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Chapter 151 Heaven and Earth as a Furnace vs. Black Sun!

Uchiha Hikaru narrowed her eyes slightly and looked forward in the dim light.

It was a fair and beautiful face.

Crystal clear eyes, thick eyelashes like small brushes, delicate skin, radiant, like the most perfect work of art by a sculptor.

She was about 1.6 meters tall, with a slender and upright figure, faintly outlined by a hoodie and jeans. The whole person exuded the unique youthfulness of a young girl, which made people unforgettable.

In short, it was a very eye-catching girl.

And at this moment...

The girl was narrowing her eyes and looking at Uchiha Hikaru with a scrutinizing look, her eyes were as sharp as a knife!

"Sister, you are here!"

Fenrir's dragon face full of bone protrusions showed a happy expression: "This is my new friend, called..."

The king's low voice stopped abruptly.

Fenrir seemed to realize at this time that he didn't know Uchiha Hikaru's name.

Xia Mi didn't seem surprised by this. Her eyes stayed on Uchiha Guang from beginning to end, with undisguised vigilance and suspicion: "Who are you?"

"...Uchiha Guang."

Uchiha Guang gave his real name.


Xia Mi frowned.

She didn't think of "Naruto" at once, but she felt that it was a bit strange for such a Japanese name to appear here.

"How did you find this place, who told you about us, and what do you want to do?"

"...I said I can predict the future, do you believe it?"

Uchiha Guang asked half-jokingly.


Xia Mi sneered.

From her point of view, Uchiha Guang's existence is an extremely dangerous signal-

She and Fenrir have not been awakened for a long time, only in the past ten years.

Since waking up, Fenrir has never left here, and Xia Mi has been very cautious every time she goes in and out, and has never left any clues for others to trace.

As dragon kings who have just awakened and have not yet recovered their strength, they carry too many secrets and are too heavy. There are countless people who want to kill or get them. Once the location of this Nibelungen is exposed to other dragon kings or the human hybrid society, it means that they will face a catastrophe.

In particular, Xia Mi met Odin a few years ago and vaguely guessed what he wanted to do...

In this case, it is inevitable to make some preconceived associations.

"... I don't know who instructed you, but since you are here, don't think about going back."

Xia Mi narrowed her eyes slightly and said softly: "Since you didn't directly attack my brother, I will give you a chance. As long as you are willing to tell the truth and promise to stay in this Nibelungen, I can consider not killing you. Otherwise..."

As he spoke.

An invisible murderous aura emanated from Xia Mi and slowly spread in the air.

Uchiha Guang looked at her silently for a moment, and sighed faintly: "It seems that you don't think I have the right to talk to you on an equal footing."

"That's right."

Xia Mi nodded and said in a very natural tone: "In our world, only those who hold power and strength are qualified to bargain, and the weak are only worthy of dying as ants. Didn't the person who sent you here tell you these truths?"

"...You are right."

Uchiha Guang nodded slightly to express his agreement.

To be honest, Xia Mi's current reaction is what a dragon king with power and strength should have when he suddenly sees her, a visitor from another world, and Fenrir is an alien. It just so happens that she also wants to see how strong these dragon kings are.

After a short silence.

Xia Mi gently raised her arm, and the majesty of a monarch emerged from her body. This majesty turned into a transparent field visible to the naked eye, spreading in all directions. The ground around her began to crack and shatter, and countless metal fragments slowly rose up, spinning and colliding around her body, as if the sickle-wielding death god was flying around the throne.

Word Spirit Realm.

At the same time, Uchiha Guang also unfolded a seal scroll, and more than a dozen long swords appeared out of thin air in front of her, lifted up and floating by an inexplicable force.

——This is the effect of spiritual power.


Xia Mi raised her eyebrows.

As the Dragon King, she was a little confused about the means used by Uchiha Guang at the moment.

However, out of caution, she immediately ordered Fenrir: "Fenrir, stay away from her!"

Fenrir was still a little confused at this time.

With his limited IQ, he could not fully understand what was happening in front of him. Until Uchiha Guang nodded and said the same thing, he carefully used his black wings to gather the pile of bottle caps and candy wrappers next to him, moved them to the corner of the crypt, and then used his body to block them in front.

This action took about three or four minutes.

During the whole process, Uchiha Guang and Xia Mi were waiting quietly, and their fighting spirit was always kept at a relatively suppressed level.

Until Fenrir was in position.

The two of them hummed at the same time, and the two powerful auras rose steadily in a very short time, as if an invisible air curtain rose up, sweeping the distance of dozens of meters between the two people, and then collided in mid-air!

Also colliding were the weapons in their hands!


At this moment, a strong electromagnetic phenomenon appeared in the surrounding air, melting the rails on the ground.

The metal debris that had been circling and colliding for a long time condensed into a giant sickle with branches and branches in front of Xia Mi, and spread out in this cave together with the field called death. Almost at the moment of swinging, it appeared in front of Uchiha Guang, and then was blocked by her with a knife at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

At this time, the blade and her face were less than 30 centimeters apart!


The breeze blowing from the blade gently lifted the hair on Uchiha Guang's forehead.

The black beautiful pupils covered the bright red fire in her eyes.

"Good reaction."

Xia Mi nodded slightly and gave an evaluation: "But it's not enough!"

As she spoke, Xia Mi suddenly exerted force, and the giant sickle blocked by the blade pressed forward again!

At the same time, Uchiha Guang also opened the seventh-level moment, slowly retreating while swinging the knife at a speed 128 times faster, swinging nearly a thousand times in just a few seconds!


With a loud bang, the long sword exploded into countless pieces, and the giant sickle was also retracted with scars, but it immediately began to absorb the metal debris in the surrounding air, and then continued to purify, condense, and twist... Turned into a sickle that was even bigger than before!

——Word Spirit·Heaven and Earth as a Furnace!

On the other side.

Uchiha Guang's figure retreated to the innermost part of the cave like a light butterfly, watching Xia Mi's movements intently, and at the same time threw away the bare handle in his hand, opened his hands, and the other two long swords automatically came to her palm, and then slowly opened to both sides.

Two days and one flow·Two days in the sun!

With this action, a dark arc also appeared behind Uchiha Guang, and the bright red edge slightly reflected her little face. At this moment, she looked like a god standing in the flowing clouds and flames, with a strong demeanor and majesty.

Word Spirit·Black Sun!

After doing all this, Uchiha Hikaru slowly raised his head and stretched his neck.

"Come on, Jörmungandr, let me see your limit!"

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