I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 136 I will be loyal to you

"Not included."

Uchiha Hikaru answered simply: "But I can give you the blood samples of other Uchiha clan members, including Uchiha Itachi, who is dear to your heart."

to be honest……

She really didn't dare to hand over her blood sample to Orochimaru easily.

After all, her current genetic sequence may be completely different from other Uchiha, and even the entire ninja world. Not only is the special pupil technique "Eight Thousand Spears", it also incorporates many powers from other worlds... Who knows if Orochimaru will make a bunch of her clones if he gets these samples? Hard to end.

Itachi didn't care.

After all, the current Itachi, even with the kaleidoscope turned on, is just an all-round weakened version of her.

the other side.

Orochimaru curled his lips imperceptibly.

Before today, he had indeed been lusting after Itachi's body for a long time, and it wouldn't be wrong to say that he "had longed for it". but now……


Just a fledgling child.

Or the "grandma" in front of me looks more... well, it doesn't seem to be very big.

"Second question, if you die one day in the future, then this agreement..."

"It can be cancelled."

Uchiha Hikaru said casually: "But the premise is that I am really dead and not missing."

"I know you have some inappropriate thoughts about my body, and I can tolerate the existence of such thoughts, but if you put it into practice...remember to be prepared to face the consequences. Because you have and only once Chance."

After a pause, Uchiha Hikari drew another pie: "In addition, if you can fully demonstrate your value and gain my trust, then I am not completely unable to consider giving you some of my blood samples."


Orochimaru squinted his eyes and licked his lips again: "If it is a ninja who has done many evil deeds, such as someone like me, can he be used directly for experiments?"

(...You really have a clear self-awareness.)

Uchiha Hikaru cursed in his heart and responded slowly: "...Yes, but there needs to be a solid reason."

——For some guys who have exceeded the bottom line of being a human being, such as those grass ninjas before, talking about "human rights" is indeed a bit too extravagant.

But even so, there must be a relatively precise set of criteria, rather than purely subjective likes and dislikes to determine life and death.

"Outside of scientific research time, I..."

"You can do anything, as long as you don't touch my people, I won't interfere."

"The research funding and related resources..."

“Make a budget request and submit it to me, and I will allocate it as appropriate.”


After a series of questions and answers, the air became temporarily quiet.

Orochimaru thought silently for a long time, and finally spoke slowly: "I have finished asking the questions I want to ask, so..."

"I will be loyal to you, Lord Guang."

“A wise choice.”

Uchiha Hikari closed and opened his eyes, lifting Tsukuyomi.

What happens in the Tsukuyomi space is only a moment to the outside world.

Therefore, one second Guren and others were still brooding over the fact that Uchiha Hikaru and his party chopped Orochimaru, and the next second they were surprised to see Orochimaru bowing respectfully to Uchiha Hikari and then inviting her to enter the base. visit.

"Guren, Niutou, from today onwards, Master Guang is the new owner of the Sound Ninja Village. When you see her, you will be more respectful than when you see me, and you must not do any disobedient behavior."


Facing Orochimaru's instructions, Guren looked confused.

After asking a few questions in a low voice and confirming that Orochimaru was not joking, the female pineapple head walked over a little sadly, bowed her head to Uchiha Hikaru and said hello: "My subordinate Guren, I have met Hikari-sama."

"Yeah, be good."


Uchiha Hikaru followed Orochimaru and visited the Sound Ninja Village.

As she guessed, this village was established in less than a year. The current total population is only about thirty or forty people. Guren is considered the strongest among them, possessing the limit of Crystal Release Blood Succession, but it is only at the level of an elite chuunin, and the others are less than a chuunin on average.

However, considering Orochimaru's cunning rabbit three-hole habits, he probably has some secret strongholds outside the Sound Ninja Village.

in addition……

A large space was also opened underground in the Sound Ninja Village, and it was connected to the hinterland of the cave behind the village.

"...Do you people with dark minds like to hide yourselves in a place like this?"

Uchiha Hikaru glanced at Orochimaru with a slightly strange expression.

The last person who liked to huddle in such a dark place was Danzo Shimura. However... a rat curled up in the gutter and a cunning snake really fit well with an environment like a cave or crypt.

"By the way, have you been to Kirigakure Village recently, Orochimaru?"

"Mist Hidden Village? No."

Orochimaru gave a negative answer: "I originally wanted to go and have a look, but something happened there, so I canceled the plan for the time being."


"I heard that the policy in the Blood Mist has changed... Isn't this clear to Mr. Guang? As far as I know, the reason for this change seems to be the attack that Kirigakure sneaked into Konoha some time ago. event."

"So, do you know the Akatsuki organization?"

"Is it the organization from the Kingdom of Rain? I've heard a little bit about it. I heard that their leader also has very powerful eye skills, but it's a pity that I have never seen it with my own eyes."

That means……

Did Akatsuki invite Orochimaru yet?

Yes, Orochimaru seemed to have asked to join Akatsuki after seeing Pein's Samsara Eye, and he joined relatively late among all the people in Akatsuki. If Uchiha Hikaru hadn't come, he might have joined Akatsuki in the next six months to a year, but not now.

"It seems that I have to find a time to go to the Hidden Mist Village and bring Kimimaro here..."

After all, the Kaguya clan is also a direct descendant of the Otsutsuki clan, and it is still worth studying.

"And Jūgo..."

Orochimaru started studying the curse seal very early, and even before he defected to Konoha, he had already placed the curse seal on Red Bean. But the advancement and perfection of this technology should be after obtaining Jūgo.

It doesn't matter if it's Suigetsu Kizuki, it's just a water-transforming secret technique anyway.

Uchiha Hikaru secretly calculated in his heart, then stopped and called Eri over. Then he looked at Orochimaru:

"This girl is the one who possesses the power of the 'Word Spirit', but she is also cursed by that power, and her body is constantly being eroded... These two are the examination reports from Konoha Hospital and a friend of mine. Do you have any clues?"

"...Is it similar to the situation of blood inheritance disease?"

Orochimaru glanced at it for a few times, then looked at Dr. Brief's report for a while, and raised his head: "Let's take some blood samples first."

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