Uchiha Hikaru also ate a few mung bean cakes to replenish his energy, and then watched Fenrir quickly finish the remaining half of the box.

She suddenly became a little curious-

Will dragons get cavities?

While eating, Uchiha Hikaru asked a few questions about Fenrir. This guy was honest and told him that he had a "sister" and that the "sister" often brought things back to see him. But he couldn't explain the dragons very clearly, as if he had no memory of them before.

"So, you don't know the name Attila either?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it."


Uchiha Hikaru estimated that he couldn't ask anything, so he handed the electric car remote control to Fenrir again, and turned around.

According to the setting, Nibelungen is a country of the dead constructed by "alchemy".

All the substances here are dead, made of dead soil and air, flowing with dead water and fire. Therefore, all physical rules are invalid here, and there is no concept of day and night.

But at the same time, the Nibelungen is also rich in a large amount of the fifth element "spirit" - this thing is an important material for refining the "philosopher's stone", so alchemists of all generations have been yearning for this place.

For example, the vice president of Kassel Academy has been pursuing it for half his life, but he has not been able to enter a Nibelungen until he is about to die of old age.

Uchiha Hikaru squatted beside the railroad tracks to study for a while, knocked some metal debris with a small hammer, and then grabbed a few handfuls of soil and stuffed them into the jar together.

She planned to take these things back and let Orochimaru and Dr. Brief study them.

In addition.

Uchiha Hikaru also vaguely felt that the "spiritual power" in this space was unusually abundant.

That's right.

"Spiritual power" comes from the power of the soul, and is very similar to the nature of Yintun Chakra and the fifth element. Theoretically, it can be refined and fused. If you practice spiritual power here, it should be twice the result with half the effort.

It's a pity that she can't engrave dead objects, so she can't use the "eight thousand spears" to absorb directly...


Uchiha Hikaru began to put his idea into practice, splitting out a shadow clone and trying to cultivate chakra, qi, and spiritual power here.

Fenrir was very curious about her actions, and from time to time he came over to sniff and ask questions. It was like a house cat meowing and teasing its owner at work.

There was no way.

Uchiha Hikaru could only split out one more shadow clone to watch TV and play cards with him, while the remaining shadow clones were advancing the training plan in an orderly manner.

Because there was no concept of time in Nibelungen, the electromagnetic field was also somewhat abnormal, and the display clock on the mobile phone had long been invalid, so Uchiha Hikaru could only understand the time changes in the outside world through Eri and others in the chat group.

[Bulma @Nameless: Xiao Guang, Miss Kikyo and I met Mr. Totosai, and he said that your sword is almost forged. Do you have time to come and see it recently? ]

[Nameless: Wait a few days, explain to Mr. Totosai for me. ]

If she goes to the world of Inuyasha now, when Uchiha Hikaru comes back, she will be teleported directly to Eri. She doesn't want to take another flight and then go around all over BJ to swipe the card...

[Bulma: OK. Speaking of Inuyasha's brother named Seshomaru, he is really handsome and powerful. I saw him take action a few days ago... It's a pity that his personality is too cold, and he doesn't like humans very much, otherwise I really want to get to know him. ]

[Yotani Miko: Really, has Miss Bulma taken a photo of him? ]

[Unknown: [Comic screenshot.jpg]]

[Unknown: By the way, Seshomaru doesn't dislike humans, but likes younger ones. Bulma, you are too old for him...]

[Bulma:? ]

In addition to chatting, Uchiha Hikaru also told the group about what he saw in Nibelungen, and emphasized Kikyo and Namikaze Minato.

Both of them expressed strong curiosity.

[Kikyo: The kingdom of the dead... sounds a bit like the underworld here, but it's incredible that even the basic elements of fire, fire, and wind can be "killed". It would be great if I had the chance to see it with my own eyes. ]

[Namikaze Minato: It's really amazing. If what you said is true, Miss Guang, ordinary people in the dragon world don't seem to have reincarnation? Only the Dragon King can do it? ]

[Wumi: It's possible. ]

[Wumi: In short, do you have any ideas about driving these "spiritual" elements? I want to try to use this place to practice spiritual power and Yin Dun Ninjutsu. ]


Time passed quickly during the exchange and discussion.

It was the weekend again in a blink of an eye.

In Uchiha Guang's expectation, Xia Mi should come to see Fenrir at this time. After all, the weekend is the school holiday, and Fenrir's snacks also need to be replenished.

However, things did not happen as she expected.

Until Sunday night, Xia Mi still showed no signs of appearing.

"By the way, Xiaofen, how often does your sister usually come?"

After watching "God of Gamblers 2" with Fenrir, Uchiha Hikaru couldn't help asking again.

"...I don't know, sometimes it takes a long time, sometimes it takes a short time. There was another time before when she didn't come for a very long time."

There is no clock in Nibelungen, and Fenrir's IQ is not high, so he can't tell the specific time.

However, according to Uchiha Hikari's estimate, that "long, long time" was probably when Xia Mi went to Shilan Middle School in Fujian to find Odin and Chu Zihang. He estimated that he stayed there for at least a year. But usually, her arrival has no rules, just casually.

no way.

Uchiha Hikaru planned to go out first to purchase some daily necessities.

She has been living in the house where the universal capsule was thrown out for the past few days. She has no problem bathing, eating, etc., and she doesn't need to pay too much attention to her image. After all, she is the only one here. But after staying in the Nibelung for a long time, I felt a little stuffy and wanted to go out for some fresh air.

"you are leaving?"

Fenrir panicked a little, his huge body stood up like a cat, and asked pitifully: "Will you come back again?"

"Yes, I will."

Uchiha Hikari nodded: "I will stay in this city for a while. In a few days... I will come again around Friday. Remember to let me in directly. I don't want to spend the whole day visiting the buses. stuck."


Just when Uchiha Hikaru packed up his things and planned to leave temporarily.

Suddenly something moved in her heart. She put her ear to the railway track and listened for a moment. She vaguely caught a small sound, like footsteps, appearing in the long tunnel and approaching here.

Fenrir next to him, after a brief period of astonishment, suddenly became energetic:

"Sister, it's sister..."


Xia Mi, are you here at this time?

On the other side, the people in the tunnel seemed to feel something, their speed increased, and they rushed over like lightning!

A moment!

Uchiha Hikari stood up suddenly, and his eyes met a pair of red-gold golden eyes, which emerged from the depths of the dark tunnel, like two dancing will-o'-the-wisps.

"...Fenrir, who is she?"

Along with these words, a figure wearing a black hoodie appeared from the junction of the tunnel and the crypt.

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