I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 143 This child may be suitable for women's clothing

Chapter 143 This child may be suitable for women’s clothing...

If the name Uchiha Hikaru mentioned was "Obito" or someone else, these Kaguya clan members probably wouldn't be touched at all.



The moment they heard this name, several members of the Kaguya clan were stunned.

Before they could react, Uchiha Hikaru's figure had already passed in front of them, and he spun around and kicked.

Bang bang bang——

In a series of muffled sounds, several Kaguya clan members were kicked away at the same time like broken sacks.

But they were just the fastest group.

The explosion in the dungeon just now attracted the attention of the entire Kaguya clan. More and more Kaguya tribe members woke up from their sleep and gathered here one after another. As they walked quickly, they showed the ability of the corpse veins.


Along with the sound of clothes being ripped apart, a large number of white bone blades came out of these people's bodies, and pieces of condensed bone bullets began to protrude from the joints above their palms.

As soon as Uchiha Hikaru walked out of the cave, he saw countless bone bullets coming towards his face like dense raindrops!

"Corpse Bone Vein·Ten-finger piercing bullet!"

Facing the surging murderous intent.

Uchiha Hikaru held the sword in one hand and swung the blade at a speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye: "Word Spirit Setsuna!"

The seventh level moment, 128 times the speed of killing!

At this moment, the blade in Uchiha Hikaru's hand disappeared midway, and even the hand wielding the knife was almost invisible. There seemed to be hundreds of firelights bursting out at the same time around him, sputtering in all directions. All the bone bullets that entered within two meters in front of her were cut into two in an instant, and then lost all speed and fell to the ground.

In just seven or eight seconds, a pile of white "shell casings" was piled up at the entrance of the cave.

The knife in Uchiha Hikari's hand also became riddled with holes in the process of thousands of high-speed slashes, like a bone that had been gnawed by a dog, only one step away from breaking.

"Tsk, is the quality of the standard long sword of the Uchiha clan so poor? Sure enough, we still have to wait for the sword from Totosai..."

Seeing that the second round of bone bombs is about to hit.

Uchiha Hikaru sighed, threw away the long knife, and activated his eye power.

With the sound of bone bullets as dense as raindrops piercing the air, a dark red skeleton giant appeared again, and then simply swept across with a sword!

Swish——! !

When Susanoo appeared, the nature of the battle became completely different. Even if Uchiha Hikaru just slashed out with his sword casually, a huge force still burst out, sweeping away everything around him in an instant!

Broken bone stubble mixed with gravel and rubble splashed around, and huge smoke and dust rose up, swallowing dozens of square meters of space around it. The figures of the Kaguya clan members flew backwards in all directions. When they landed on the ground, they were already vomiting blood, and then looked back with horrified faces.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?!"

"Impossible, how could he be so strong..."

"Is it really the legendary one..."

Under the watchful eyes of panic.

Uchiha Hikaru carried Kimimaro and flew up from the smoke. He deliberately paused for a second so that the Kaguya clan members could clearly see the "black background red cloud robe" and whirlpool mask on his body. Then he snorted coldly and looked at him. Soaring into the night sky above our heads.

A few minutes later.

The Uchiha light that circled around flew back to the hillside where it had just separated from Eriki.

At this moment.

Eriyi was still sitting there obediently, holding her knees with both hands, lowering her head, and playing with a few grass stems under her feet with her fingertips.

Before Uchiha Hikaru even landed, she had already heard the wind, and then jumped up with a look of surprise on her face. She came up to Uchiha Hikari and took a closer look, and then sniffed.

"……What's wrong?"

"It smells like blood."

Eriki held up the small notebook, her fair face showing nervousness.


Uchiha Hikaru was stunned for a moment, then recalled that when he slashed at the bone bombs with his sword, he seemed to have missed a few. However, when she consciously wrapped her whole body with chakra and energy, even the ten-finger bullets that were comparable to machine gun bullets only left some shallow scars on her body, which healed instantly.

Unexpectedly, Eriyi smelled it.

"You're not injured on your hand, are you?"

Eriki held up the notebook again.

Probably because she accidentally injured Uchiha Hikari by releasing "Judgment" last time in the Grass Ninja Village, this girl paid special attention to her hands. She grabbed them and inspected them carefully, and then smelled each finger to confirm that there were no wounds. , and then he was willing to relax and turn his attention to Kimimaro next to him.

"Is this the child that Light is looking for?"

"Well, his name is Kimimaro. You should have seen him in that manga."


Eriki was stunned for a moment, stared at Kimimaro for a while, then seemed to remember something, and wrote in a small notebook: "Is he a subordinate of the man named Orochimaru? It turns out that he looked like this when he was a child. Like a girl."


Uchiha Hikaru nodded seriously: "This child may be suitable for women's clothing..."

Just a joke.

Kimimaro's appearance is indeed different from that of other Kaguya clan members... to be precise, they have two different painting styles. It’s hard to imagine that the Kaguya clan, who are all thick-skinned and have ugly buns on their heads, could actually give birth to a child with delicate features like Kimimaro, and even the hair color is white, the only color in the clan...

Perhaps, it can only be explained by atavism.

After all, the first ancestor of the Corpse Bone Vein, Kaguya Otsutsuki, had white hair...

"It's late, let's find a place to rest first and go back tomorrow morning."

Uchiha Hikari stretched, summoned the Somersault Cloud, and then flew away with Eri and Kimimaro.


That night, the Kaguya clan was brightly lit.

Although a few people questioned whether "Uchiha Madara" could survive until now, the news of "Uchiha Madara's attack" spread quickly in the clan.

Even Momochi Zabuza, who went secretly to discuss the coup, learned all this in the early morning.

This incident, like a stone thrown into the water, made the already complicated situation in the Blood Mist Village even more treacherous.


These have nothing to do with Uchiha Hikari.

Her main purpose of coming here was for Kimimaro. Although he thought about capturing a few more corpses to study, he gave up after seeing the appearance of the Kaguya clan.

Another purpose is to give Obito some fun -

With the power of Kamui, it is not easy to find him as long as Obito does not show up.

But when the Kaguya clan and even other families in the Hidden Mist Village began to look for a person who called himself Uchiha Madara, wearing a black-bottomed red cloud robe and a vortex mask, Obito's expression should be very interesting.

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