I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 133 Karin, do you know science? (3rd update)


When he heard the name, Uchiha Hikaru was startled, with a subtle expression on his face.

Could it be...

Xianglan's father is called Uzumaki Hiroshi?

On the other side, Xiang Ling cautiously reached out and touched her finger, then quickly retracted: "Are you a ninja from Konoha Village? I heard those people just now say..."

"No, I am not from any Ninja Village."

Uchiha Hikaru pointed to his smooth and white forehead and paused: "But I live in Konoha for the time being."


Xiang Luan opened his mouth with a blank look on his face.

Uchiha Hikaru didn't intend to explain it clearly to her in just a few words. After nodding in greeting to the red-haired woman who had just opened her eyes, he slowly stood up: "This is not a place to stay for a long time. Let's talk somewhere else."


Uchiha Hikari opened his mouth to summon somersault clouds.

While waiting for the somersault cloud to fly over and then helping the red-haired woman onto the somersault cloud, several groups of grass ninjas who heard the noise rushed over to the hospital.

But Uchiha Hikaru just spit out a huge fire to extinguish it, and enveloped the space of nearly a hundred meters around it. Ten or twenty grass ninjas used water escape ninjutsu together, as if they hit the small splash of volcano, they were evaporated in an instant, and they themselves were burned into burning people.

Kusagakure Village was originally a small ninja village.

Eriki's two "judgments", coupled with Susanoo's sword just now, have killed more than half of the existing ninjas above Chuunin in this village.

And after these groups of grass ninjas were wiped out casually, no one dared to come and get in the way again.

Without the interruption of these annoying flies, Uchiha Hikaru used somersault clouds to fly up into the sky with a few people, and landed by a beautiful stream: "Let's go right here."


Next, Uchiha Hikaru briefly introduced his identity.

When they learned that she was the "eldest head" of the Uchiha clan, the faces of the Uzumaki mother and daughter showed expressions of surprise and awe.

"It turns out you are really from Konoha, sir... Thank you very much for coming to the rescue!"

"No need to say thank you. What are your plans next?"


The Uzumaki mother and daughter were a little hesitant.

Uchiha Hikaru spoke again: "If you haven't thought about it, should you consider following me first?"

Compared to Orochimaru, Uchiha Hikaru and Eriki had a higher affinity. Coupled with the tragic experience that happened in the Kusanagi Village before, the Uzumaki mother and daughter nodded in agreement without much thought.

As a result, the team heading to Tian Country became four people.

"...Mr. Guang, is this cloud made of ninjutsu? It's so magical..."

"No, you can understand it as a psychic beast."


"Well, is it true that Eriki-sama is not a Uzumaki clan member, but the hair color looks similar to mine and my mother's?"

"Well... there are a few red-haired people in Sunagakure Village in the Land of Wind, so not all of them with this hair color may be from the Uzumaki clan."

After all, Xiang Lu was a six- or seven-year-old child. Although his mother warned him to be more honest, he couldn't help but soon started asking questions.

Uchiha Hikari responded casually, and Eriki next to her also raised a small notebook from time to time to participate in the conversation.

at the same time.

The Kusakure Village has become chaotic.

Two completely white Zetsu emerged from the ground and looked towards the Kusagakure Hospital not far away.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, what a tragic picture."

"After all, we are facing the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan, so it is natural that we will be defeated miserably."

White Zetsu like them can be found in every larger shinobi village. Because of the small area of ​​the Kusakunin Village, only a few were placed there.

It is precisely the existence of these eyes and ears that allows Black Zetsu to grasp relevant information in the shortest possible time after various major events in the ninja world occur.

"...That girl just now is not the Uchiha Hikari the organization is trying to find, right? She should be the only one in Konoha who can still activate Susanoo, and she is of the right age."

"What happened here, we need to tell Black Zetsu and Obito as soon as possible..."

After a brief exchange, the two Bai Zetsu sank into the ground again and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The third day after taking in the Uzumaki mother and daughter.

Uchiha Hikaru came to Tian Country.

It took some time to find the Oto Ninja Village, because there was no special landmark in this place. It wasn't until Uchiha Hikaru found out where the capital of Tian Country was, directly found the daimyo here, threw a "Tsukuyomi", and "asked" "The approximate address of the Sound Ninja Village came out.

During this period, Eriki took two injections of serum medicine to offset the side effects of the previous use of Word Spirit Judgment.

At the same time, because of the "trial incident", Eri is now completely obedient to Uchiha Hikari. Even when eating or taking a bath, as soon as Uchiha Hikaru opens his mouth, he immediately drops the bowl and chopsticks and comes to her, as obedient as a A little kitten.

But looking at Eri Yi's eyes that were about to stick to him, Uchiha Hikaru felt that he was the cat...

"...I've told you so many times, put on your clothes first and then come out. Don't walk around casually while taking a bath, others will see you!"

"It doesn't matter, Guang is not an outsider."

Eriki held up the small notebook with an innocent look on her face.

Uchiha Hikaru didn't want to argue with Eri about the difference between "outsiders" and "insiders" anymore, so he could only sigh and say helplessly: "Even if you don't consider me, there are still Aunt Misae and Karin. What if the kids see it?"

"They're not here."

The little notebook was raised again.

Uchiha Hikaru glanced to the side.

From the corner of his eye, Uzumaki Misae was preparing dinner in the distance.

And when the two of them started arguing, Karin ran away to help her mother collect firewood.


Uchiha Hikaru sighed, looked at Eri's naked white appearance helplessly, and helped her put on her clothes himself. During the period, his face blushed and his heart beat for a while because of the softness touched by his fingertips, and then he went into the bathroom to clean it up and put it back into the universal capsule.

After doing all this, the Uzumaki mother and daughter had already prepared a table of food and called her and Eri to come over for dinner.

In fact, Karin is only one year older than Naruto, but probably because of her life of wandering since childhood, she is much more obedient and sensible than her peers. And she has shown some potential as a scientist, such as her strong desire for knowledge.

——After all, in the original plot, she is one of the most outstanding assistants under Orochimaru. If she hadn't focused on Sasuke, her scientific research achievements might not be much worse than that of Kabuto Yakushi.

Uchiha Hikaru initially just wanted to borrow some blood and body tissue samples from the mother and daughter to study the vortex constitution and see if it could be integrated with the blood of the Uchiha clan to artificially create the Samsara Eye.

But now.

She has begun to think about whether she can train Karin to serve as her assistant in the ninja world.

"Karin, have you learned ninjutsu?"

"I only learned a little bit of the method of refining chakra..." Karin answered very obediently.

"Then, do you know science?"


In Karin's bewildered expression.

Uchiha Hikaru took out a copy of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" and handed it over: "Take a look at this first. If you have any questions, you can come and ask me. If you are interested in this area... I can help you find a mentor to start with."

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