I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 142 My name is Uchiha Madara!

Because of the existence of the Somersault Cloud.

It took only one day for Uchiha Hikaru to reach the Land of Water.

But it took several days to find Kimimaro.

The climate of the Land of Water is somewhat similar to that of the British Isles. The air humidity is quite high, and most areas are surrounded by thick fog all year round. When looking down from the sky, you can only see a vast expanse of white, and you can't distinguish the things below at all.

There is no way.

Uchiha Hikaru can only find a slightly larger city at random, find out the location of the city lord's mansion, run over and catch him for questioning, and then learn the location of the Kaguya clan's residence from him, and then grope all the way there.

It is worth mentioning that...

The Kaguya clan's residence is actually not in the Hidden Mist Village.

It is even quite far away.

It seems that they chose to move out of the village since the second generation of Mizukage because of the rift with the Mizukage lineage. For many years after that, they had always been in a state of listening to orders but not to announcements. Because of the pressure from the daimyo, they could only reluctantly listen to the orders of the Mizukage, but there were many frictions and grievances in private.

And this rebellion was also a long-standing grudge.

Unfortunately, they were too weak and were wiped out after only one night. They were brothers in distress with the Uchiha clan of Konoha.

"…It should be here."

Uchiha Hikaru pulled Eri and stopped on a hilltop, looking at the valley not far away.

There, there was a group of stone houses, which looked like a small tribe. Because it was late at night, except for a few patrols, basically no human activities could be seen.

"Eri, stay here and don't move. I'll be back soon."

Uchiha Hikaru opened the blood jade barrier and stuffed the blood jade coral into Eri's hand.

The red-haired girl nodded blankly, then stretched out her hand and made an "OK" gesture.

"...Did you learn this gesture from a comic book?"

Uchiha Hikaru pulled the corner of his mouth, put on the mini bracelet, flew up with the flying technique, sneaked into the valley silently, searched around, and locked his eyes on a row of dark caves at the end of the clan land.

That was the only place guarded by people.

However, because of the night, and the fact that Uchiha Hikaru's figure had been reduced to one or two centimeters by the bracelet, even these seemingly powerful Kaguya ninjas did not notice her at all. She easily marked them, and then they fell asleep.

After doing all this, Uchiha Hikaru looked up at the three or four cave entrances in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and chose one of them to fly in.


Deep in the dark cave.

There was a square secret room.

In the room, the candlelight flickered.

Several square-faced men wearing kimonos and buns on both sides of their heads sat at a long table, talking in low voices, all with solemn expressions. In the light of the oil lamp, their figures were stretched out.

"... Anyway, this is the situation."

"Because of the defection of the beheading sword Biwa Juzo and the thunder sword Kurochu Raiga, the Anbu sent a large number of personnel to hunt them down. Now is the time when the defense of the Hidden Mist Village is the most empty. The clan leader and the clan members are ready. It's time to let Kujiya Yagura experience our terribleness!"


In an atmosphere of anger.

The square-faced man sitting in the upper seat coughed and looked at the only person in the secret room who was dressed differently: "Mr. Zabuza, what do you think?"

With this sentence.

All eyes turned to a person sitting in the corner.

It was a tall man wearing the uniform of the Kirigakure Anbu. He didn't wear a mask, but he had half of his face wrapped in bandages, revealing only a pair of eyebrowless eyes with a fierce look.

"I've said before, I'm not interested in your intentions. I'm cooperating with you just to assassinate the Fourth Mizukage himself. As long as you can contain the forces of the Mizukage's direct Anbu and other clans, I will lead my men to sneak into the Mizukage building and assassinate Yagura Kujitsu with silent killing techniques... As for whether you can successfully replace him after getting rid of him, it depends on your own ability."

"Humph, our Kaguya clan is not in vain. As long as Yagura dies, the position of the Fifth Mizukage must be my Kaguya Hiromitsu!"


Zabuza sneered imperceptibly, and then swept his cold eyes over the Kaguya clan members in front of him: "Although the ultimate goals are different, the people we want to kill are the same, so I'll leave it to you... huh?!"


A thunderous vibration came-

Boom! ! !

At this moment, the candle flame of the oil lamp jumped violently, and everyone, including Zabuza and the head of the Kaguya clan, staggered slightly, looking stunned: "What's going on, an earthquake?"

"No, this vibration seems to come from... someone broke Kimimaro's ban?!"


In another cave separated by a rock wall tens of meters thick.

Smoke and dust filled the air.

The dungeon, which was densely sealed with layers of restrictions, had been chopped in half by a dark red sword.

In the dungeon.

The little boy with white hair wearing a thin blue shirt and two red dots between his eyebrows was hugging his knees with his hands, looking at the dark red giant whose outline vaguely emerged in the smoke with a stunned face: "God... Are you the god who is coming to rescue me?"


Uchiha Hikaru did not respond, but looked at the mess in front of him with his fiery red eyes and rubbed his eyebrows.

To be honest, from the moment she entered this cave, she had a strong sense of déjà vu -

The same cave without sunlight...

The same dungeon full of forbidden things...

Even the same "humanoid weapons" used by the tribe...

All kinds of seemingly true and false coincidences made her feel like she had returned to the Warring States Period, and she could hardly suppress the surging of those memory fragments in her mind.

"Why do I suddenly feel like I'm living in the shadow of this kid..."

Although it feels very strange.

But Uchiha Hikaru also knew that this was not a place to stay for a long time. After taking a deep breath and suppressing distracting thoughts, he jumped over in one step, knocked out Kimimaro who subconsciously wanted to resist, and then carried his body and flew out of the cave quickly.

During this process, a lot of footsteps came from outside.

At this time, Uchiha Hikaru held Kimimaro in one hand, made a seal with one hand, and used the transformation technique to change his clothes into a black-bottomed red cloud robe. He then took out the orange-yellow vortex mask he had just bought a few days ago from his arms and put it on his face. His whole aura changed instantly.

"... Stop, who is it?!"

Several figures of the Kaguya clan appeared at the entrance of the cave.

"My name is Madara... Uchiha Madara!"


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