I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 131 What do you regard life as? !

Chapter 131 What do you think of life...? !

Before he finished speaking.

A terrifying force burst out from Eri's body!

There was no intermediate process... In just a moment, the air exploded, and bright red blood burst out from the bodies of those Kusagakure ninjas! The ninja bodies that had been trained for a long time now seemed as fragile as thin paper, and they would break at the slightest touch!

——Word Spirit·Judgment!

The ultimate word spirit from the dragon world, symbolizing the power of the concept of "absolute death", burst out in the corridor of this Kusagakure ninja hospital!

Starting from the position where Uchiha Hikaru and Eri stood, everything within sight was instantly torn to pieces!

A huge amount of blood plasma burst out, like a huge blood-colored flower blooming!


Eri spoke for the second time and waved her right hand.

The slender five fingers left five parallel arcs in the air.

And the power of "Judgment" this time was even more amazing than before.

Almost at the same time as the words came out, an invisible field expanded with Eri as the center, covering the entire corridor and even the wards on both sides!

Huge cracks appeared everywhere in sight, whether it was the grass ninja standing in the corridor, or the people rushing out from both sides, even the walls showed the same pattern, and then in an instant, it turned into a large number of bloody flesh fragments and rubble, falling apart!

"... Eri! Stop!"

Two consecutive trials made Eri's face and back of the hand show blue veins.

Because of the clasped hands, Uchiha Hikaru could clearly feel the blood in the girl's body flowing violently, and her body temperature began to rise and become hot. The pair of eyes that were usually well-behaved and gentle showed the color of molten gold.

——This is not a good thing.

Because the price of using the "judgment" ability is to be eroded by dragon blood at an accelerated rate, which may lead to some unpredictable consequences.

Seeing that Eri was about to speak again, Uchiha Hikaru gave a low shout without thinking and raised his hand to cover her mouth.

This action immediately caused dense scars to appear on her left hand and forearm. The bright red flesh turned over and exploded, revealing the jagged bones inside. Unspeakable pain appeared in an instant, and then the cracks on the bones began to repair, and new flesh and blood grew... and tore again in the process of recovery!

Tear, heal, and tear again...

This process happened seven or eight times in just one second!

The bright red flesh and blood splashed on Eri's face, allowing the girl to recover from that slightly ethereal state. Her eyes gradually regained focus. She first stared blankly at Uchiha Hikaru's bony arm, then turned back anxiously, and crystal liquid flowed out of her eye sockets:


-This sentence was spoken with the mouth.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Uchiha Guang's lips curled slightly, revealing a gentle smile.

After confirming that Eri's condition had calmed down, she finally released her left hand that was covering Eri's mouth.

This was the first time she felt the power of "Word Spirit·Judgment".

It was more violent than expected.

Even with the recovery physique, half of her left arm was almost disabled. The strong recovery ability could not keep up with the speed of destruction. After the fourth explosion, her left hand entered the state of bones. The severe pain of the bones and flesh being torn and shattered seven or eight times almost rushed into her mind at the same time, making her with strong tolerance a little bit unbearable.


As Eri lifted the "Judgment", the recovery physique finally began to work, and new bone stubble and granulation gradually grew from her elbow. It's just that the recovery speed is obviously slower than usual, it seems that she has not recovered from the state of fighting against the "Judgment".

"According to this healing speed, it will take about two or three minutes to grow the arm again..."

"But the amount of blood loss is a bit large, and it may take longer to produce blood..."

Uchiha Guang quietly wiped away the tears that almost made him cry just now, and planned to let his left hand grow by itself. Anyway, there are Senzu beans as a backup, and if it grows crooked, it can be cut off and grow again...

At this time.

The entire Kusagakure Hospital has become a real hell.

Dozens of Kusagakure ninjas died at the moment when Eri gave the order, and no one's body was intact.

The walls on both sides of the corridor have also become crumbling ruins.

Through the holes in the wall, large pieces of corpses can be seen lying all over the ward, and the bright red blood plasma gradually flows out, and together with the blood in the corridor, it merges into a gurgling stream.

In a dead silence.

Only the red-haired woman of the Uzumaki clan still has her last breath, making an almost inaudible sound.



Uchiha Hikaru waded through the blood and took two steps forward, coming to the side of the red-haired woman.

Eri's Word Spirit, Judgment, only skipped her.

The woman could no longer see anything, and her vitality was almost gone. She just "looked" at the white ceiling with her lifeless eyes, and under the power of an almost obsessive desire, she moved her lips and muttered the name "Karin".

Uchiha Hikaru stuffed a Senzu bean into her mouth, and then took out a bottle of water to help her drink it.

Perhaps because she was on the verge of losing consciousness, her external injuries showed no signs of recovery, but she maintained her last breath and did not die immediately.

Uchiha Hikaru sighed, gently pulled with his right hand, and covered the red-haired woman's body with the blood-stained bed sheet.

The air was quiet for a moment.

Suddenly, a childish voice came from the entrance of the corridor:


Uchiha Hikaru looked up and saw a red-haired little girl wearing glasses crying and being pulled back by another burly man behind her, and thrown to the people behind her like a ball.

Behind the burly man, there was a group of Kusagakure ninjas who were gathering from the surroundings. It seemed that there were nearly a hundred people, holding weapons such as kunai and daggers in their hands, looking at her and Eri with horrified and angry eyes.

"Damn it, you actually gave the captain and the others..."

"Devil... must be the disaster star brought here by that woman! Damn Uzumaki people, they have received so many preferential treatments from the village, but they dare to collude with outsiders to kill our village ninjas!"

"You two, surrender quickly! Otherwise I will kill this Uzumaki brat!"


Eri had not yet recovered from the guilt of accidentally injuring Uchiha Hikaru. She kept pouting and staring at her hand with tears in her eyes, completely ignoring everything around her.

Uchiha Hikaru turned around, slowly pushed the bed through the corridor, stopped the woman in red next to Eri, then came to the outside of the corridor and looked around.

Following her actions, the surrounding grass ninjas also stepped back a few steps, but continued their ugly performances. One of the "elders", who was not young, even held Uzumaki Karin, one hand pretending to pinch her neck, and shouted and cursed loudly to show his threat.

"...It's really disgusting."

Uchiha Hikaru closed his eyes slightly, not wanting to see these ugly faces again: "Why do people like you live in this world? What do you think of life...?!!"

When he said the second half of the sentence, Uchiha Hikaru's voice was like spring thunder, and a pair of slowly opened eyes, with a gorgeous flame burning.

Also burning was the dark red giant behind her that soared into the sky like a high-rise building!

——Susanoo, the fourth form!

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