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Chapter 140 News from the Hidden Mist Village

The most excited person about Jūgo's arrival is Orochimaru.

Although he had already started to study the "curse seal" technology before he defected from Konoha, the previous "curse seal" was only a mark used to host the soul, which is completely different from the "curse seal" used by the later Sound Five, Sasuke and others.

Well, it may also have a little weight loss effect... After all, when Red Bean had the "Heavenly Curse Seal", she would not gain weight no matter how much she ate. After the "curse seal" was gone, she had eaten 200 kilograms of sweet potatoes in just a few years...

But with Jūgo, it's different.

Jūgo's curse seal is essentially an imperfect sage mode.

As a natural sage body, he can absorb the natural energy around him unconsciously, and then his strength will increase dramatically in a short period of time... Although the price is to lose his mind and become manic and irritable, the improvement in strength is quite obvious.

More importantly, this ability can also be reproduced by the "curse seal" and transplanted to others.

The effect...

It allowed the Otonin Four, who were originally mediocre, to directly fight against the Konoha Jonin, and then almost wiped out Neji and others in a damaged state. Kimimaro, who already had good qualifications, took advantage of this to kill the Fourth Kazekage Rasa.

Although this time, Jūgo arrived several years earlier than the original timeline.

But Orochimaru still saw his value at a glance.


The person was found by Uchiha Hikaru.

She certainly wouldn't give it to Orochimaru for nothing.

At least this guy had to pay something.

"...Mr. Hikaru, the room has been cleaned up. The bedding and kitchen utensils are all new, and other furniture is being purchased. Please let us know if you need anything."

"I know, thank you for your hard work."

That evening.

In front of the hut where the Uzumaki mother and daughter lived, Uchiha Hikaru waved his hand, signaling Honglian and others to leave.

Then, she turned around and looked at Uzumaki Misae and Karin, who were curiously checking out the situation.

"This child is called Tenbin Juugo, an orphan from another village. I happened to meet him when I went out a few days ago, so I brought him back and planned to let him live next door to you."


The Uzumaki mother and daughter didn't think much about it: "It turns out that he is also a poor child... Don't worry, Lord Guang, Karin and I will help you take good care of him."

It is a bit pitiful.


"Let me make it clear first, this child is usually very gentle, but occasionally he will fall into a state of losing his mind and running wild... Just beat him up. Karin, if that happens, you will be responsible for beating him back."

"Ah? Me?"

Karin opened her mouth and hesitated.

Juugo is actually only about ten years old at this time, but he is almost as tall as Uchiha Guang, and a head taller than Karin.

The little girl looked up at Juugo's burly physique, looking like she wanted to say something but hesitated.

"Don't worry, I will place a seal on him in advance, so that even if he goes berserk, his strength will only be equivalent to that of a slightly stronger Genin. And I will teach you a few grappling techniques... Uzumaki Kushina, who was from your clan back then, could beat up Genin at the age of six or seven, I believe you have the potential."

Uchiha Hikaru is not entirely pua Karin.

From the original plot, Karin's qualifications are actually quite good.

"Physical healing", "Kagura's heart's eye", "Vajra blockade", these three unique talents of the Uzumaki clan, even Kushina has not fully opened, but Karin has awakened them all in one go. And despite having a rough childhood and being abandoned by the Kusagakure for more than ten years, she can still rely on the few years with Orochimaru to reach the level of a Jonin.

If there are enough resources invested and she is trained from a young age, her achievements may be no less than those of Kushina in the past.


Karin blinked: "The Uzumaki clan is so powerful?"

"Of course."

"...Then I understand."

Karin glanced at Uchiha Hikaru cautiously, as if to confirm that she was not lying, she pursed her lips, and her little face became more determined: "If Master Hikaru needs me to do this, I will try my best!"

"I know this task is indeed a little bit difficult for you. If you really can't do it, it doesn't matter. Just ask Honglian and others to come and help. I will greet them, don't think it's troublesome."

Uchiha Hikaru paused: "In addition, I have also talked to Orochimaru. He is the 'enlightenment mentor' I mentioned before. In a few days, you and Jūgo will go to his laboratory to see how he arranges it... Although that guy is not very good in character, he is very knowledgeable. You can ask him if you don't understand anything, and try to empty him out as soon as possible."

"Well... I will try my best."

Karin nodded again.

After explaining to the little girl, Uchiha Hikaru took out a few scrolls from his arms and looked at Uzumaki Misae: "I got these scrolls from Orochimaru and a friend. The scrolls record several secret ninjutsu and sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan. You can take a look. If you don't understand, ask me or Orochimaru." Uzumaki Misae is not a ninja. At her age, it's actually a bit late to start learning now. But it doesn't matter. Anyway, I don't expect her to achieve anything. It's enough for her to have some self-protection power.

Mizu Uzumaki took the scroll and bowed deeply with red eyes: "Miss Guang, thank you so much! If it weren't for you, Kosovo and I might have died in the hands of those grass ninjas... Don't worry, I will definitely do it. Practicing well, I will also supervise Xiang Phosphorus and let her fulfill your instructions!"

"There's no need to be so hasty in making guarantees."

Uchiha Hikaru smiled slightly and said in a soft tone: "Although it is true that I saved your mother and daughter, you don't need to regard this kindness as a shackles. If you feel uncomfortable living here, or find that the arrangements I have made are not suitable, You can bring it up at any time. It doesn’t matter if you want to leave and see other places in the world, just say it and I won’t stop you.”

Listen to her.

The look on Uzumaki Miya's face became more sincere: "Miss Guang, you are serious. You gave me and Xianglan our lives. Unless you no longer need us, we will never do that kind of ungrateful thing." matter."


After telling Chongwu a few words about getting along well with Xianglan.

Uchiha Hikari waved his hand, turned around and left the Xianglan house, and joined Eriyi who was waiting next to him. When he was about to go back to eat, he felt a chilling look coming towards him.

It's Orochimaru.

Although they have been in contact for a while and promised not to pursue Orochimaru's inner thoughts, Uchiha Hikaru still can't stand the way this guy looks at her. If he doesn't know better, he might think he is a perverted idiot with a lolita control... …

Every time she met that gaze inadvertently, it would give her goosebumps.

"Eriyi, please go back first."

Uchiha Hikaru said to Eriki, then he took a few steps forward and came to Orochimaru: "Is something wrong?"

"Lord Guang."

Orochimaru leaned forward slightly, calmed down the greed in his eyes a little, and then said in a hissing voice: "I just received a tip from the Kingdom of Water. There seems to be something going on at the Kirigakure Village."

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