I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 141 Heading to the Land of Water

"Is Kirigakure... the Kaguya clan?"

Uchiha Hikari's mind moved.

In the original plot, the Kaguya clan launched a rebellion around this time.

That's why she had the idea of ​​going to the Land of Water to bring Kimimaro back. After all, after this rebellion, the Kaguya clan was almost wiped out. If there was no external intervention, Kimimaro might also die in the pursuit of Kirigakure's Anbu.

On the other side.

Orochimaru was a little surprised: "So, does Hikari have spies in the Land of Water?"


Uchiha Hikari's "spies" are actually the manga artist from another world.

But there's no need to explain these to Orochimaru.

Facing such a subordinate with great ability and ambition, it's better to maintain an unfathomable image.

Orochimaru didn't dwell on this topic, and explained a few words concisely-

The Kirigakure Village is indeed going to be in turmoil.

But the situation has changed a bit.

In the original timeline, the rebellion of the Kaguya clan was mainly due to the blood mist policy. After all, when Obito was in charge of Kirigakure, he almost frantically cleaned up the bloodline families in the village. First, the Mizunotsuki family was destroyed, and then the Kaguya, Hozumi, Terumi and other families were also frequently suppressed. Anyone with a little vision could see that the extermination of the family was a matter of time.

In this timeline, Obito diverted internal conflicts by launching an attack on Konoha, which was originally a clever move that hit the mark by accident.


Both attacks failed.

Kirigakure attacked twice, and the Kaguya family was the main force. As a result, they ran into Uchiha Hikaru once and Shisui once. Not only did they die a lot of people, but they also didn't get any spoils. Instead, they were questioned by people sent by Konoha and the Daimyo of the Land of Water, which made them exhausted.

As a result, the Kaguya family erupted in strong dissatisfaction with the decision of Kirigakure Village. Its clan leader Kaguya Hiromitsu even believed that the current Mizukage was incompetent, and publicly expressed his desire to take the position himself to make Kirigakure great again.

This rebellion has not actually happened yet.

However, in view of the intelligence sent by the spy, which mentioned the recent unusual movement of the Kaguya clan to gather clan members, Orochimaru believed that they might launch a riot in the near future, so he decided to go there in advance.

"... I have some industries in the Land of Water, which may be affected by this turmoil, so I want to leave the Sound Village for a while and go to deal with it.

But Lord Guang, don't worry, because during this period, I will leave a shadow clone to continue to study the method of healing Miss Eri. Karin and Jūgo can also follow the shadow clone to learn. I will rush back as soon as possible after the affairs of the Land of Water are dealt with."

Orochimaru said so.

However, Uchiha Guang's expression was a little strange: Are you sure you want to sort out the industry, not kidnap children?

Of course...

It is also possible that Orochimaru's plan to kidnap Kimimaro was not made in advance, but was decided after entering the Land of Water and observing the situation. So he may not know it himself at this moment.

"How long will it take?"

"About one and a half months."

The Hidden Mist Village is located in the Land of Water thousands of miles away, and is separated from other countries by the sea. Even with the speed of a ninja, it takes about a week to get there. The round trip plus the time spent doing things in between, one and a half months is already considered fast.

Uchiha Hikaru pondered for a moment: "...Okay, then you can go without worry."

Seeing that she agreed straightforwardly, Orochimaru seemed relieved, bowed and thanked him, and asked about Jūgo again.

"The child can be brought to cooperate with your research, and the conditions are the same as those of Karin and her daughter."

Uchiha Hikaru agreed again readily.

At this point, Orochimaru's two goals have been achieved. After bowing to Uchiha Hikaru, he turned around and left.

Uchiha Hikaru narrowed his eyes slightly, and a hint of mischief flashed across his eyes: she agreed to Orochimaru's request for leave, but did not say that she would not go to the Hidden Mist Village.

Since both of them are targeting the Kaguya clan, it depends on who moves faster.


Accompanied by the sound of the door turning, Uchiha Hikaru returned to the house where he and Eri lived.

When he looked up, he saw Eri sitting in the bathtub, blowing bubbles and playing with the little yellow duck floating on the water with her fingers, with a comfortable expression on her face.

"...Why did you mess up your clothes again?"

Uchiha Hikaru shook his head, walked over to pick up the scattered skirts and underwear, shook off the dust, and put them on the chair: "Eri, do you want to go home first recently?"


Eri was stunned for a moment, then turned her head, looked a little anxiously, and then went to find her little notebook next to her.


Seeing the girl stand up in the bathtub and prepare to take the notebook, Uchiha Guang quickly handed the notebook to her, and then pushed her into the bathtub with both hands: "If you want to talk, just raise your hand, I will get it for you. Don't run out without clothes all the time, what if you catch a cold?"

"Eri has a good physique, she won't catch a cold."

Eri wrote a few words quickly, raised it, and then lowered her head to write: "Don't you want me to stay here?"

"No, I just have something to do, which may be dangerous."

Uchiha Guang paused: "And you have been away from home for a long time this time, aren't you afraid that your brother and father will worry about you?"

"It doesn't matter, I have left a note."


Uchiha Hikaru suddenly thought of a question: "By the way, when you came here this time, didn't you tell your brother and others in person?"

Eri shook her head: "No."


Then she could probably imagine the current situation of the Snake Eight Families.

It is estimated that in the eyes of Uesugi Yue and others, Eri has been taken to Nibelung by her "White King".

At that moment, Uchiha Hikaru took out the universal capsule and counted it: "You still have one serum medicine you brought this time, plus Dr. Brief's inhibitor... It won't be a problem to maintain it for about a week. When I come back from the Land of Water, I will send you home. It just so happens that I also have something I want to ask your brother and others to help me do."

As Uchiha Hikaru gave in, Eri smiled brightly and raised the little notebook again: "I like Hikaru the most (∩_∩)"


Uchiha Hikaru was shaken by the girl's bright smile and sighed a little helplessly.


Early the next morning.

Orochimaru left a shadow clone behind, and then the real body set out from Otogakure.

Later, Uchiha Hikaru told Karin and her daughter about this, and also left a shadow clone in the village, and then set out with Eri.

The two of them rode on the Somersault Cloud again, heading towards the Water Country.

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