I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 134: First meeting with Orochimaru

Later that day.

Uchiha Hikaru and his party entered the sphere of influence of the "enlightenment teacher" -

Sound Village.

At this time, Sound Village was obviously still in its start-up stage. It looked quite simple, with only two main roads, one horizontal and one vertical, and a few rows of scattered houses. It seemed that there were not many people. Therefore, the arrival of Uchiha Hikaru and these unfamiliar faces immediately attracted the attention of the villagers.

"Who are you and why did you trespass into Sound Village?"

Several ninjas wearing forehead protectors engraved with eight musical notes stopped them.

The leader was a girl with a light blue pineapple head, who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old.

"My name is Uchiha Hikaru, I am a free ninja out of interest. Let your parents come out to see me."

"... Uchiha? Are you sent by Konoha?!"

The pineapple head girl immediately became nervous.

As Orochimaru's current confidant, she knew a little about the grievances between her leader and Konoha.

"I've already said that I'm a free ninja, and Konoha Village has no right to give me orders. Tell Orochimaru my name, he'll be very interested."

"...I don't know any Lord Orochimaru, go look for him somewhere else!"

Honglian said with a determined look.

(You just said the title "Lord", right?)

Uchiha Hikaru sighed, took out the universal capsule box from his pocket, picked out one and threw it out, and saw a set of audio equipment appear out of thin air with smoke, and began to play the pre-recorded audio at the volume of the village entrance broadcast:

"Orochimaru! Come out! Someone is looking for you!"

"Orochimaru! Come out! There is..."

When the audio just finished playing for the first time, Honglian and his group wanted to stop them, but they were fixed in place by Uchiha Hikaru's golden binding illusion. Then she took out the earplugs she had prepared and handed a pair to Eri and the Uzumaki mother and daughter.

After all, such a loud village entrance broadcast is still quite noisy.

The sound continued for a long time...

Just when Uchiha Hikaru thought that Orochimaru might not be at home, a vague cold breath suddenly emerged from not far away, and then quickly approached her!


Among the people present, Eri was almost the first to discover the existence of Orochimaru.

Eri's earplugs were worn very shallowly, and the power from the depths of her blood made her hearing far superior to that of ordinary people. It was just because Uchiha Hikaru warned her not to use "Judgment" easily, so she did not speak, but reached out to grasp the hilt of the knife at her waist.

The moment Orochimaru's figure emerged, the figure wearing a red and white miko costume flashed, and then a sharp knife light passed by!

Swish! !

October did not expect Eri to suddenly attack.

But as a shadow-level strongman, the fighting quality still allowed him to react immediately, and his snake-like body stretched to the side to avoid it, and the momentum of the sneak attack on Uchiha Hikaru was slowed down.

In just a split second, Uchiha Hikaru turned around and glanced at him calmly.

Just one glance.

Orochimaru's body was imprisoned by the invisible blood-colored spikes in the void, and while he was still stunned, he was cut in half by Eri who caught up with him.

After doing all this, Eri blinked and looked at Uchiha Hikaru with a little doubt, as if she didn't believe it would be so smooth.

"Eri, come behind me."

Uchiha Hikaru waved his hand.

Orochimaru is not such an easy person to kill.

If Eri used "Judgment", she might be able to kill him completely. But this kind of impromptu physical slash is probably useless.

On the contrary, if Orochimaru counterattacked violently, it might pose some threat to Eri.

Sure enough...

About ten seconds later, the pile of corpses on the ground suddenly squirmed a few times, and then a large group of pale snakes with mucus emerged and reassembled the body that was cut into two pieces.

Then, Orochimaru quickly stood up and moved in the opposite direction of Uchiha Hikari. After leaving a distance of 20 to 30 meters, he turned around, looked at her greedily, and spoke slowly in his signature hoarse voice:

"What an outstanding eye power, just one look... It feels great!"

"I didn't expect that the great grandmother of the Uchiha clan would actually come to the Sound Village in person. It really makes me feel honored."


Hearing this title, not only Honglian and others from the Sound Village, but also Karin and her daughter were a little surprised. It seemed that they couldn't connect Uchiha Hikari's childish appearance with "Grandmother".

And Eri looked at Orochimaru with a vigilant face, and at the same time wrote a line of words blindly, holding up a small notebook:

"Hikari, this person looks so disgusting."

"The look in your eyes when you look at Hikari is also disgusting. Can I use "judgment" on him?"

"...No, good children should not think about fighting and killing all day long."

That being said,

Uchiha Hikari also got goosebumps from Orochimaru's look, and she roughly understood the feelings of Itachi and Sasuke in the original plot.

However, since the "mark" had been placed, she did not pursue the offense of the "child" to the "adult":

"It seems that I don't need to introduce myself anymore."

"Of course, I have heard a little about the reputation of Master Hikari. Because of your appearance, many interesting things have happened in Konoha during this period."

Orochimaru licked his lips and continued to speak in his trademark hoarse voice: "I don't know why Mr. Guang is here this time?"

"...make a deal with you."

Uchiha Hikari got straight to the point: "To be honest, I have some very special experimental materials in my hands, such as modified humans that can live forever; alien blood that contains the power of speech spirits; and technological creations that do not exist in this world... …I can leave these things to you for research, and all you need to do is be loyal to me.”


Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and looked noncommittal: "Does Master Hikaru want to establish a power outside Konoha that belongs exclusively to the Uchiha clan?"

"It has nothing to do with Uchiha, this is just my personal thought."


Orochimaru tilted his head, with a playful expression on his face, as if he was trying to figure out Uchiha Hikari's intentions.

"It seems I need to show you a little more evidence."

While speaking, Uchiha Hikari took out the seal scroll from his arms and untied one of them.

As a puff of smoke exploded, the siblings of the Shangxian Six Fallen Princesses, who had been sealed for several months, jumped out, briefly identified the surrounding objects, and then rushed towards Uchiha Hikari in unison: "Damn you brats. , actually took our brothers and sisters..."

The sword flashed.

Uchiha Hikari didn't even bother to shoot Susana, and chopped the Fallen Princess siblings to pieces with just a few swords, and even chopped off their heads.

But these broken corpses were pieced together and healed as before in an instant.

The Fallen Princess brother and sister finally woke up and recalled the humiliation and fear when they faced Uchiha Hikari for the first time. After looking at each other, they ran away in two directions with extremely frightened posture.

Uchiha Hikari stood there with his arms folded, letting them escape without pursuing them.


Orochimaru raised his eyebrows: "It's not the reincarnated body of dirty soil, and there are no traces of using ninjutsu, but it can heal wounds instantly? It's interesting."

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