Hikari.

Uchiha Hikaru raised his hand and pulled her, motioning for the girl to hide behind him. Then he raised his head and looked at the grass ninja opposite: "What if she is?"

These grass ninjas don't look very smart.

Uchiha Hikari's words were obviously rhetorical questions, but they seemed to take it seriously. They opened their eyes wide and showed expressions of finding treasures on their faces:

"Hey, is he really from the Uzumaki clan?"

"Let me just say, this kind of hair color is only available to the Uzumaki tribe. I was originally worried about what to do if there were so many injured people recently and that woman alone couldn't save them. I didn't expect to be so lucky... Hey, that red-haired one ,come here!"

Uchiha Hikari and Eriki didn't move.

But the tall grass ninja just thought they were scared. The big thorn took two steps forward, then unceremoniously stretched out his big hand like a cattail leaf, grabbed Eriki's shoulder, and snorted to Uchiha Hikari: "Get out of here, black-haired brat! Otherwise, I'll kill you!"


Seeing that Kusanagi's arm was about to be handed over to him.

Uchiha Hikari sighed softly: "You...have you always been so brave?"

When he said the word "伱", Uchiha Hikari had already taken action.

To be precise, it's a kick——

In a flash of lightning, she made a whip-twisting high kick, and her slender, soft right calf hit the chest of the tall Kusanagi with a sharp wind-breaking sound, and then exploded with a huge force that was completely out of proportion to her body! The grass ninja felt his eyes flash, and he flew straight up. He flew over more than ten meters like a cloud and mist, and then crashed into a wall!


With an explosion, the grass ninja left a human-shaped dent on the wall, and then rolled back to the ground. When he opened his mouth, blood continued to spurt out, and his chest was soon dyed red.

Until then.

Uchiha Hikaru Shiran said the words after "all the time", as if the words had never stopped.

"...Fa, what happened?!"


Because Uchiha Hikaru moved his legs too quickly, in the eyes of Kusanagi, the ninja named Kenta seemed to fly out of thin air.

One of the grass ninja seemed to be vaguely aware of something, and quietly retreated behind everyone.

The other grass ninjas bravely surrounded him, looking like they were raising an army to accuse him.

Uchiha Hikaru was no longer too lazy to talk nonsense to them. As he moved forward, his body seemed to be divided into three or four in an instant. With a few sharp whip kicks, all the remaining grass ninjas were whipped away. Each one of them was lying in a pool of blood, looking like they were breathing out more than they were taking in.

Do it all.

Without even looking at those guys, she turned around and pulled Eri Yi up: "Let's go, don't worry about them, let's go inside and take a look."


Eriki nodded obediently, looked at the grass ninjas around her with indifferent eyes, grabbed Uchiha Hikari's outstretched hand, and followed him step by step.


Uchiha Hikaru glanced down, his expression a little strange.

By the way...where did Eriyi learn this interlocking finger grip?

However, looking at Eriki's confused expression, Uchiha Hikaru didn't say much, just pursed his lips and walked towards the back of Kusagakure Village.

In the process, the number of people around gradually increased.

There was no shortage of people who noticed the two of them and gave them different looks.

Surprise, doubt, greed, covet...

The eyes of these Kusakure Village ninjas are almost like wild beasts living in the forest. They can only feel naked malice and all kinds of undisguised desires. It was as if he wanted to eat them alive with his sight. Compared with them, even the villagers in Konoha who shouted and killed the "demon fox" every day were considered polite.

"Hey, who allowed you to wander around the village..."

Someone blocked the way again.

Uchiha Hikari couldn't stand the entanglement of these guys anymore, so he simply opened the blood jade barrier and controlled the size of the barrier to the extent that it could only wrap himself and Eriki. All those who tried to get closer were blocked by the translucent light-colored barrier.

"……What it is?"

"It seems to be a barrier...I know, that red-haired girl is from the Uzumaki clan, this must be the unique barrier technique of the Uzumaki clan!"

"Where did they come from? Are they here to find the mother and daughter? Go and inform the elder..."

Riots began to spread.

But for a while, no one came up to block the way.

Uchiha Hikari ignored the mutterings of those Kusagakure ninjas, pulled Eri Yi, and walked forward for a while as if there was no one else around, and saw the building with the stone monument of "Kusagakure Hospital". As soon as I turned the corner and stepped into the corridor, the strong smell of blood and disinfectant began to appear in the air around me.

"...Come on, come on! Someone here needs treatment!"

"Where is that Uzumaki woman? Bring her here quickly!"

"Wait a minute, it's still in use here..."

While talking, a hospital bed was rolled out from the room at the end of the corridor.

A young woman with red hair lay on the hospital bed.

She looked only about 30 years old, but now she looked as haggard as an old man. Her naked body was covered with teeth marks. In some places, the skin and flesh were torn apart, revealing the bloodless muscle tissue. Rather than a person, she looked like a tree trunk that had been sucked dry of nutrients by termites. It was unbearable to look at.

As the bed was pushed along the corridor.

Several ninjas staggered out of the ward next to her, like hungry hyenas, and pounced on the woman and bit her, sucking the little blood left.

"Blood... Give me blood! This useless woman, where is the blood?!"

Several "hyenas" roared almost crazily, pinching the woman's neck hard, trying to squeeze the last blood out of her carotid artery.

"... Stop pinching her, she's almost dead!"

"Death... There are so many wounded, how dare she die... Oh, doesn't she have a daughter? Bring her daughter here! Her blood must be able to heal the wounds!"

"We've sent someone to find her, wait a little longer..."


Uchiha Hikaru pulled Eri to the corridor, watching the scene silently, speechless for a moment.

Even though she knew the existence of this plot long ago, it was hard for her to imagine that humans could be so disgusting and ugly... The scene in front of her could only be described as hell on earth.

Suddenly, a "hyena" noticed Eri.

After a brief moment of shock, they rushed over with red eyes, as if they wanted to do to Eri what they had just done to the red-haired woman.

Uchiha Hikaru sighed again, with murderous intent in his eyes - any words were meaningless to these things that had lost their qualifications to be human, and they could only communicate with each other in a language they could understand, which was...

Almost at the same moment when Uchiha Hikaru decided to take action, she suddenly felt Eri tighten her grip on her hand, and her fingertips began to tremble slightly.


A clear girl's voice sounded in this corridor, using the ancient language to say the word that Uchiha Hikaru was thinking of in his heart -


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