I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 135 When did you start to have the illusion that I didn't use any magic?


Uchiha Hikari showed off "Word Spirit Black Sun" again.

As the long knife was swung, a dark sun disk appeared behind her, generating a strong gravitational field. Everything around him was pulled, and Orochimaru had to firmly plant his feet to resist the suction and not be pulled directly:

"The ability to control gravity? There is such a technique... Is this the so-called 'power of speech and spirit'?"

Finally, there is the universal capsule.

Orochimaru finally showed a surprised expression when he saw Uchiha Hikaru casually throwing out a private jet with a finger-sized capsule.

"You can store such a huge thing in a finger-sized capsule without using sealing or psychic techniques? Is the shape of this thing a ninja tool for flying?"

the other side.

Uchiha Hikari raised his eyes slightly: "How?"


After a short silence.

Orochimaru licked his lips and turned his attention to her again: "These things do seem interesting, but they are not enough to make me give up my current identity and plans and join your service. In addition, I'm curious about something..."

At this point, Orochimaru paused: "The two guys you released just now are about to run out of the Sound Ninja Village now, right? Is it really okay to imprison them without genjutsu?"


Uchiha Hikaru raised the corners of his lips and showed a mocking smile: "When did you start to have the illusion that I didn't use illusions?"


Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, then as if he had just come back to his senses, he looked up and looked around: "Could it be..."


As Orochimaru formed seals with his hands, things around him began to change drastically.


It's not the kind of change that unlocks illusions.

Instead, Eri Yi, Uzumaki mother and daughter, and even Guren and others who were standing around all disappeared from the place in just a short moment. Then the surrounding scene quickly switched from the Sound Ninja Village just now to the snowy Black Swan Port.

The fallen Ji brothers and sisters, who had been running away for a while, returned here again and were imprisoned in a small area by an invisible force, as if the ground was a prison.

——The two of them are not phantoms created out of thin air, but spiritual bodies pulled in by the "Sealed Tsukuyomi".

At this moment, the Fallen Princess siblings looked at Uchiha Hikaru as if they had seen a ghost.


Orochimaru wasn't much better.

At this time, he had never been severely beaten by Itachi, nor had he seen the real Mangekyō Sharingan. The impression of Uchiha Itachi is still at the stage of "an Uchiha brat with excellent dynamic vision ability". The "Tsukuyomi" used by Uchiha Hikaru now is even much more powerful than Itachi in the original plot, which shocked Orochimaru, who considered himself a master of illusion:

"Impossible, when exactly..."

"When I first laid eyes on you."

Uchiha Hikaru said lightly: "This is my Tsukuyomi world. In this space, all factors are controlled by me. No matter how long it takes in this world, it is only a short moment to the outside world. So you don't have to worry about the outside world for me. things.

As for the few things I just showed, they were not constructed using illusions, but were real. It seems that your scientific research ability is pretty good, and you are not killing for the sake of killing. I can give you a chance to choose. "

"Choose to be your subordinate?"

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes: "What will happen if I refuse?"

"You won't say no."


Under Orochimaru's puzzled gaze, Uchiha Hikaru smiled: "I said, I am giving you a chance to choose, but you can also take it back."


Orochimaru's mind was spinning rapidly.

Although he didn't know the existence of the two eye techniques of "Eight Thousand Spears" and "Beyond God", he vaguely guessed something from Uchiha Hikaru's words.

"...Lord Guang, you should know that I am already a rebel ninja. If I wanted to be loyal to someone, I would not have chosen to defect in the first place."

"Pull him down. He was obviously kicked out of Konoha because he was exposed for human experiments on fellow villagers."

Uchiha Hikari sneered: "I could have killed you here, from soul to body; I could also have directly erased your will and trained you into an obedient dog; just like you once did to those Konoha villagers , and what ninjas do.

But even so, I am still willing to show mercy and give you a chance to actively be loyal to me.

Obey or die, it's all in your mind.

Don't try to play unnecessary tricks, because in front of these eyes of mine, you have no secrets. I know that you are studying the secret of soul reincarnation, and I also know that you are looking for a container for yourself. Do you need me to tell you in more detail? "


"Reincarnation without a corpse" is the deepest secret in Orochimaru's heart.

The secret was revealed, which shocked him even more than falling into the illusion unknowingly.

There was a long silence.

Orochimaru hissed: "What...what do you want from me?"

"It's very simple. It's still the same scientific research you originally engaged in, but with a few restrictions. For example, the principle of informed consent, the principle of legitimate purpose, and the principle of safeguarding the interests of the subjects."

These are the basic principles of modern medicine involving human experiments.

Even in modern society where there is no supernatural power, human experiments are still the only way to go in scientific research, and this is even more so in a place like the Naruto world. If you don't study the bodies of those ninjas, especially those of the bloodline limit, it is impossible to uncover the secrets of various supernatural powers.

Uchiha Hikari is very clear about this.

She certainly knows that Orochimaru is not a good person and his blood debts are too numerous to list, but if he can abide by the bottom line she gave to carry out experiments instead of unrestrained abuse, coercion, abduction, and killing, then she can still subjectively ignore this guy's criminal record.

——In a place like the ninja world where people are more bad than good, if there is really a moral cleanliness, I am afraid there is only one way to destroy the world.

On the other hand...

If Orochimaru doesn't want this choice, then Uchiha Hikari can only use extraordinary means to help him "volunteer".

After all, this is also a way to give him back in his own way.

"If you have anything else to ask, just ask directly. I can answer you while I'm in a good mood now."


After a moment of silence.

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and looked at Uchiha Hikaru with a snake-like gaze: "I want to know, among the experimental materials you mentioned, do they include your own blood and cell samples?"

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