I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 132 The body is destroyed!

Hua La La——

The height of one floor of Kusagakure Hospital is only about three meters.

But the fourth form of Susanoo is a full forty meters!

As the dark red flames surged, the ceiling of Kusagakure Hospital was directly propped up, and the walls that had been cut to the point of crumbling by "Judgment" fell apart in a very short time, and large pieces of rubble continued to fall down. Carried around by the boundless air waves, many Kusagakure ninjas were smashed and flew out, and then looked back in embarrassment.

In just a dozen seconds, the entire hospital building turned into a pile of ruins!

"What is this...?!!"

The Kusagakure ninjas were already dumbfounded.

They had never seen "Susanoo".

But they still knew the Sharingan——

"Uchiha... is the Uchiha clan of Konoha! How come they are here?!"

"Is Konoha going to attack Kusagakure?!"

"How come Uchiha and Uzumaki are together... this red thing, can't it be the legendary tailed beast?!"

From the moment they saw the Sharingan and Susanoo, most of the Kusagakure ninjas began to be timid.

For a long time, they have been accustomed to bullying the weak. The arrogance they showed before was also because the two girls, Uchiha Hikaru and Eri, looked relatively weak. But when the Sharingan, Uchiha, Konoha... these nouns representing power appeared, they began to fear, and even lost the courage to take action.

"How pathetic."

Uchiha Hikaru was in the sky, and glanced around with indifferent eyes.

Everyone who met her eyes had their pupils trembled, and then fell to the ground with a plop, with a look of horror on their faces. In the blink of an eye, a large number of people knelt down.

The elder who held Uzumaki Karin hostage fell to the ground with a trembling body, and his face, which was not young to begin with, seemed to have aged ten years in an instant.

——Marking Tsukuyomi!

A few people with strong mental resistance were still struggling to get up and slip away.

But as the magatama in Uchiha Hikaru's eyes spun lightly, everyone felt the chakra in their bodies rapidly draining away, and the whole person instantly collapsed and knelt on the ground again. And this time, they didn't even have the strength to move their fingers.

"But, damn, why can't I use any strength in my hands and feet... Is it that Uchiha who did it?!"

——"Eight Thousand Spears".

Using the mark as a medium, the "Eight Thousand Spears" almost instantly drained the chakra in the bodies of nearly a hundred people who were marked, making these usually greedy and arrogant grass ninjas feel for the first time that they were at the mercy of others.

Susanoo drew out a dark red sword.

With the blessing of Uchiha Guangtong's power, a dark flame ignited on the blade.

Although they didn't know "Amaterasu", when they saw the more than ten-meter-long sword and the black flame that was beyond the world's cognition, all the grass ninjas still opened their eyes in horror and felt the fear from the depths of their souls.

But because they also lost the strength in their mouths, they couldn't even say the words of begging for mercy at this moment. They could only watch Susanoo raise the dark red sword high and point it to the sky.

"This sword is called..."

Uchiha Guang exhaled lightly: "Heaven, punishment!!!"

The voice fell.

The sword was swung out!

At this moment, the black and red sword light was seen flying in the air, sweeping a huge black ring around the ruins of the Kusagakure Hospital. With Susanoo as the center, the bodies of nearly a hundred grass ninjas were cut in half at the same time! Then they were ignited by the black flames, and in the high temperature of thousands of degrees, they were quickly burned into charcoal with a very terrified posture!


Even these charred bones were burned by the flames of Amaterasu, turning into a pile of black charcoal slag, drifting away with the wind.

A strong smell of barbecue spread in the air.

One sword cuts hundreds of people, and their bodies are destroyed! !


As the only survivor in the field, Uzumaki Karin opened her eyes wide, keeping a dull expression, staring at the scene blankly.

Until Uchiha Hikaru released Susanoo and walked up to her, the girl suddenly came back to her senses, looking like she had just woken up from a dream.

"You... not, you..."

Uzumaki Karin opened her mouth, seeming to be a little unsure of what to say.

Uchiha Hikaru patted her head and gestured in the direction of the ruins: "Go see your mother, I wonder if she is still alive now."

Before opening Susanoo, Uchiha Hikaru had already opened the blood jade coral barrier in advance, covering Eri and the red-haired woman, so even though the Kusagakure Hospital had collapsed, they were not affected.

When Karin rushed over to hug the red-haired woman and began to cry loudly.

Eri also came to Uchiha Hikaru with a worried look on her face, her dark eyes still staring at her hand, with wet tears on her face, and raised the small notebook: "Hikaru's hand, is it still hurting?"

"... It's fine a long time ago, here, look."

Uchiha Hikaru smiled, raised his restored left hand to gesture,

Eri continued to write: "I'm sorry, it's my fault. I thought they were going to rush over to hurt Hikaru... Hikaru is bleeding, I'm very sad."


Uchiha Hikaru was slightly startled.

She originally thought that Eri's attack was mainly out of anger. After all, the scene in the hospital corridor looked too ugly. But in fact...

This girl probably didn't think that much.

She simply thought that the group of grass ninjas who bit people to death were targeting her and Uchiha Guang again, so she made a self-defense move in a hurry - but the self-defense means she knew were a little too violent for ordinary people.

"It doesn't matter... they are the ones who are wrong, you just want to protect me. But that kind of power is too much of a burden on your body, don't use it easily without my permission next time."

Uchiha Guang smiled, raised his hands to wipe the tears from Eri's face, and then touched her head: "Also, your voice is actually very nice."

"...But you can't say it."

Eri raised a finger to seal her lips, and at the same time bent her knees slightly, and sent her head to Uchiha Guang's palm, her fair face slightly flushed.

At this moment when they were communicating.

Karin's crying stopped abruptly, and turned into a low cry with surprise: "Mom!"

Compared with ordinary wounded, the red-haired woman's blood was almost drained, and her body functions including digestion were in a state of near exhaustion, so even the Senzu beans could not heal her.

Uchiha Hikaru also took the attitude of doing his best and leaving the rest to fate, and had already made plans to help her deal with the aftermath.

——In her universal capsule, there are still many crystal coffins, all purchased in the Dragon Ball world, which had previously helped Tanjiro store the bodies of Kamado Aoi and others.


The red-haired woman's desire to survive seemed quite strong. At this time, the gossamer-like breath had gradually stabilized, and the stiff muscles began to show signs of returning to softness.

"Karin, right?"

Uchiha Hikaru walked to the front of the ward, roughly checked the red-haired woman's condition, and then reached out to Karin: "Nice to meet you, I'm Uchiha Hikaru, and the one next to me is Uesugi Erie."

"My name is Uzumaki Karin, and this is my mother Uzumaki Miya..."

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