I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 137: Speculations on Immortal Techniques

Ten minutes later.

Orochimaru looked at the blood sample in the test tube that had turned into the color of carbonated cola and fell into deep thought.

——To be precise, not only the color changed to light black.

Inside this tube of "Coke", there are still many tiny bubbles that are constantly condensing, condensing, and bursting... The originally relatively solid glass wall has begun to appear with fine white marks, as if it will explode in the next second. Just blow it up.

"Is this Miss Eri...does this liquid always flow in her body?"

"Well, this is what the blood sample of a mixed race looks like."

Uchiha Hikari nodded: "If you mix it with the blood of ordinary people, you will see a quite violent explosion, producing a highly corrosive compound that can burn through the carpet instantly."


Although a little confused.

But Orochimaru had also seen big scenes, and he quickly regained his composure and began to conduct laboratory analysis in an orderly manner.

Uchiha Hikaru asked for a bottle of serum potion from Eri, took out a tube, and handed it to Orochimaru along with the research information from Herzog.

"This serum is extracted from hybrid fetuses that are more eroded. It can be used to suppress erosion, but its main function is to promote the evolution of the bloodline..."

That's right.

The essence of serum medicine is an evolutionary medicine.

After all, Herzog's fundamental purpose is to make Eriki a container for the "Holy Bones" to help him filter out the poison and thereby be promoted to White King. For this reason, on the one hand, he needed Eri to live safely until the "holy skeleton" was born, and on the other hand, he needed her bloodline to be as close as possible to the White King, so that she could better play the role of a container.

The serum medicine produced for this purpose is actually a double-edged sword that can quench thirst by drinking poison.

Without the "Holy Remains" thing, Eri Yi's bloodline would inevitably get out of control. The only difference is time.

Now that it has been decided to let Orochimaru participate in research in this area.

Uchiha Hikaru took some time to explain in detail.

"...Hybrid, Deadpool, dragon?"

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes: "Do these things really exist in the ninja world?"

"You can think of it as a very far away continent."

"……All right."

Orochimaru took a deep look at Eri and stopped asking further questions. He turned back to look at the experimental table in front of him: "I need a few days to conduct relevant analysis and tests. During this period, I may need the cooperation of Miss Eri. Do some checks.

If Mr. Guang is worried, you can stay and check, or you can walk around the base at will. If you have any requests, just let Guren and the others do it. "


Starting from the next day.

Uchiha Hikari separated several shadow clones, which were responsible for daily training, going out to find Libra Jugo, giving pre-school training to Koso, and asking Guren and others about the current situation of Oto Ninja Village, and spent some time to give them Everyone is stamped for backup.

As for Uchiha Hikari's true body, he stayed in the cave and accompanied Eriki for diagnosis and treatment. During the period, he answered some questions from Orochimaru and performed several physical examinations for Eriki on behalf of the former.

She spent the rest of the time looking through Orochimaru's collection of books.

have to say.

Orochimaru's knowledge reserve is indeed very rich.

Completely different from those reckless men in the Uchiha clan who only pursue power.

In other words, the entire ninja world actually has this style.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, known as the "Doctor of Ninjutsu", only learned a lot about Ninjutsu, but he may not have read a few scientific monographs. On the contrary, Kumogakure, who looked stupid and rough, secretly overtook other cars, and a few years after the end of the Fourth Ninja War, he created a chakra cannon that could hit the moon with one shot...

In the cave of Orochimaru, Uchiha Hikaru saw rows of bookshelves.

There are a large number of anatomy, pharmacology, pathology... and even psychology works on it. There are also some books on mathematics and physics, but the number is smaller than the former. It seems that the systems of these two subjects are not as complete as medicine.

"...Can Lord Guang also understand these books?"

Orochimaru also created several shadow clones, some were conducting blood tests, and some were reading medical books. One of them came close to Uchiha Hikaru, looked at her from behind for a while, and then spoke in a low voice.

"What do you think?"

Uchiha Hikari glanced to the side.

After all, she also graduated from science and engineering in her previous life, and her grades were pretty good. I can’t say that I can understand these professional books after reading them once, but I can still understand the general meaning. If you are really willing to spend time and study patiently, it shouldn't be a big problem to understand everything.

After thinking about it, Uchiha Hikari dug out a pile of books from the universal capsule and placed it on the table: "Here, take a look at this."


Orochimaru took it with some confusion and glanced at the title——

"Elements of Geometry", "Number Theory", "Calculus", "Linear Algebra"...

Well... these books are basically bought in Dragon World.

There are also a few books that were handed over to Dr. Breeve when I went there last time.

Orochimaru just flipped through it casually at first, but after browsing for a while, his eyes gradually changed: "Lord Guang, did you also get these books from that 'friend' from another continent?"

"So be it."

"...Any more?"

"want to?"

Uchiha Hikari's lips curled up slightly, and he said in a half-joking tone: "How about exchanging the scroll from Ryūchi Cave?"

Orochimaru was startled for a moment and narrowed his eyes: "Mr. Guang, are you serious?"


The Ryūchi Cave Scroll is indeed the main purpose of Uchiha Hikari's trip here.

Psychic beasts and the like were secondary. She mainly wanted to study the immortal mode of the three holy places to see what kind of power it was.

However, it seems a little unfair to exchange a few mathematics books for the Longdi Cave scroll...

"...I can give you a few living samples of the 'ghosts' I mentioned before; and there are also blood samples from the Uchiha clan. I can use these things in exchange for the psychic scroll in your hand. There should be no problem, right? "

Seeing Uchiha Hikari speak again.

Orochimaru smiled: "Since Mr. Guang is interested, as a subordinate, I should do my best...but I have to remind you first that the Ryujidong lineage with whom I signed the psychic contract generally has a bad temper. Even if Every time I summon them to help, it costs a lot of money..."

"It doesn't matter. I like dealing with rebellious children the most."

Uchiha Hikaru smiled brightly.

Speaking of which...

"The immortal mode of the Three Holy Lands is essentially the use of natural energy, and there is a risk of being eroded by natural energy in the process; while the dragons in the dragon world have the ability to control the elements of the world using blood as a medium, and their blood will affect Humans cause erosion...Are there some similarities between the two?"

Uchiha Hikari suddenly came up with this idea.

"Has Lord Guang thought of it too?"

Opposite Orochimaru hissed: "I have already made this speculation when I heard you talk about the origin of the hybrid species. But because I don't know much about the Sage Mode myself, I can't make any assumptions.

If you are interested in this aspect, you can go to Longdi Cave in person in the future and ask the White Snake Immortal, and you may be able to get some inspiration. "

Happy Lantern Festival everyone~

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