I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 152 Xia Mi, I, Uchiha Guang, would like to call you the strongest! (The third update)


Xia Mi's pupils shrank slightly.

She didn't mention that her real name was "Jormungandr" just now. Although Fenrir was a little stupid, he probably wouldn't tell such a secret to a stranger.


(This woman knows the secret of the Dragon King!)

"...That's what I want to say too!"

Xia Ya has realized that Uchiha Hikari is not an ordinary opponent. He is stronger than any human hybrid she has encountered so far. If he only fights in human form, it may be a very difficult battle.



With a long breath, Xia Mi's hoodie was torn apart.

Blue-gray scales pierced the skin and covered her beautiful body, slowly expanding with her breathing.

The originally slender and soft hands turned into dark claws. The sharp bone spurs protruded out of the ground. The surrounding metal fragments began to condense from the moment they attached, and a layer of sparkling metal crystals precipitated on the surface of the bone blade.

Dragon transformation phenomenon.

"Don't you need to burst blood?"

At this time, Xia Mi did not forget to ask tentatively: "When the fight really starts later, you may not have a chance to use it."


Uchiha Hikari shook his head lightly and began to raise the chakra and energy. The meridians in his body that inhibited the flow of chakra began to loosen.


When the pronunciation of "good" has just been uttered.

Xia Mi's figure turned into a series of phantoms, flying out like lightning, several times faster than before! Even with the dynamic vision of the Sharingan, I can only vaguely capture a rough trajectory!

"……So fast!"

Uchiha Hikaru took a deep breath, mobilized all his strength, and faced the enemy head on with an absolutely serious attitude for the first time!

Word Spirit·Immortal, open!

Eight-door Dunjia, the first door is open, the second is the injury door, the third is the life door... open!

——During this period, Uchiha Hikari also spent some time studying the Eight-door Dunjia. Although the latter doors are not easy to open, it is still very cost-effective to only open the first three doors and use them as gain buffs.


At the eighth level, 256 times the speed of the attack, it exploded!

In an instant, Uchiha Hikaru rushed out at a speed no less than Xia Ya, his body drew another arc of lightning in mid-air, and his two swords met the oncoming giant scythe!

when! when! when!

Fire bursts!

At this moment, both Natsumi and Hikaru Uchiha erupted with power that far exceeded that of "imperial hybrids" like the Genji brothers. Milky-white sound cones erupted behind the two of them. The shock waves caused by each confrontation would The substantial air blade was formed and swayed out, leaving clear gouge marks on the surrounding ground and air.

The dragon blood in Xia Mi's body was already boiling, and the death realm formed expanded to every corner of the cave.

Uchiha Hikari expanded the territory of the "Black Sun", pulling the surrounding gravel and iron filings closer to the black hole behind him. At the same time, he opened his eyes wide and used his dynamic vision to the limit to capture Xia Xia. Mi's every move.

Because "Immortal" was turned on, her body's strength was increased to an extremely hard level in a short period of time, but the clothes on her body were ripped open one after another.


Under this situation, Uchiha Hikaru gradually showed an excited smile.

"very good."

"In this world, no opponent I have ever encountered can beat you in physical skills... I, Uchiha Hikaru, would like to call you the strongest!"


Xia Mi didn't say anything, the golden color in his eyes seemed to be burning, and his whole body exploded with indescribable speed and jumping power, leaping into the sky.

Uchiha Hikari also rose into the sky using the dance technique, ignoring gravity and chasing after Xia Ya.

During this process, the weapons in the hands of the two men continued to swing, collide, break, and shatter... forming huge amounts of metal fragments scattered in all directions, and the surrounding gravel also rose into the air under the gravity of the "black sun", and fell into the air. The huge space was burned until it was red, and then either crushed by the shock waves of the battle, or cut into the surrounding rock walls like machine gun bullets.

Amidst the huge roar.

The ground shook!

The molten metal droplets from the rails rotate, collide, and burn in the surrounding air! Emit endless light and heat!


Metal fragments also began to gather towards Uchiha Hikaru, and the broken hilt of the knife in her hand re-condensed into the shape of a long blade.

——Yan Ling·Heaven and earth are the furnace!


Xia Mi's pupils shrank slightly.

Generally speaking, human hybrids can only have one kind of speech spirit.

Even dragon kings can generally only use the word spirit of their own lineage. For example, the king of bronze and fire can use the fire-based Blazing Sun, King Flame, and even Rhine and Candle Dragon, but it is difficult to use the wind. The dust-free land of the system.

Of course, this conclusion is not absolute.

In the long history, there have indeed been very few human freaks who were able to use multiple kinds of speech spirits - but this "plural" generally does not exceed two, including the situation of advanced speech spirits.

Among the Dragon Kings, there are also beings like her and Jörmungandr who are good at learning and imitating. They can imitate the speech spirits of other kings through the fine control of elemental power.


What on earth is this girl in front of me? !

If it were a human, she would have used more than three types of words, and all of them were powerful words with extremely high serial numbers.

If it were a dragon, she had used "Moment" from the Wind King, "Immortality" from the Mountain King, "Black Sun" No. 110 which does not exist in human textbooks, and "Heaven and Earth as Furnace" from the Fire King... From all indications, the last "Heaven and Earth as Furnace" seemed to be something she had just learned in this battle!

This! No! Impossible!

In terms of learning and imitating, Xia Mi considered herself to be the strongest among the four kings and eight twins.

But even she had to go through a period of exploration and experimentation before she mastered the word "Heaven and Earth as Furnace". After all, the serial number of "Heaven and Earth as Furnace" was 96, which was already in the category of high-risk words, and the difficulty of imitating it was not at the same level as those regular words before No. 80.

The only one who can do this in battle is...

"Who are you?!"


Uchiha Guang frowned, not quite understanding Xia Mi's nonsense.

But Xia Mi had already made a judgment-

It is impossible for an ordinary single dragon king to imitate the abilities of other kings at will.

The only one who can do this is a combined dragon king, or... an existence of the same level or even higher!

During the years when he and his brother were asleep, has a dragon king already achieved this? !

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