I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 138: Manabu: The Innately Evil Uchiha Kid

White Snake Sage, Uchiha Hikaru must go to see him.

But the time is not now.

As Orochimaru said, the guys in Ryūchi Cave are generally not easy to deal with. If you just find a psychic beast, it doesn't matter, but if you want to practice the immortal mode, you must go through the White Snake Immortal himself.

According to the rules of the White Snake Sage, the practitioner needs to directly inject natural energy with its fangs. If he can survive, he will be a weirdo like Yakushi Kabuto. If he cannot survive, he will die.

This is not what Uchiha Hikaru wants.

She didn't expect to directly level the Longdi Cave with her own strength, but she at least wanted to sit down and talk to the White Snake Immortal on an equal footing.

The latter is a thousand-year-old snake who has lived from Kaguya's era to the present, and his strength is unfathomable. It may not be easy to get him to face it.

Need to plan well.


Uchiha Hikaru first asked for the contract scroll from Orochimaru, signed his name, then came outside and tried to summon it once.

"Psychic art!"

Along with a burst of smoke, the huge Wan She appeared in the open space outside the Sound Ninja Village.

"It's really you..."

Uchiha Hikaru first cleaned up the blood using the psychic technique, then looked up at the big guy in front of him, showing an expected expression.

It seemed that no matter who summoned the snakes, the chances of them coming would be the highest.

the other side.

Wan She glanced around with a look of displeasure, and found that Orochimaru was not there, and then noticed her presence: "Humph, that guy Orochimaru actually gave the psychic scroll to someone else? Hey, kid, are you? Do his disciples understand my rules and dare to summon them at will? "


Uchiha Hikaru raised his head, and the kaleidoscope appeared in his eyes: "Come on, let's have a fight."


In the next few days, Uchiha Hikari drove the Susanoo and "communicated" his feelings with Wanzi several times.

At the beginning, this guy was still rebellious and refused to accept anyone. He kept shouting things like "I can't leave until I give a hundred human sacrifices" and "Eat her if there are no sacrifices." .

But soon.

Wan She began to cower in front of her and said the softest words in the cruelest tone. Only the title "evil Uchiha brat" has never changed, which is the last bit of stubbornness and dignity it left to itself.

Uchiha Hikaru didn't mind, since in any case, her age was not necessarily as old as Wan Snake.

After these few days of "playing", Uchiha Hikari probably has some idea of ​​Wan She's strength——

It's similar to the seriously injured Dragon Bone Spirit.

The advantage is that its agility is higher than that of the Dragon Bone Spirit, and its attack speed is very fast; its disadvantage is that it does not know ninjutsu, has no long-range attack methods like youki bombs, and its regeneration ability is also a bit uninteresting. So if placed in Inuyasha's world, he might be able to become a "big monster". In the dragon world, it is estimated that it is only a third-generation species.

This is also normal.

Wan She is not very strong in Longdi Cave, just mid-level.

Not to mention the White Snake Immortal, the three White Snake Princesses should all be more powerful than him.

However, Wan She refused to reveal information about the White Snake Sage to Uchiha Hikaru, even if she was beaten black and blue.

Hmm... maybe it's because I really don't know.

the other side.

After a series of examinations and analyses, Orochimaru finally gave a version of the diagnosis and treatment plan.

"...Based on the serum samples you provided, Mr. Guang, and the research materials, I isolated several chemical components from the serum potion. They should be used to maintain the stability of the bloodline. If they are used to synthesize an inhibitor , it should be effective for Miss Eriyi.”


Uchiha Hikaru listened a little absently, and at the same time looked at the chat group with some concentration.

[Buma@无名: Xiaoguang, are you there? 】

[Bulma: I met my father when I went home to get my things last night. I heard from him that there was some progress in the research on serum potions that you commissioned him to do last time. I will show you the sample first.]

[Buma uploaded "Bloodline Inhibitor·Trial Version" (1 piece)]

[Buma uploaded "Dr. Brive's Research Notes" (1 copy)]

[Buma: This potion has been tested on animals, and its stability is about 30% higher than the previous serum potion. Dad said you can show it to the doctor who developed the serum medicine first, but it’s best to bring Miss Eri over and conduct a clinical experiment...]

[Anonymous: I understand. 】

After exchanging a few words with Bulma, Uchiha Hikari downloaded Dr. Brieff's results, looked at them for a while, and handed them to Orochimaru.

"The doctor who developed the serum potion" must be nowhere to be found.

But Orochimaru should be able to withstand it.

Under the watchful eyes of Uchiha Hikari and Eriki.

Orochimaru spent twenty minutes quickly browsing through the research notes, with a surprised expression on his face: "Mr. Guang, is this the result of your friend? It's incredible! Although the idea is similar to mine, but the method used The method is simpler, and there is this step... I actually thought of using this enzyme to catalyze the reaction, what a genius idea!"

After sighing for a moment, Orochimaru looked over expectantly: "Lord Guang, can you please take me to meet this doctor? I have many ideas that I want to discuss with him?"


Uchiha Hikaru's first reaction was to refuse.

After all, giving things from other worlds to Orochimaru for research is risky in itself. If he is brought to the Dragon Ball world again... he might be the second Dr. Gero.


"It's not possible to meet for now, but you can contact him by letter, and I can bring it to you."

Uchiha Hikaru gave a compromise.

Orochimaru was not very disappointed: "Okay, then I will test the ingredients of the 'serum inhibitor' first to see if there is room for further improvement... But I have to remind you, Master Hikaru, whether it is 'serum medicine' or 'inhibitor', it is only used to maintain Miss Eri's condition, and it cannot completely cure it.

If you want to research a cure, you still need a lot of Deadpool and pure-blooded dragon materials."

"...I will find a way in this regard, you can study yours first."

Deadpool is a thing that is transformed from humans.

After Tachibana Masamune was exposed, the Snake Eight Families should not artificially create new Deadpools... It's hard to say. After all, neither Uesugi Yue nor Minamoto Chisei are good at political maneuvers, and the Snake Eight Clan has many traitors, and there might be hidden agents left by Tachibana Masamune.

But the number of Deadpools that Uchiha Hikaru can find is definitely limited.


Next time you go to the Dragon Clan World, should you take the time to go to BJ and cheat some blood from Fenrir?

Or you can find his second-generation sister...

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