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Chapter 149 Green bean cake is the most delicious thing in the world

The golden "gas lamp" in the sky shook.

Then, the surrounding ground began to shake, and with large pieces of rubble peeling off from the top of the rock wall, a huge dragon gradually woke up from its light sleep and stretched out its slender neck.

Uchiha Guang raised his face slightly and looked at the giant dragon above his head with interest.

To be honest...

Fenrir's body was not as big as she imagined.

This may also be because the back half of his body was embedded in the stone wall, and only the front half was exposed, so it looked much smaller visually. The length of about 40 meters is about the same as Wanshe, not as good as the dragon bone spirit.


His appearance is the most consistent with the definition of "dragon" among the three -

An ancient and majestic huge body, a slender and powerful neck, a monarch-like head and face, and huge black wings... His whole body reveals a dark, majestic, and profound beauty, just like the majestic gods and Buddhas in the murals, which is amazing.

At this moment.

As Fenrir stretched out his body, his blue-black scales opened and closed from front to back, making a series of metal collision sounds.

Even though she was not a descendant of the dragon clan, Uchiha Guang could feel the amazing momentum emanating from the other party, like a tide rushing at her, making her heart beat faster subconsciously, and she felt that she was aroused to fight.

However, this feeling was quickly suppressed by her.

"Not bad momentum..."

When Uchiha Guang looked at Fenrir.

Fenrir was also looking at her curiously.

His golden eyes shrank slightly, like cat pupils.

In fact, the body of this thing is also very similar to that of a cat. While swimming with its long neck slowly approaching, a pair of huge claws are also restlessly scratching the ground, as if it can't help but reach out and touch Uchiha Guang.

After a short silence.

Uchiha Guang slowly squatted down, untied his backpack, and took out a bag of potato chips from it:

"Do you want to eat?"


Fenrir was stunned for a moment, and his majestic expression like a monarch began to change: "For... for me?"

"Of course."

As Uchiha Guang nodded, Fenrir's golden eyes like gas lamps showed humanized surprise.

He first encouraged the black wings, tentatively stretched out a claw, and reached in front of the packaging bag. Seeing that Uchiha Guang did not retract his hand, he quickly opened the package with the tip of his claw, picked up a piece of potato chips and put it in his mouth, chewing it.


The dragon stretched out its claws again, and quickly ate a bag of potato chips with the movements of a hamster eating, and said in a deep and powerful voice: "Potato chips are the most delicious thing in the world."


With potato chips paving the way, things became simple.

Uchiha Guang successfully obtained a "good guy card" and was invited by Fenrir to watch TV together.

Well... God knows why the Nibelungen can still be connected to electricity.

Uchiha Guang thought that since the wires could be pulled in, it should be possible to pull an Internet cable in theory. If Fenrir was taught to chat on QQ and play games... it would be a very interesting thing.

After patiently accompanying Fenrir and watching old Hong Kong movies from the 1990s for a while.

Uchiha Guang took out the universal capsules and scrolls prepared in advance from his backpack, and took out the children's toys one by one.

Sure enough.

When he saw her using the remote control to control the black car to run, Fenrir's attention was attracted again.

"Try it?"

Uchiha Guang tilted his head.

Fenrir's eyes lit up: "Is it okay?"

At the encouraging look of Uchiha Hikaru, Fenrir stretched out her claws that were several times larger than her and carefully manipulated the remote control.

The car set off again and turned in circles in the dungeon.

Although Fenrir's claws were very dexterous, it was his first time playing with this kind of toy after all, and his IQ was a bit low... He made a mistake in his operation and let the car deviate from the planned route and plunge into the pile of sorted bottle caps, cigarette paper shells, and colorful plastic candy wrappers on the platform, turning upside down with four legs in the air and making a buzzing sound.

Seeing this, Fenrir quickly put down the remote control, turned the car over and put it aside, and then carefully sorted out the pile of household garbage, turned his head and looked at Uchiha Hikaru:

"These are my favorite things. If you want, I can let you pick one...two pieces from them."

The dragon's tone was obviously hesitant before changing the number from "one" to "two", as if he was making a very difficult decision.


For a moment, Uchiha Hikari felt an inexplicable sense of guilt.

After all...

The other person was stupid, and she lied to him...

But no matter how guilty she was, she still had to do what she had to do.

After listening to Uchiha Hikari patiently express her intention to "take blood", Fenrir stretched out his claws, motioning her to do it.



The standard long sword from the Naruto world was directly broken into two pieces by the blue-black scales.

Just when Uchiha Hikari was thinking about whether to use swordsmanship on Fenrir, the dragon suddenly put its claws into its mouth, bit it hard a few times, and then handed it to her with blood dripping: "Here, it's OK now."

"Thank you..."

Uchiha Hikari took out the glass bottle with a complicated mood, took out three or four full bottles of blood, put away the broken dragon nails, and then signaled Fenrir to take back his claws.

It can be seen that Fenrir is still feeling pain. After biting his claws, his huge eye sockets look a little wet.

However, as the Dragon King's power came into play, the bite wound began to heal quickly, and the dragon seemed to be in a better mood again.

Uchiha Hikaru also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she returned to sit down in front of the TV and continued to take out things from the universal capsule: "These potato chips are all my gifts for you. They should be eaten for a while. There are also a few boxes of mung bean cakes. I bought it at the entrance of the subway station. The shelf life of this product is relatively short, so I need to eat it as soon as possible... Do you know what the shelf life means?”

"……have no idea."

Following Uchiha Hikaru's explanation, Fenrir stupidly picked up a piece of mung bean cake with the tip of his claws, put it in front of his eyes, looked at it, and swallowed it directly along with the thin wrapping paper on the outside.

Ten seconds later.

The giant dragon narrowed his eyes in contentment and commented: "Mung bean cake is the most delicious thing in the world."

"What about...the potato chips?"

"Potato chips are the best thing in the world, too."

"...Is it possible that there can only be one 'most'?"

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